Every time I go away from the Blade 15 and so it goes to lock screen, and then when it goes to sleep when I remain away even a little bit longer (because anyway Synapse prevents the PC to go directly to sleep, but that is another problem, one among so many more), while Synapse appears to still be active (present in the notification area) when I wake it up, it is in fact totally unresponsive, all device profiles are disabled as well as all the lighting (back to cycling spectrum default).
This happens with connected devices (Naga V2 Pro and DeathStalker V2 Pro TKL) as well as with the Blade alone, with no devices connected.
Honestly Razer, what the hell?
We are speaking about the software which is at the core of your ecosystem, which isn't only supposed to manage lighting, that would be a little bit less damaging if that was the case, but also to work as a driver for all kind of functions, from the system itself to all the connected devices.
I have never seen such a piece of failing software in my life, ever. A such important and essential software I mean, on which rely all the products a big and supposedly serious company like yours sell. This is absolutely ridiculous and an insult to your customers. It makes your products and many of your selling points, well, pointless. It's like selling cars with motors that start only five times out of ten. Are you able to see the problem or not?
On the good side, the UI is great, very clean and well designed, but hell, you need to rework this software from scratch because there is obviously something seriously wrong with the way this software is (not) working.
How do all other device selling companies do to have softwares that just, simply, work, and are able to survive such a basic thing like Windows going to lock screen? You probably should hire, my two cents (well, nope, my thousands of euros put in buying your stuff).
Hope we can see some big changes and improvements with the upcoming Synapse 4.0 release.