Razer Wolverine Tournament Edition not working at Windows 10 Boot | Razer Insider

Razer Wolverine Tournament Edition not working at Windows 10 Boot

  • 14 January 2020
  • 3 replies

As Razer must know for at least half a year:
The Razer Wolverine is famous: For failing hard.

Loads of people in Steam wrote what I'll write here, just so that Razer cannot continue to claim "it's a first" in E-Mails.

When the Razer Wolverine TE is connected when Windows 10 starts, it will not work.
The Windows device manager (devmgmt.msc) simply shows "Device not recognized" and disabling and such has no effect. It needs to be physically disconnected. Note that of course the LEDs are also not working and the controller isn't recognized at all.

As there are already several threads from 2019 mentioning this, I somehow doubt Razer give's a sh*t. Anyway, for anyone who reads this in a couple of years or whatever: just get your money back if you still can.

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3 Replies

Userlevel 7
Hi there! Thanks for posting your concern here. Have you downloaded the Xbox version of Razer Synapse for Windows 10 and see if the same behavior happens? If you haven't, please click this link to download the app and see if it helps.
Thank you very much for your sincere answer.
Using this app actually fixed the problem.

For everyone who has the same problem and arrives here:
You need to use the app that the razer dev posted above and not the "Razer Wolverine for XBox" App.
Also note that it seems that you have to update Windows10 at least version 1909 (Build 18363) and then uninstall, reboot, and (re)install the app for this to work (at least that worked in my case).

Even if the linked Razer app tells you to update/download and refuses to do anything else - it still fixes this bug.
I assume you most probably already read somewhere the razer synapse app is broken/not working and indeed is rated so very bad since it doesn't work -- you continue clicking 'download' with no effect and you cannot do anything with the app. But:

Just reboot with the broken app installed that continues to tell you to update/download and doesn't do anything else.
Despite not being able to do anything with the app it's supposed to do - it still fixes this bug!

Again, thank you Razer.SpeedCr0ss for the correct solution as I would've never guessed that the broken app is actually the working fix.
Userlevel 7
Thank you very much for your sincere answer.
Using this app actually fixed the problem.

For everyone who has the same problem and arrives here:
You need to use the app that the razer dev posted above and not the "Razer Wolverine for XBox" App.
Also note that it seems that you have to update Windows10 at least version 1909 (Build 18363) and then uninstall, reboot, and (re)install the app for this to work (at least that worked in my case).

Even if the linked Razer app tells you to update/download and refuses to do anything else - it still fixes this bug.
I assume you most probably already read somewhere the razer synapse app is broken/not working and indeed is rated so very bad since it doesn't work -- you continue clicking 'download' with no effect and you cannot do anything with the app. But:

Just reboot with the broken app installed that continues to tell you to update/download and doesn't do anything else.
Despite not being able to do anything with the app it's supposed to do - it still fixes this bug!

Again, thank you Razer.SpeedCr0ss for the correct solution as I would've never guessed that the broken app is actually the working fix.

Hey there! Thanks for keeping me updated. Hoping that your Razer Wolverine TE is working now. I'll forward your feedback to the team. Feel free to send me a PM should you need another assistance.