Reading this thread
/error-142-solved.59237/ I understood that the problem occurs with defender protection, so I've put the folder
C:\\WINDOWS\\Installer\\Razer Central\\RCUninstall\\ in exclusions of Defender, and I was able to install it, however I don't like the idea of having a whole folder that is not checked by Defender, so after installing I removed it from exclusions.
I noticed that the uninstall.dat and uninstall.xml that the Synaspe installer puts in that folder are not signed, maybe that's why Defender prevents them from being installed?
If so I think Razer should make them signed, and not force the user to disable the protection, or put the folder in the exclusions as I did.
Currently synapse 3 uses windows api such as (KERNEL32 HOOKS, ws2_32 NETWORK, fileapi, and more ) which most good security solutions keep an eye on the user's system. and if not signed trust is highly suspicious of illicit activities, I don't know how this improperly not properly signed trust.
Hello Razer PERSONELL!!!
I have the same problem .. !! please tell me how to fix code 142 or i must send the product back to the store