So for few days i have this witd issue i contact support but with no luck on my side the idea how to fix this issue end.
Prieviosly i use Alienware m17x 2013 model and i have connected 2 usb hubs on laptop one is build in Asus PG348Q monitor and external TP-Link UH700 ver.3 with usb 3.0 the last hub was basestation chroma with i connect just nari ultimate dongle nothing more. On monitor hub i have/was connected Huntsman elite, goliatus extended chroma, sairen pro microphone on tp. link i have/was Nommo pro and mamba wirless.
ON alienware with this config everything work fine on blade not so i try co change hub this dont do anything, backup windows from recovery still nothing, update nommo pro firmware no luck update bios on blade to 1.5 and update the firmware this dont give anything. The last thing i try is uncheack the power menagment on usb in windows device menager but the devices go crazy reconnect and connect again everything. when i connect nommo pro to laptop direct i try for 6/7 minutes issue dont appear but it's not a splution becose of short cable and only 3x usb on blade ;/ On old Alienware like i sad before everything works with this config fine on other laptop i have on home also work.
Any idea how to fix this becose from my side i see only windows reinstall via windows media creation tool ;/
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Took a while to read your post and look at what a nommo pro was and how it connects.
Does anything work, volume, chroma, sound?
Consider direct connect and buy a well shielded usb extension cable short enough to do the job.
Also consider Ferrite Ring Cores on all the cables.
Does anything work, volume, chroma, sound?
Consider direct connect and buy a well shielded usb extension cable short enough to do the job.
Also consider Ferrite Ring Cores on all the cables.
Issue with reconnect just appear only on usb hub. Device works random time sometime few second another time 2/3 minutes but it's end every time as reconnect. Like i wrote in first post on direct connection it's working but for me it's not a solution more a problem becose on blade there are only 3x usb 3.1 and i have 6 devices and huntsman elite have 2 usb so total 7 usb cables to connect and it's not possible to do that, next thing is nommo from my knowlage mayby i'm wrong have own power on suboofer so usb cable should only send data and dont take a lot of power to power the device itself. On blutooh on laptop and phone spekers work fine but only in stereo mode for long time use it's the most dumb thing i can set ;/ For power itself laptop at moment when the issue appear take 45W and on second time when issue appear 51W so it's not a power issue next thing is on hub itself every other device connected with nommo works fine so there is also not a power iisue becose other devices will also be showing problem. Today i try to remove Dolby atmos app, realtek app and k-little codec pack but this alo dont give anything.
You did say the direct wasn't an option as the cable was to short.
The speakers work fine direct so it cant be them.
If you have only 1 hub (try each one) connected and just the speakers does that work?
You could also consider a powered USB hub.
I personally wouldn't put that much strain on any laptop.
Consider direct connect for the speakers to the USB C port via a converter cable.
The speakers work fine direct so it cant be them.
If you have only 1 hub (try each one) connected and just the speakers does that work?
You could also consider a powered USB hub.
I personally wouldn't put that much strain on any laptop.
Consider direct connect for the speakers to the USB C port via a converter cable.
uwag i try to connect cable on diffrent hub few days ago also disconnect everything from hub and just connect one cable of speakers this dont change anything. Other devices on hub/hub’s work fine just speakers have issue. Im prievios post i writerami abolutnie the power cosamption and it’s low 45 or 51W of 230W laptop powerbrixk is more then enofh to work great. The strange thing is on Asus G73JH old first gen i7 cpu everything work great from hub ike on Alienware i have just blade have this wieś issue with nommo obły i cant figurę it PIT.
only 2 options,
1) Buy a new USB C hub, put devices onto that and extend the nommo cable to the USB 3 port.
2) Factory reset the Razer Blade.
Make a backup of the images of your drive,
factory reset and don't connect to the internet.
Plug it all in and see if it works.
If it does then its a drivers conflict.
If it does not work then recover the system and C drive partitions to get back where you were.
and buy a USB C hub.
1) Buy a new USB C hub, put devices onto that and extend the nommo cable to the USB 3 port.
2) Factory reset the Razer Blade.
Make a backup of the images of your drive,
factory reset and don't connect to the internet.
Plug it all in and see if it works.
If it does then its a drivers conflict.
If it does not work then recover the system and C drive partitions to get back where you were.
and buy a USB C hub.
Factory reset i try before i contact support to system from recovery partition without luck there was a 4 or 6 attempts. The strange behavior is not only on one hub but on both so i dont think new hub will help. The issue here is My monitor hub have 3 devices connected so one port is used next port is for second hub where is another 3 devices but used 2 one mouse is deativate when i use another and last port on blade go to basetation chroma becose it's a stand with hub so connecting hub to hub is dumb idea. From what i see there is some kind a confict or mayby error with sending/reciving signal beetwen blade, hub or nommo itself. When we look at diffrent laptops i use and everything work we can assume it's a issue between blade and hub. this can be app, driver, firmware or something else but for sure it's an communitation issue ;/
Audio is a fickle thing and USB HUBs aren't exactly the best third wheel. Can you send me a PM with your case number and if possible, a video showing your current set up?
The new hub would have the nommo connected.
the nommo would connect direct to the laptop which works.
it may work with the new usb c hub as it has more power, bandwidth, etc.
the nommo would connect direct to the laptop which works.
it may work with the new usb c hub as it has more power, bandwidth, etc.
So for few days i have this witd issue i contact support but with no luck on my side the idea how to fix this issue end.
Prieviosly i use Alienware m17x 2013 model and i have connected 2 usb hubs on laptop one is build in Asus PG348Q monitor and external TP-Link UH700 ver.3 with usb 3.0 the last hub was basestation chroma with i connect just nari ultimate dongle nothing more. On monitor hub i have/was connected Huntsman elite, goliatus extended chroma, sairen pro microphone on tp. link i have/was Nommo pro and mamba wirless.
ON alienware with this config everything work fine on blade not so i try co change hub this dont do anything, backup windows from recovery still nothing, update nommo pro firmware no luck update bios on blade to 1.5 and update the firmware this dont give anything. The last thing i try is uncheack the power menagment on usb in windows device menager but the devices go crazy reconnect and connect again everything. when i connect nommo pro to laptop direct i try for 6/7 minutes issue dont appear but it's not a splution becose of short cable and only 3x usb on blade ;/ On old Alienware like i sad before everything works with this config fine on other laptop i have on home also work.
Any idea how to fix this becose from my side i see only windows reinstall via windows media creation tool ;/
I didn’t use my monitor USB ports and don’t have nommo pro as well, but on usb audio on nommo chroma I use always directly to Blade USB port without hub. Though just tried plugging to hub that I always use on other port, around an hour video playback there’s no reconnecting issues. There’s pch controller that manage pheriperals connection probably the bandwidth or traffic is too high for your Blade to maintain it, keep in mind there’s also TB3 connection there (unlike old devices you mentioned, maybe it doesn’t have TB3 right? and maybe faster speed may also be more potential inviting the “bandwidth jam”) going there. Maybe try using less hub or pheriperals. I use usually, nommo chroma one port, 5TB game storage one port, and a hub that contains firefly, BWX Te, lanchead dongle, Xbox controller.
I didn’t use my monitor USB ports and don’t have nommo pro as well, but on usb audio on nommo chroma I use always directly to Blade USB port without hub. Though just tried plugging to hub that I always use on other port, around an hour video playback there’s no reconnecting issues. There’s pch controller that manage pheriperals connection probably the bandwidth or traffic is too high for your Blade to maintain it, keep in mind there’s also TB3 connection there (unlike old devices you mentioned, maybe it doesn’t have TB3 right? and maybe faster speed may also be more potential inviting the “bandwidth jam”) going there. Maybe try using less hub or pheriperals. I use usually, nommo chroma one port, 5TB game storage one port, and a hub that contains firefly, BWX Te, lanchead dongle, Xbox controller.
It's hard to say what is the cause of the issue becose like i say hub have own brick 12V 2,5A and only support two active devices also hub is usb 3.0 so it should have 5GB/s bandwith mamba wirless work on wirless mode all the time so only reciver is connected and cable to nommo with have own power source on sub so should send only data. I dont think this two devices send more then 5GB/s data becose on alienware like i write before there was more devices connected like phone or true wirless buds etc. and there was no issue with power or data. I look at laptop stations but when i read about the internal ports like hdmi or dp that give poor quality video, lag and no support to 100 or 144hz displays i stop to look at them. USB hub on 3.1 i find only one but no-name company and it's quite scary that cam burn the laptop when something go wrong with this hub. The config i write was great becose one part of devices i can turn off like mousepad, keybord and mic when i turn off monitor and still have sound when i need charge something like wirless buds or i turn on just hub and other hardwere dont turn on. At this moment i dont now what to do with this issue in the end if nothing help or there will be on other way to fix this i buy thunderbolt converter ;/
It's hard to say what is the cause of the issue becose like i say hub have own brick 12V 2,5A and only support two active devices also hub is usb 3.0 so it should have 5GB/s bandwith mamba wirless work on wirless mode all the time so only reciver is connected and cable to nommo with have own power source on sub so should send only data. I dont think this two devices send more then 5GB/s data becose on alienware like i write before there was more devices connected like phone or true wirless buds etc. and there was no issue with power or data. I look at laptop stations but when i read about the internal ports like hdmi or dp that give poor quality video, lag and no support to 100 or 144hz displays i stop to look at them. USB hub on 3.1 i find only one but no-name company and it's quite scary that cam burn the laptop when something go wrong with this hub. The config i write was great becose one part of devices i can turn off like mousepad, keybord and mic when i turn off monitor and still have sound when i need charge something like wirless buds or i turn on just hub and other hardwere dont turn on. At this moment i dont now what to do with this issue in the end if nothing help or there will be on other way to fix this i buy thunderbolt converter ;/
Hmm, do you have usb hub like this? It’s for usb c but I’m using usb a converter to use it on Blade usb a port, since sometimes I use usb c port for Razer Core or usb c monitor. Maybe try use similar setting, you’ve 7 devices to connect, I’ve 6 with base station you can expand it. Today I’m using all day on nommo chroma without issue, the rest port i use firefly, BWX Te and lanchead. I’ve Rest two free USB A ports one for hdd, my monitor has two USB ports (but I don’t use it), so maybe you can use that port for base station. I’ve bunch smart watch and wireless devices but I never charge it on Blade unless I need data transfer like smartphone. I remember I couldn’t charge leviathan mini even with Razer Core, so I avoid such devices to charge on Blade system.
Hmm, do you have usb hub like this? It’s for usb c but I’m using usb a converter to use it on Blade usb a port, since sometimes I use usb c port for Razer Core or usb c monitor. Maybe try use similar setting, you’ve 7 devices to connect, I’ve 6 with base station you can expand it. Today I’m using all day on nommo chroma without issue, the rest port i use firefly, BWX Te and lanchead. I’ve Rest two free USB A ports one for hdd, my monitor has two USB ports (but I don’t use it), so maybe you can use that port for base station. I’ve
So today i update most drivers for sure i can tell blade is faster but still the issue with nommo dont go ;/ Right now i use regular usb hub 3.0 if system reinstall dont help but i think it didint i will buy something for usb-c i dont want to spend more money if it it's not a hardwere issue a lot go on laptop and few other things in this month :P
bunch smart watch and wireless devices but I never charge it on Blade unless I need data transfer like smartphone. I remember I couldn’t charge leviathan mini even with Razer Core, so I avoid such devices to charge on Blade system.
We miss understund on this

So today i update most drivers for sure i can tell blade is faster but still the issue with nommo dont go ;/ Right now i use regular usb hub 3.0 if system reinstall dont help but i think it didint i will buy something for usb-c i dont want to spend more money if it it's not a hardwere issue a lot go on laptop and few other things in this month 😜
We miss understund on this 😜 TP-Link UH700 have 3 acive ports (charging ports) and take power from powerbrick that have in box with this hub. So i dont need to have laptop running to charge something 😜 When i charge mouse or other device connected to this hub i just leave it on night while laptop is hidden in the sleave. In the morning i have everything charged and ready to go.
Yes I didn’t notice that hub with its own power, hmm, this two days I use nommo chroma on hub that I linked above with other three pheriperals on one Blade USB port so far there’re no issues. I’ve still one usb A port free, other i use for 5TB external storage, so theoretically I can add other 4 pheriperals using same hub but I don’t have other hub to test unfortunately...wait I’ve one but I think it’s slow usb 2.0, somewhere idk

So i try today to fix corrupted files via powershell on windows but still no luck and also found new issue when i change to razer cortex power plan now battery dont update the status and there is no info about the bettery. Any ideas how to fix this becose only solution i found is remove battery devices from windows device menager and go inside blade and uplug battery and hold power button 20 second then connect and screw back laptop and run it.
So i try today to fix corrupted files via powershell on windows but still no luck and also found new issue when i change to razer cortex power plan now battery dont update the status and there is no info about the bettery. Any ideas how to fix this becose only solution i found is remove battery devices from windows device menager and go inside blade and uplug battery and hold power button 20 second then connect and screw back laptop and run it.
What kind of corrupt file do you have? I believe if I check detailed I’ll find dozens corrupts file, but as long windows can cover it and my system run smooth personally I don’t care about that, unless it hold my Blade performance or disturbing usage experience. I don’t use cortex power plan. Razer Blade 15 is modern hardware, personally I’m thinking softwares like cortex or nvidia experience is for old hardwares to maximize its performance, so I use it sometimes only for other features like farming zSilver.
What kind of corrupt file do you have? I believe if I check detailed I’ll find dozens corrupts file, but as long windows can cover it and my system run smooth personally I don’t care about that, unless it hold my Blade performance or disturbing usage experience. I don’t use cortex power plan. Razer Blade 15 is modern hardware, personally I’m thinking softwares like cortex or nvidia experience is for old hardwares to maximize its performance, so I use it sometimes only for other features like farming zSilver.
I will start with error every time i turn off blade. I cant read it becose syste,m shoutdown in two second. Next thing is few apps every time i turn on laptop after few houres of not using it are corrupted like synapse it show me windows that my profiles are not sync local via cloud when i try to click on cloud setting it show up every few minutes later the only solution is reinstall i make it 6 over 4 days next is heroes of the storm works perfect but few times on day give me strage behavior disconnect me after match so i cant see the pkt screen of players and cant finish the event task next is chrome after few days every time chrome reset itself and i must remove it and download and install again to work for next few days. There are few other but they are less annoying like few second low perfomance etc.
For battery plan i see only that on windows balance i have 2,2Ghz max on high performance mode 2,87Ghz and on cortex plan 3.90Ghz so yeah it's huge diffrence on pcu clock on other parts like ram or gpu clocks i dont cheack but for sure they are hugher then on windows bbuild in

I will start with error every time i turn off blade. I cant read it becose syste,m shoutdown in two second. Next thing is few apps every time i turn on laptop after few houres of not using it are corrupted like synapse it show me windows that my profiles are not sync local via cloud when i try to click on cloud setting it show up every few minutes later the only solution is reinstall i make it 6 over 4 days next is heroes of the storm works perfect but few times on day give me strage behavior disconnect me after match so i cant see the pkt screen of players and cant finish the event task next is chrome after few days every time chrome reset itself and i must remove it and download and install again to work for next few days. There are few other but they are less annoying like few second low perfomance etc.
For battery plan i see only that on windows balance i have 2,2Ghz max on high performance mode 2,87Ghz and on cortex plan 3.90Ghz so yeah it's huge diffrence on pcu clock on other parts like ram or gpu clocks i dont cheack but for sure they are hugher then on windows bbuild in 😜
Wow that’s quite a lot things, first probably updating the intel wireless card, or try use driver from support page since online game and Synapse cloud sync is something related with that.
For cpu clock you can get 3,9ghz as well on balanced mode, try check on game as well not only on stress test, on cpu benchmarks it’ll throttle to lower frequency since cpu stress use 100% cpu usage unlike on gaming and it’ll be detected by bios that set to throttle down on some period or frequency range.
If there’s still problems here and there, maybe try Factory reset if it’s not too hassle to do for you. Tried that? By pressing F9 after boot I believe you should be able to access recovery menu.
Wow that’s quite a lot things, first probably updating the intel wireless card, or try use driver from support page since online game and Synapse cloud sync is something related with that.
Yeah i do this few days ago i write about this above ^^ but i download drivers from intel website not razer becose the drivers from the razer support website is an old version with issue that cause the card to peform lower and make disconnect on wifi connection. Still one time on two days in game it happen but not every time like before.
For cpu clock you can get 3,9ghz as well on balanced mode, try check on game as well not only on stress test, on cpu benchmarks it’ll throttle to lower frequency since cpu stress use 100% cpu usage unlike on gaming and it’ll be detected by bios that set to throttle down on some period or frequency range.
I can only say what i see at task menager when game is open that cause lower performance in my case this windows plan lower the performance of cpu.
If there’s still problems here and there, maybe try Factory reset if it’s not too hassle to do for you. Tried that? By pressing F9 after boot I believe you should be able to access recovery menu.
Also write above i try to backup the system from recovery few times and every time i have simmular result so only solution to fix most of this issues is clean windows install via windows creation toll to wipe all "C" partition. But still the most annoying and main issue is present nommo disconnect heh. From support team i get respond it's a pdpwer issue and it show only that they dont read the conversation and thihs i try with peripecials chat support where it was clearly point it's not a power issue but another things and most likly from blade itself.
Yeah i do this few days ago i write about this above ^^ but i download drivers from intel website not razer becose the drivers from the razer support website is an old version with issue that cause the card to peform lower and make disconnect on wifi connection. Still one time on two days in game it happen but not every time like before.
Hmm it sounds to me like my Blade 14 2017 killer wireless issue, have to update often the driver to avoid disconnecting while gaming but not with Blade 15 intel wireless card. It’s only on Blade or do you experience sometimes also on other your device? Is it 2.4ghz or 5ghz WiFi? I use 2.4 and on 14 months usage it’s fine and i forgot when last time updating the wireless card driver.
I can only say what i see at task menager when game is open that cause lower performance in my case this windows plan lower the performance of cpu.
If you pause the game and check task manager maybe cpu would be also go lower try use afterburner on screen display. This’s also good for monitoring anything while you’re gaming.

Also write above i try to backup the system from recovery few times and every time i have simmular result so only solution to fix most of this issues is clean windows install via windows creation toll to wipe all "C" partition. But still the most annoying and main issue is present nommo disconnect heh. From support team i get respond it's a pipwer issue and it show only that they dont read the conversation and thihs i try with peripecials chat support where it was clearly point it's not a power issue but another things and most likly from blade itself.
Damn feel bad man I hate installing windows. Did you check also without all your pheriperals connected, only nommo Pro on your Blade USB port? Try that and follow by other hub and pheriperals to check maybe other pheriperals/hub is the culprit not nommo. As I mentioned even it’s nommo chroma I’ve, it’s use its own power to the wall (I think similar with nommo Pro) and this 3 days since I showed on this thread i forgot to put back direct to USB port on my Blade as usual and plugged it since then always on usb hub but nothing wrong happens.
It’s only on Blade or do you experience sometimes also on other your device? Is it 2.4ghz or 5ghz WiFi? I use 2.4 and on 14 months usage it’s fine and i forgot when last time updating the wireless card driver.
Yeap only on blade my iPhone X works fine the same as other 2 old laptop that are in my house. becose my internet provider give old 6 year router the only connection is 2,4Ghz with max "a,b,g,n" connection. When you write in google AC9560 connection issue you can find that old drivers have this issue and the only way to solve this is install new drivers but becose razer on support page have the same drivers as on recovery this will dont change or fix it so the only way is update it via intel website.
If you pause the game and check task manager maybe cpu would be also go lower try use afterburner on screen display. This’s also good for monitoring anything while you’re gaming.
Yeah i now i open task menager change to hardwere monitor put on second screen and run game on main monitor and this give the same thing i see the real time laptop performance :)
Damn feel bad man I hate installing windows. Did you check also without all your pheriperals connected, only nommo Pro on your Blade USB port? Try that and follow by other hub and pheriperals to check maybe other pheriperals/hub is the culprit not nommo. As I mentioned even it’s nommo chroma I’ve, it’s use its own power to the wall (I think similar with nommo Pro) and this 3 days since I showed on this thread i forgot to put back direct to USB port on my Blade as usual and plugged it since then always on usb hub but nothing wrong happens.
I try and write here nommo can be the only device on hub and still the issue appear. I try to connect to both as single device and nothing ;/ And yeah they work simmular power is taking from outlet to power the speakers and cable send only data. On this moment i thinkig it's mayby a chipset/usb driver issue becose everything else is fine heh it's wird issue and i feel that when i reinstall windows and install drivers from razer support page dont fix this.
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