I've been having trouble posting ion this forum, receiving an "Access Denied" message (and from doing some searching on this forum, I've found out that this is pretty common!!).
So, I'm going to try an experiment: I'm going to post little "pieces" of what I want to say at a time, then all you have to do is read all the separate little posts within this thread to get the overall message I'm trying to post.
OK, here goes......
To be continued:
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First, a little back story:
The first Razer product I had was the DeathAdder 3500 mouse; I think I got that back around when it first came out, so I've had since about 2009/ 2010. It lasted a long time, but, it was time for a new mouse.
So I got the Mamba Elite.
And then, I was also in the market for a new keyboard, and finally settled on the Ornata Chroma.
However, all these years of using the DeathAdder 3500, I had had the software program of Synapse 2 installed. Yes, it would notify me from time to time of updates, but it always stayed Synapse 2. I eventually uninstalled Synapse 2 after getting the new mouse & keyboard.
After getting the Mamba Elite and the Ornata Chroma, I see that there is a Synapse 3 out, which, after installation and an icon for it shows up in my Systray, it is called "Razer Central".
To be continued:
The first Razer product I had was the DeathAdder 3500 mouse; I think I got that back around when it first came out, so I've had since about 2009/ 2010. It lasted a long time, but, it was time for a new mouse.
So I got the Mamba Elite.
And then, I was also in the market for a new keyboard, and finally settled on the Ornata Chroma.
However, all these years of using the DeathAdder 3500, I had had the software program of Synapse 2 installed. Yes, it would notify me from time to time of updates, but it always stayed Synapse 2. I eventually uninstalled Synapse 2 after getting the new mouse & keyboard.
After getting the Mamba Elite and the Ornata Chroma, I see that there is a Synapse 3 out, which, after installation and an icon for it shows up in my Systray, it is called "Razer Central".
To be continued:
Now let me check something, because I'm pretty sure that when I had Synapse 2, that the installation size on my hard disc measured in megabytes.....
When I navigate my way to Program Files, there are two folders in there called "Razer" and "Razer Chroma SDK". The sizes of both of these folders is the same: 277 KB. OK, no problem there.
When I navigate my way to Program Files (x86), the same two folders are also in here: "Razer" and "Razer Chroma SDK". The size of the Razer Chroma SDK folder is 40.7 MB, but, the size of the Razer folder is......982 MB.
Geez, that is nearing 1 Gigabyte.
I still have the installer file on my hard drive; it lists the install file for Synapse 3 being at 4.56 MB. When I originally saw that, I though, Hmmm, maybe they streamlined it, because, I still have the installer file from years ago from a Synapse 2 installation; that installer file is 21.6 MB. But....I guess it turns out that that 4.56 MB size for the Synapse 3 installer is deceiving; it must then connect to the 'Net and download a whole bunch MORE, because as I mentioned, my Razer folder in Program Files (x86) is getting close to a Gigabyte in size. If my memory serves me, my Synapse 2 folder was maybe 200 MB's or so.
Is this "normal"? It's seems unusually large (almost a Gigabyte) for something that's just the software for a mouse and keyboard.
To be continued:
When I navigate my way to Program Files, there are two folders in there called "Razer" and "Razer Chroma SDK". The sizes of both of these folders is the same: 277 KB. OK, no problem there.
When I navigate my way to Program Files (x86), the same two folders are also in here: "Razer" and "Razer Chroma SDK". The size of the Razer Chroma SDK folder is 40.7 MB, but, the size of the Razer folder is......982 MB.
Geez, that is nearing 1 Gigabyte.
I still have the installer file on my hard drive; it lists the install file for Synapse 3 being at 4.56 MB. When I originally saw that, I though, Hmmm, maybe they streamlined it, because, I still have the installer file from years ago from a Synapse 2 installation; that installer file is 21.6 MB. But....I guess it turns out that that 4.56 MB size for the Synapse 3 installer is deceiving; it must then connect to the 'Net and download a whole bunch MORE, because as I mentioned, my Razer folder in Program Files (x86) is getting close to a Gigabyte in size. If my memory serves me, my Synapse 2 folder was maybe 200 MB's or so.
Is this "normal"? It's seems unusually large (almost a Gigabyte) for something that's just the software for a mouse and keyboard.
To be continued:
So, I started doing some random searches on the 'Net on Synapse 3. There are some comments out there that this program is considered "bloatware"; ummmmm, yeah, I think I might agree with that.
I also came across some comments that some consider this program something practically along the lines of Spyware. I know that can be debated, that some things are in a gray area.
To be continued:
I also came across some comments that some consider this program something practically along the lines of Spyware. I know that can be debated, that some things are in a gray area.
To be continued:
Sometimes when any of us install a software program, we don't always fully read the "agreement"; we just keep clicking Next, then OK.
I came across a post on the 'Net regarding Razer's Privacy Policy.
To be continued:
I came across a post on the 'Net regarding Razer's Privacy Policy.
To be continued:
Now let me check something, because I'm pretty sure that when I had Synapse 2, that the installation size on my hard disc measured in megabytes.....
When I navigate my way to Program Files, there are two folders in there called "Razer" and "Razer Chroma SDK". The sizes of both of these folders is the same: 277 KB. OK, no problem there.
When I navigate my way to Program Files (x86), the same two folders are also in here: "Razer" and "Razer Chroma SDK". The size of the Razer Chroma SDK folder is 40.7 MB, but, the size of the Razer folder is......982 MB.
Geez, that is nearing 1 Gigabyte.
I still have the installer file on my hard drive; it lists the install file for Synapse 3 being at 4.56 MB. When I originally saw that, I though, Hmmm, maybe they streamlined it, because, I still have the installer file from years ago from a Synapse 2 installation; that installer file is 21.6 MB. But....I guess it turns out that that 4.56 MB size for the Synapse 3 installer is deceiving; it must then connect to the 'Net and download a whole bunch MORE, because as I mentioned, my Razer folder in Program Files (x86) is getting close to a Gigabyte in size. If my memory serves me, my Synapse 2 folder was maybe 200 MB's or so.
Is this "normal"? It's seems unusually large (almost a Gigabyte) for something that's just the software for a mouse and keyboard.
To be continued:
Yes, the size is normal. We all have. Synapse 3 can do much more, therefore much bigger.
So, I started doing some random searches on the 'Net on Synapse 3. There are some comments out there that this program is considered "bloatware"; ummmmm, yeah, I think I might agree with that.
I also came across some comments that some consider this program something practically along the lines of Spyware. I know that can be debated, that some things are in a gray area.
To be continued:
Ok, yes there are some features like Silver Generator or Cortex. But this is Optional Synapse only transmits limited information to your hardware.
Sometimes when any of us install a software program, we don't always fully read the "agreement"; we just keep clicking Next, then OK.
I came across a post on the 'Net regarding Razer's Privacy Policy.
To be continued:
Seriously? Well, in general, I guess data is collected from all manufacturers. You're using a Windows 10 device, so you agreed to the Microsoft Liezen contract. You use Chrome or Firefox? Same here. You play games, yes, data is also sent to the manufacturer.
Actually there are only 2 options.
A: You return everything, shut down the computer and dispose of your router
B: You enjoy the products and share your data.
This post was from about a year ago, so, the wordage from Razer may have changed since then:
"...such as information about the amount of time you use our products/services for the pages you visit, your typing patterns, and other information about your activities while using our hardware or software".
"...such as information about your operating system, browser, software applications, IP address, geolocation, security status and other device information in order to improve your experience, to protect against fraud and manage risk".
For the person that put up this post I found, it came down to this:
Typing patterns = Keylogging
Pages I visit = Spyware
And I'll add this: When I launch Task Manager, right there on the Processes tab, there are 12 items/ processes running that are all linked to Razer (FPSRunner; GameManagerService; PMRunner 32 & 64; Razer Central; Razer Synapse; RazerCortex; RzKLService; etc.). That's alotta background processes running!! ;)
Well, let me know what you think......especially about the installation size on my hard drive of that Razer folder in Program Files (x86): 982 MB; almost a Gig!!
"...such as information about the amount of time you use our products/services for the pages you visit, your typing patterns, and other information about your activities while using our hardware or software".
"...such as information about your operating system, browser, software applications, IP address, geolocation, security status and other device information in order to improve your experience, to protect against fraud and manage risk".
For the person that put up this post I found, it came down to this:
Typing patterns = Keylogging
Pages I visit = Spyware
And I'll add this: When I launch Task Manager, right there on the Processes tab, there are 12 items/ processes running that are all linked to Razer (FPSRunner; GameManagerService; PMRunner 32 & 64; Razer Central; Razer Synapse; RazerCortex; RzKLService; etc.). That's alotta background processes running!! ;)
Well, let me know what you think......especially about the installation size on my hard drive of that Razer folder in Program Files (x86): 982 MB; almost a Gig!!
Hi M-S-G; thanks for jumping in on this thread.
And I managed to get everything posted that I wanted to get posted without receiving that "Access Denied" message....but just had to do it in bits and pieces :wink_:
So, you say the Synapse 3 folder install size (almost 1 Gigabyte) is "normal" after all. All that I wanted it for was so that I could program the lights on my mouse and keyboard; I shouldn't need a Gig's worth of data to do that. There should be something during the install process to let you pick precisely the features that you want and then forget the rest of that stuff.
And I'm not sure what you meant by "Optional Synapse only transmits limited information to your hardware". Well of course the Synapse program has to transmit information to the hardware (mouse and keyboard) in order for it to work. I'm just concerned with information it may be transmitting outside of my computer, across the 'Net, to the Razer company. They don't need to know things like, web sites visited; typing patterns/ keystrokes.
And yes, I have Windows 10 Pro; I have had Win 10 since it came out years ago. And when it first came out, hooo boy, it had lax features set by default that were some "security leaks" of a person's personal info. Most people when they launched Win 10 for the first time merely kept clicking Next and accepted all defaults; I did not. I turned off many of features in the Privacy Settings.
Use Chrome or Firefox? I do not. Especially not Chrome, because it is made by Google, and I trust Google about as far as I can throw them. I use the Brave browser, and for a search engine, I use www.duckduckgo.com.
And when I'm on the Internet, I utilize a VPN.
So no, I'm not going to return everything, shut down my computer and dispose of my router. Yes I enjoy the products I purchase for my computer, and once I've purchased it outright, then I own it; I am under no obligation to "share" anything more. And the companies that do that? Get a little too intrusive by wanting to mine your data and do who-knows-what with it? They're going to remove themselves from the market by these shady practices when more & more customers catch on.
You sound a little too trusting, my friend :rolleyes:
And I managed to get everything posted that I wanted to get posted without receiving that "Access Denied" message....but just had to do it in bits and pieces :wink_:
So, you say the Synapse 3 folder install size (almost 1 Gigabyte) is "normal" after all. All that I wanted it for was so that I could program the lights on my mouse and keyboard; I shouldn't need a Gig's worth of data to do that. There should be something during the install process to let you pick precisely the features that you want and then forget the rest of that stuff.
And I'm not sure what you meant by "Optional Synapse only transmits limited information to your hardware". Well of course the Synapse program has to transmit information to the hardware (mouse and keyboard) in order for it to work. I'm just concerned with information it may be transmitting outside of my computer, across the 'Net, to the Razer company. They don't need to know things like, web sites visited; typing patterns/ keystrokes.
And yes, I have Windows 10 Pro; I have had Win 10 since it came out years ago. And when it first came out, hooo boy, it had lax features set by default that were some "security leaks" of a person's personal info. Most people when they launched Win 10 for the first time merely kept clicking Next and accepted all defaults; I did not. I turned off many of features in the Privacy Settings.
Use Chrome or Firefox? I do not. Especially not Chrome, because it is made by Google, and I trust Google about as far as I can throw them. I use the Brave browser, and for a search engine, I use www.duckduckgo.com.
And when I'm on the Internet, I utilize a VPN.
So no, I'm not going to return everything, shut down my computer and dispose of my router. Yes I enjoy the products I purchase for my computer, and once I've purchased it outright, then I own it; I am under no obligation to "share" anything more. And the companies that do that? Get a little too intrusive by wanting to mine your data and do who-knows-what with it? They're going to remove themselves from the market by these shady practices when more & more customers catch on.
You sound a little too trusting, my friend :rolleyes:
Can understand your concerns about privacy. But on my private PC I don't care. Do not have to hide here. Yeah, I know, when everyone thinks like that, we give too much of ourselves away to the government. But hey, I don't mind that they see where I bought what, what games I play or who I text with or what I google.
I think for the government, we're getting more interesting if we want to stop all these things. Because if you're concerned with this, you don't want your browser history to be analyzed or generally want to be a ghost. But everybody has to know that for themselves.
I think for the government, we're getting more interesting if we want to stop all these things. Because if you're concerned with this, you don't want your browser history to be analyzed or generally want to be a ghost. But everybody has to know that for themselves.
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