Very odd problem with Synapse. | Razer Insider
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Okay, so.. I just got myself a nice shiny new Basilisk V3.. but I went to run a round of R6 Siege to see how it handled and I noticed that every time I dropped the mouse so to speak after a swipe, it'd activate my gadget (scroll wheel click.) So I alt tabbed out into a web page, and if I just lift the mouse slightly and drop it down, all sorts happens? Scroll wheel click activates, right click menu pops up.. all sorts. At first I was just like "Hm, maybe mouse is faulty, sensitive buttons or some such?" But then I closed Synapse while going through so trial and error stuff, and with synapse deactivated, it doesn't do it? What exactly in synapse would cause that? and ideas on a potential fix or such? No idea where to even start because it's such a just.. weird issue?

Update: Seems tied to lift off distance? I did a custom calibration on my mouse surface and it had the lift off distance at 5mm, but if I used smart tracking which was at 2mm it didn't do it.. so I set my custom calibration to 2mm and that stopped it? Seriously weird..
Did you try to connect your device to a different computer and check if it yields the same issue? Try isolating the behavior of your Synapse by performing a clean reinstallation. If that doesn't help, please send me the serial number of your Basilisk V3 via PM. That way, I can take a closer look at the issue and help you better. I'll lock this thread now.