Warranty US/EU | Razer Insider
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Hello everyone,

I would like to ask You for advice, for some time, im really struggling to understand Razer warranty policies.I I was asking 2 times Razer support about this case:

If i will buy Razer laptop from US, will the warranty be also respected in Europe?

One support representative answered that yes, manufacturer warranty is good worldwide for one year and if i will have anyy issue, service centre in Europe will help me.

Second support representive gave me negative answer, warranty of products bough in US, is good just in US and i will need to ship laptop to US to get support. They are not able to ship it back though.

On the box,there is warranty info, that warranty is good just in region, where laptop was bought.

So im BIT confused here.

To explain my situation:

Im from Slovakia, and we have has general EU Razer shop, even newly announced RazerCare for EU is not working here obviously, so i really dont know which kind of warranty will be working. I prefer systems from US, because of the layout.

My Razer 15 just died (bought also in US, it was slow process, bit pissed of that 2.3k system dies after 1.5 year but...) anyway, will give Razer another chance, and i would like to buy new Razer Stealth GTX . but this warranty thing is really not clear for me.

Thank You for any advice!
It is not our intention to confuse you. Allow us to make the necessary actions to prevent this from happening again. Please PM me the case numbers you received from interacting with our Support Team so we can do just that.

To clear things up, the Limited Warranty is governed by and construed under the laws of the country in which the original product purchase took place. For more information, please refer to our Warranty Policy.
@Razer.Caziel Thank you, but I dont have any support issue right now, just warranty info is confusing me.

And the fact that Razer support representatives are giving tow different answers to same question, is a bit confusing also.

If its possible, can you please answer to my warranty question?

Will 1year warranty works for notebook bought in US in EU?
If you bought a Razer notebook in the US then you will have a 1-year Limited Warranty even if you're in the EU.