Hey everyone.
As many others I’ve lost my Keyboard and Mouse support after upgrading to Big Sur.
Here is the workaround I came up with.
It is semi-working. I have to unplug my mouse once in a while and plug it back to get it re-detected. Better than nothing and it is safer alternative to installing 3rd-party solutions which monitor all input. At the end all you do is add Razer TEAMID to list of trusted ones in your Mac OS.
I’ve tried to send this answer to Razer hoping it will get to engineers and they will publish a quick update. But seeing several threads here “locked for violating the rules” when people ask for help...
I doubt it will get some love.
Anyways, let’s hope for Mac Update and feel free to use the workaround.
PS: no offense will be taken for locking this thread also I like my razer products a lot and not having them working is a pain
My answer from Apple forums:
Mac OS Big Sur and Razer Synapse 2.0 v1.88.20.
After 4 hrs I've got it working.
After update to Big Sur Synapse was loading for me but was not detecting devices.
manually running
sudo kextload /Library/Extensions/RazerHid.kext
will error suggesting to
Approve extension via System Preferences.
3rd Party extension popup and Allow never showed up in a pane.
After digging around and looking up
Razer TEAMID R2H967U7J8 I was able to manually adjust security settings:
- Boot into Recovery Mode
- Click the Utilities menu and select Terminal.
- Execute the following command:
/usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent add R2H967U7J8
- Verify that team got added
/usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent list
Should output something like:
Allowed Team Identifiers:
- Close the Terminal app and restart
After this I was able to execute
sudo kextload /Library/Extensions/RazerHid.kext
Got popup and Allow button in System Preferences.
Allowed extension and restarted.
Got my Naga Epic Chroma back in Synapse after reconnecting it.