Razer Viper V2 Pro wireless dongle no loner working | Razer Insider

Razer Viper V2 Pro wireless dongle no loner working

Userlevel 1

My Razer Viper V2 Pro's wireless dongle randomly stopped working and I don't know why. It was working fine one day then the next it no longer works, is there any way to get this item replaced? I even bought the hyper polling wireless dongle from Razer and now I can’t use either wireless features. 

33 Replies

Userlevel 7

Try running the firmware update and utility tool by following the steps here. If that didn’t help, PM me the serial number so I can validate its model and check for other model-specific steps to help you address the wireless connection issue. Thank you!

@Razer.Zionzedd I’m also having the same problem. Sometimes the dongle works for a few seconds and then dies again. Already sent a ticket, but I’m a bit worried about the process because I’m from the PH.

Try running the firmware update and utility tool by following the steps here. If that didn’t help, PM me the serial number so I can validate its model and check for other model-specific steps to help you address the wireless connection issue. Thank you!

i face the same problem ,and follow your method step update that but it cant work as well

Try running the firmware update and utility tool by following the steps here. If that didn’t help, PM me the serial number so I can validate its model and check for other model-specific steps to help you address the wireless connection issue. Thank you!

i face the same problem ,and follow your method step update that but it cant work as well


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Today I experienced the same..the dongle was working while connected to PC and then I transfered the dongle to another PC to use that and it installed driver and then suddenly stopped working. Now it’s not working on any of the computers anymore..tried firmware update and utility tool, nothing makes the dongle work anymore, it’s dead..serial number is PM2218H24303063

Hi, 2 or 3 days ago my razer viper v2 pro has also stopped working via wireless out of a sudden. i was using it just fine the days before but it works fine when plugged in with the cable. i have tried all thw fixes that i searched online such as the firmware update, reinstalling synapse etc etc and its still not working. serial number is PM2220H24500888. 

same issue for me today as well. it’s all laggy & keeps disconnecting from both my macbook & windows computer. can’t seem to find anything to fix it. 

Same thing for me. It won't even connect anymore. The wired version still works so it has to be something wrong with the dongle. Serial number: CCAH20LP4240TB

I am having the same issue, i’ve checked the USB ports and they are all fine, so they are not the issue. The dongle itself works on other computers just fine but when plugged into my it isn’t detected at all. The mouse only works if manually wired. I also did the firmware update using synapse and that didn’t see to work either.

ive recieved my viper v2 pro on the 11th of april this year...its already not working WOW not even 3 months.200$ mouse, this is a joke! i got the v2 because i was disapointed with the logitech g pro wich had issues after 5 months. this was my first experience with razer products and will be my only one. If thats the best that money can buy with razer, never again will i buy razer. NEVER!


-you only have one shot at making a first impression-

Try running the firmware update and utility tool by following the steps here. If that didn’t help, PM me the serial number so I can validate its model and check for other model-specific steps to help you address the wireless connection issue. Thank you!

i face the same problem ,and follow your method step update that but it cant work as well

i have the same p-roblem who can i talk with to fix it i ther up-date and it still did not work i have tried everything and it still doesn't work

hi razer viper v2 pro   problem s/n pm2218H24408794  model no rz01-04390100 


 this mouse does not work without cable connection help please

this happened after update

this happened after update

this is not the only issue you will be getting… i also have dead threads in the scroll wheel. that cheap feeling it has is exactly what it is, cheap. my best advice is return it and get a mouse from a different company. the only language billion dollar companies understand is the loss of money! otherwise they keep selling us crap and saying sorry after, meanwhile, we are stuck with the headache.

Hello, I'm facing the exact same problem. The dongle stopped working completely, it only works with cable now. So my WIRELESS mouse only works WIRED now.. I can't believe a $200 mouse already broken after a few months of usage.. How to fix this problem? Or is there no fix and I should just return it?? 

same thing for me, my 200$ WIRELESS mouse only works WIRED

Hello! I bought my mouse like half a year ago. Now, apparently, it works only wire way. When I’m trying to connect this wire to the dongle - nothing. When I’m trying to connect my USB-reciever - nothing as well. It works only by wire, although everything was OK approximately a day ago. What should I do? I tried everything, as I think: Razer Synapse things, followed instructions from Razer support website - nothing helped.

Please, help me! <3

Having the exact same issue and glad it’s not just me. I have to plug the mouse in now, wireless no longer works. I’m on Windows 11, wonder if there was an update. I just tried to update the firmware on the mouse, and the dongle wouldn’t register as plugged in at all, had to do the manual wired update. Going to try installing Synapse again, but last time I did that it kept stealing focus while gaming. I guess we’ll see

My dongle isn’t even recognized by Windows or Linux anymore. Wtf happened? Do dongles die out that easily or did Razer fuck something up with the firmware updates?

Hi, my Razer Viper V2 Pro wireless dongle was susdenly stopped working. Even I tried to update formware but the software can never recognize the dongle. S/N: PM2227H25400750.

Hi, recently bought one as well, wireless worked for maybe 5 mins and stopped working S/N is: PM2239H24500888

Hi, my Razer Viper V2 Pro wireless dongle was susdenly stopped working. Even I tried to update formware but the software can never recognize the dongle. S/N: PM2227H25400750.

Same problem here, it worked for the first 5 mins and now the dongle is not recognized by the computer at all.

Try running the firmware update and utility tool by following the steps here. If that didn’t help, PM me the serial number so I can validate its model and check for other model-specific steps to help you address the wireless connection issue. Thank you!

im facing same problem😫

i uninstalled razer synapse, and removed viper v2 pro from device manager on windows 11. restarted fixed. the problem. now i cant customize the razer functions but it has onboard memory from the last time i ran the synapse app. i dont know when it will disconnect but i dont think the dongle is the problem. its maybe the drivers or software. issues happened after a synapse update or windows update.


Ive been facing the same problem as well, my dongle has not been working ever since. I tried connecting to another laptop but that also dosent work. it only works wired and when i do try doing wireless it dosent work but only blink 2 lights. ive tried updating but i could only update the mouse due to the dongle just not working when i connected it. Can i please have help
