Nari Ultimate Mic Issue fixed | Razer Insider
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Nari Ultimate Mic Issue fixed

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I've still have the issue with the echo in chat, at pc or console. I've tried everything, and not a thing will work.. What to do?

same problem .-. why the hell this problem exist for so long i have no idea how to fix it

I did write to the support, and the only Thing they gave me was some easy troubleshoting.. Like have to tired diffrent cables, have you tried update synapse.. All the main Thing you will do if something not works proberly. But this didn't help at all. Every time i spoke om chat on xbox one, there was an echo in the mic, that my friends could hear everytime i spoke or they talked, real fustrating problem. I didn't find a resulotion so I've returned the headset to the store and got ny money back.

Yikes just got my ultimate with my Blade 15 and can’t get mic to work in discord. Guess this thread tells me I should return it

Yikes just got my ultimate with my Blade 15 and can’t get mic to work in discord. Guess this thread tells me I should return it

First cheack if you can on another pc if the issue also appear if not you can try to remove all razer softwere from pc then remove razer folders in appdata and programfiles then go to windows device menager and remove headset reboot pc and download new freash installer for synapse 3. Install softwere and connect headset everything should configure next you can cheack mic tab in synapse to make sure is on and go to windows sound device menager and select recording devices tab and set there mic for nari as default device next thing is click properthies on nari mic and go to last tab where you can change mic recording quality and set from crap to cd or dvd quality. When you do everything reboot pc and cheack if everything is working fine.

same here, everyone can hear what is playing on my pc in the discord

same here, everyone can hear what is playing on my pc in the discord

I have the same problem with my newly bought Razer Nari. Everybody on my discord channel can hear everything that’s playing on my pc. I have tried reinstalling the drivers, reinstalling synapse 3 and discord. I have tried plugging it to different USB slots, tweaked the settings.

Anyone knows a fix? I’m considering getting a refund if I don’t get this fixed.

  • 4 replies
  • September 29, 2019
just got my nari headsets and i got no microphone input , any assistance please , i have tried basically everything what was on the forum and still got no where.

  • 1 reply
  • October 7, 2019
I have always been an avid fan of Razer but I think I am done with them. I bought a Razer Nari Ultimate about 6 months ago and now I am getting complaints that I sound like a robot. I've tried everything in this thread to no avail. I am sick and tired of crap Razer products. I spent like 200 bucks on this damn headset. I shouldn't have to spend weeks troubleshooting it.... I plug in a 4 year old Corsair headset and right away everything just works like it should.

Yours Truly,
A fed up customer

  • 1 reply
  • October 13, 2019 DOWNLOAD firmware update. FIXed issues for me!

  • 1 reply
  • November 2, 2019
I have exactly the same problem, it's shit for 200 euros
last product since razer never again

I will try the firmware update, but I had the same issues with my Logitech headset last week, so it doesn't seem to be a Razer issue

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  • 319 replies
  • November 13, 2019
having the same problem here, i had it working until today, new update just mess with the ones that where working.
only way i can see mic hardware still working is throw synapse under the option sidenote on, other wise windows not detecting it. I guess i'm gonna go for a refund and for for another product from a more reliably company.
(talked with tech support is just a waste of time...)

What in the everloving Hell is your PFP?

  • 1 reply
  • December 20, 2019
Hi everyone, this may be the solution for some people, in my case i completely forgot that I had the microphone disabled for Windows applications, check inside the privacy settings of the microphone if it is active.

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  • 2 replies
  • February 7, 2020
I have the same problem in Discord, I can not raise much volume or THX activated the mic is activated and everyone listens to the game, in the same way when I click (membrane) the truth is heard very good mic but I think it has a too high sencibility and everything is heard, try to lower the microphone perception nothing works, medium what works is to lower the main sound

This is what worked for me:
I have Realtek HD Audio Manager, and it detected the Nari as one device instead of two.
So the headphone audio would work, but the microphone would not pick up AT ALL.
What I did was open the Realtek HD Audio Manager, and I went to "Device Advanced Settings" (The little cogwheel on the top right corner) And checked the boxes that said "Make front and rear output devices playback two different audio streams simultaneously" and "Separate all input jacks as independent input devices."

This issue bothered me so much that I was considering returning them, so I wanted to share in case someone else has the same problem with Realtek HD Audio Manager and the Razer Nari.

I have the same problem,just help.

Make sure you have the right Razer Synapse 3:

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  • 2 replies
  • February 27, 2020
I have the regular Nari and my friends on Discord can hear everything on my PC unless I have my headphones volume low, don't know how to fix this I was wondering getting the Ultimate but I don't know anymore with this thread lol

having the same problem here, i had it working until today, new update just mess with the ones that where working.
only way i can see mic hardware still working is throw synapse under the option sidenote on, other wise windows not detecting it. I guess i'm gonna go for a refund and for for another product from a more reliably company.
(talked with tech support is just a waste of time...)

i had the same problem too after the update. Went to the synapse app , under the mic option just add a profile and it worked for me.

My Razer Nari Ultimate mic keeps detecting my audio. This is whenever I'm using discord. For example, if I'm watching a video or playing a game and I'm in a discord call my friends can hear my audio. Please help I've tried everything I could. From setting everything to default, deleting razer sydnaps, decreasing my mic volume very low, to the point of returning it on amazon and getting another one. Help 😥. Its really annoying.

I've updated the firmware to 1.5 and seems to be working better.

  • 1 reply
  • March 25, 2020
I have the same problem in Discord, I can not raise much volume or THX activated the mic is activated and everyone listens to the game, in the same way when I click (membrane) the truth is heard very good mic but I think it has a too high sencibility and everything is heard, try to lower the microphone perception nothing works, medium what works is to lower the main sound

I have the same problem - RAZER will you say something about this? Or should I send your 200 dollars headphones back to store?

For whatever it is worth I have the Nari's, just the plain ones, not Ultimate. I looked through and followed most "solutions" on this thread, but nothing worked. It wasn't until @Stratoviper said they updated the firmware that I did a quick google for the update. First came across a few posts that were unhelpful then I came across Razer's update page here Did the updated, restarted my computer and bam, they worked. I did also take the advise of someone else on this thread and change the quality to DVD, makes a big difference.

Got the same weird issue with mic on windows 10. Everything is up to date, I've unboxed my newly bought Nari Ultimate's, set them up, tested with discord - everything worked. Then few hours later when I turned Nari on again my mic was not working at all! Discord could not record anything, windows recorder also. Found this out while trying to test this mic on messenger call with my friend. I did try to fix it with all this thread suggestions but nothing worked. Even second profile didn't. I felt beaten and went to sleep.

Next day woke up, plugged them back in, turned on- same story. Mic not working. Opened Synapse 3 while testing mic on discord and tried to increase mic volume from 75 to higher and boom- it started to work! I immediately felt in discord some noices as I was recording my own breathing, lowered don mic vol to 75 and it's still working.

This is crazy but seems like Razer is unable to fix this bug in synapse 3 which is causing all those issues. I imagine it's not the case while using on other system like PS4 or Switch. Very dissapointed in this software but at least not turning back my Naris.

I think I'm just going to return them. This is ridiculous...

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