I would like to convice my company to buy me a razer Naga Left handed for my work.
One good advantge would be to have several clipboards where to copy-paste stuff.
Since I'm doing a lot of copy pasting, I would like serveral clipboards. A work around would be to copy&paste in a file that would only be used to temparly store this data.
first clipboard
key1 would : copy data (Ctrl+C) -- open (txtA or sth else to store the data) -- paste the data ( Ctrl+V) -- close txtA
key4 would : open the txtA -- copy everything from it (Ctrl+A) -- paste the data on the selection - close txtA
Key7 would : open txtA -- delete all data -- close txtA
second clipboard
key2 would : copy data -- open (txtB or sth else to store the data) -- paste the data -- close txtB
key5 would : open the txtB -- copy everything from it -- paste the data on the selection - close txtB
Key8 would : open txtB -- delete all data -- close txtB
third clipboard
key3 would : copy data -- open (txtC or sth else to store the data) -- paste the data -- close txtC
key6 would : open the txtC -- copy everything from it -- paste the data on the selection - close txtC
Key9 would : open txtC -- delete all data -- close txtC
Could sth like this be done ?
If yes could one of you help doing the macros or give me some indication on how to do it ?
Thx for reading