Stealth 15 2019 Integrated camera has a purple tint | Razer Insider
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Stealth 15 2019 Integrated camera has a purple tint

  • 30 April 2020
  • 3 replies

I just got this laptop and I'm unsure if the camera is broken or it's just terrible. Kind of sucks the camera can't work as good as my cell phone :(

The picture is of my wife's shirt on the left which is actually black to our eyes. On the right my shirt is a white shirt but has a slight purple tint in the camera.

I've tried different camera apps and they all have it, so I've ruled that out.
The photo does appear to be discolored. Do you get the same results even when plugged in and what troubleshooting steps have you tried aside from switching to different apps?
Yes. I've tried different spots around the house. I did find a camera tweak app that let me adjust various aspects about the camera such as brightness, color, low light exposure etc, but nothing seemed to get rid of it. I did read about some support for an HP laptop that had the same affect and it said that it had something to do with IR light, but I wasn't sure how to disable that to test it out.
To be honest, I am positive that this has something to do with the camera itself, and it would be almost impossible to fix using the software. That said, I have no knowledge of any software that can disable the IR light. Our best course of action would be to have our Systems team do further troubleshooting. PM me the serial number of your RBS so I can start a ticket on your behalf.