Synapse 2.0 network not available can't login | Razer Insider
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Hello, as many other users:




I’m also having an issue where i can’t login to synapse 2, firewall disabled, no VPN, ipv6 disabled;

also tried on another PC with a different IP: same result.

Could be great to get an answer to this issue, as many threads about this just get ignored.




at this point, even the Razer support doesn’t help

Me: -”I get a <Network Not Available> error when I try to log in to Razer Synapse, despite having no firewall, no VPN, it also happenson another PC, and i'm also seeing a lot of other people on razer's forum that are having the same issue, is there a fix to this?

Razer support:  -”ok, have you tried to disable the firewall? Have you tried it on another System? (laptop, computer)? Does this issue happen if Synapse is NOT running in the background?”

Me: -”Did you even read what i’ve wrote? it’s already answered within the first message and I need synapse to run to be able to login, so this question doesn't make sense.”

Razer support: “Thank you so much for your prompt response! To further isolate your case, we'll need you to answer the following questions.
Have you tried to disable firewall?”

clown support only copy pasting pre written answers, not even reading the question. + dead forum..
this brand is such a joke, will never buy anything from razer again.


Had issue with Synapse 2 and Orbweaver. Windows logs showed that Synapse 2 failed to create TLS connection and it seems that MS has disabled older unsecure TLS versions in windows.


So I googled guide how to enable old TLS from windows registry. Logged in Synase 2, got Orbweaver working again, set Synapse to offline mode and disabled unsecure TLS version from windows registry.


Would be nice if Razer either update old Synapse 2 to use up to date TLS or add Orbweaver support to Synapse 3.


