Yes, I have noticed this problem too, I could not add Star Citizen PTU and EVE Online Singularity.
Noticed the same thing, when trying to at Star Citizen as well.
I can tell you gentlemen, I have submitted the issue twice to Razer Support, but it is just a Robot that is following up, not sure if a real human will look at this any time soon… pity, because I like Synapse4, but I will have to go back to Synapse 3 as is working fine, at least until version 4 gets more human care.
Still no word from Razer about this issue, support is not really helpful, it keeps switching from person to person asking the same none sense questions about the hardware and troubleshooting actions… they simply don’t read the feedback that is given over the case. No hope to see this resolved any time soon.
Hi everyone! I finally got around this issue because Razer is just not interested in getting it fixed.
Background: Synapse 4 don't use the path and .exe file to create the entry in the Linked Games, actually it uses the Product Name value stored as part of the description of the file which is added when the .exe is compiled, is a kind of metadata. You see these details when you do right click on the .exe and select the Details tab. Hence, when you try to add a second .exe file that has the same Product Name, like “Star Citizen”, it fails. I found this when testing options. When I changed the name of StarCitizen.exe to StarCitizenPTU.exe and tried to add it in Synapse 4, the .exe still was not getting registered, there is when I understood they were using the Product Name value to create their entries.
Workaround: The following procedure requires you to keep originals of the game's .exe files until the workaround is applied.
- WARNING: Make sure that the game is not open, nor the launcher, to avoid problems with Anti-Cheat or similar software.
- Download and install Resource Hacker, which is used to change the Product Name value of .exe files. Yes, the name of the tool does give you goosebumps, but after some digging, it doesn't look harmful (no virus, no malware). Watch the videos in Youtube that explain how to change the Product Name value using Resource Hacker, in this way I don't need to detail these steps below.
- Make a safe copy of the second .exe file that you want to add to Synapse 4 (make a copy to a different folder).
- Run Resource Hacker and open the .exe file in the game path. In my case was StartCitizen.exe under the PTU path.
- Now following the instructions that you found in the Youtube videos, change the Product Name to the text you want to see in Synapse 4’s Linked Games, I used "Star Citizen PTU”. Once done, remember to hit the green-play-button to compile the changes, and then save the file.
- You will find that Resource Hacker has kept a copy of the original .exe, but renamed to name_original.exe, in my case was StarCitizen_original.exe, and also created the .exe with the modified Product Name. Check if the Product Name value was actually changed in the modified .exe, if not, is because you forgot to hit the green-play-button that is used to compile the changes.
- Next, open Synapse 4's Linked Games, browse and select the modified .exe.
- Voila! A new entry gets created using the text that you defined in the Product Name's value of the modified .exe. Now you can choose your hardware and chroma profiles as usual.
- Finally, from the folder you chose, copy the original unmodified .exe back to original folder, replacing the modified .exe, also, you can delete the name_original.exe copy, is not needed. Do it to avoid problems with Anti-Cheat or similar software.
- And now you are done!

You will notice that Synapse 4 will not complain about or forget the second linked game with the same .exe name. I believe once the container gets created using the chosen text in the Product Name value, it will no longer checks, at this point it will actually use the path and .exe to recognize that the game is active and apply the hardware profile and chroma you defined.
Happy playing!!
BTW, now I need to figure out a workaround for Chroma RGB switching to the default profile when Lossless Scaling gets activated and stays like that until Lossless Scaling gets deactivated, although, it doesn't affect the hardware profile.
Nice workaround. You would think Razer might test the operation of the their gaming software with some actual games. This is hardly an obscure title!
This issue in not about testing game titles, is about the developers didn't think that you could have several instances of the same game installed in your computer. At the moment you can't register two instances of the same game/app that have the same .exe name but placed in different folders in their database. I have the same problem with EVE Online's Tranquility (production) and Singularity (test) instances.
synapse 3 was able to.
So it is needed
synapse 3 developers thought about that
I went back to Synapse 3 because of this problem, but for 2 versions of an application, which I need, I hope in future support will be implemented.
Can’t even link StarCitizen.exe anymore so donno what they changed, it links the launcher but the profile switches off as that gets minimised once the game runs.
Sorry for the double post but the Resource Hacker trick fixed it again, thanks RaasCaslo