Synapse 2 mac fix detecting devices | Razer Insider
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This is the sulution for the problem i tested in Big Sur 11.4 and works

  • Boot into Recovery Mode: hold Cmd+R while starting up

  • Click the Utilities menu and select Terminal.

  • Disable SIP (System Integrity Protection) by running: csrutil disable

  • Execute the following command:

    /usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent add R2H967U7J8

  • Verify that team got added:

    /usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent list

Should output something like:

Allowed Team Identifiers:


  • Close the Terminal app and restart (normal reboot, not into Recovery Mode)

  • Open a terminal and load the extension with the following command (reboot (normally) when asked):

  • sudo kextload /Library/Extensions/RazerHid.kext

This should give a popup which tells to press the allow button in System Preferences

The button should be located at the bottom of the General tab in Security & Privacy

Something with SIP (System Integrity Protection) might be the reason why the allow button doesn't show up

(that's why we disabled SIP in Recovery Mode)

My settings for the System Preferences/Security & Privacy/Privacy tab I checked the boxes for:

  • Accessibility -> RzDeviceEngine

  • Input Monitoring -> RzUpdater, RzDeviceEngine

  • Full Disk Access -> RzUpdater, RzDeviceEngine

  • See if it works:

    Start Razer Synapse, probably it won't show the device

    disconnect, connect the device and it should appear

If this works, Re-enable SIP to maintain system security:

  • Boot again in Recovery mode (Command + R).

  • Open the terminal and run: csrutil enable

  • Close the terminal and reboot

For me it works, with SIP enabled, the only problem is that I have to reconnect the device each time I start my computer and open Razer Synapse. Razer Synapse will say "Please connect a Razer Synapse enabled device" until I reconnect it. I wrote a little shell script which will do this (to save my usb cables).
Then to reset the usb port with uhubctl in a shell script :

to install this on mac os :

  • make sure you have the latest xcode command line tools , you can force this by typing in a terminal window

    sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools

  • sudo xcode-select --install

  • install uhubctl by typing in a terminal window

    brew tap mvp/uhubctl

  • brew install uhubctl

  • use uhubctl to give a list of your ports by typing in the terminal window


where this a part of my result i get

Current status for hub 20-6 [0bda:5411 Generic 4-Port USB 2.0 Hub, USB 2.10, 4 ports, ppps]

Port 1: 0503 power highspeed enable connect [0bda:5411 Generic 4-Port USB 2.0 Hub, USB 2.10, 4 ports, ppps]

Port 2: 0100 power

Port 3: 0103 power enable connect [1532:0046 Razer Razer Mamba Tournament Edition]

Port 4: 0100 power
example to use wich you then can use in a script or whatever

uhubctl -l 20-6 -p 3 -a cycle -d 2

so the -l is the number of the hub you select (for me that was 20-6) and the -p is the port on that hub (port 3 for me)

-a cycle is to powercycle that port and -d 2 is to leave 2 second between the power off and on (for example you can set an delay here or for the uhubctl command in your sript also with for example "sleep 7"
so the scrypt would be (also added as png)

sleep 10

uhubctl -l 20-6 -p 3 -a cycle -d 2

then save it as .sh file

to make it executable

sudo chmod 755

to set an sh script to run at login change the .sh to .command to make your script directly executable wich you then can also add directly in system preferences > youraccount > login