Performance mode highlighting doesn't change when I use Fn+P shortcut | Razer Insider
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Hy folks,


i have a small issue with Synapse. When I use the Fn+P shortcut to change between Silent, Balanced and Manual mode, the shortcut does the job and change the mode for example from Balanced to Silent (I can hear that the fans are getting almost silent) but in Synapse the green higlighting stays at the Balanced mode, although the laptop is running on Silent mode. 

Tested with a 2022 Blade 15 and a 2022 Blade 17 and I experienced the same issue. I reinstalled Synapse on both devices, but the issue is still occurs.


Sorry for my bad english. 😣

I have the same problem. Banner saying not enough wattage for full optimal graphics. I have the original power  230 watt supply. Only getting balance mode. Is it a hardware /software conflict? Unable to get through to Razer Blade support. Any suggestions?
