Why Have A 24 Hour Time Limit On Tech Support? | Razer Insider
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Why does communicating with Razer tech support (via email) have a 24 hour time period cut-off limit? Doesn’t tech support understand that not all problems can be solved in under 24 hours time? This is horrible etiquette.


If you are in the process of troubleshooting your peripherals (or the Synapse program), in hopes of trying to narrow down the culprit, then Razer will automatically send you a 24 hours notice. This email notice informs you that your case number will be closed once that period has expired. Thus, plummeting everything back into tech-limbo. So we users must open another case number and begin the hokey pokey dance all over again. This is ridiculous, absurd, and a cheap gaslighting tactic. 


How are we supposed to: “Share Your Sweet Support Stories”, when the actual tech support process is sour & bitter?


Again, I’ll ask the same question as I did in a previous thread (which, mind you, was locked-down so no one could actually share their real experience): Is Razer Tech Support (via email) just another AI Chat Bot? (https://insider.razer.com/razer-support-45/is-razer-tech-support-via-email-just-another-ai-chat-bot-52144)



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