How about this? My make! | Razer Insider
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How about you share it? LOL I would definitely use that. I have been using a custom made cursor modeled after an old WinAmp skin cursor. Been using it for over 10 years, to be frank. I could definitely change to a Razer themed one... or just attempt to create my own, I guess.
Me as well
I would use that, very cool
I tried. I have 2, here. One for light backgrounds and one for dark/black backgrounds. They have their own aesthetic for each. The light background is more transparent to show off the tiny curves in the center, while the dark one allows the green outline to be shown. I still like the one that OP posted, though. I am not good enough to create it from scratch, though. Since we can't upload cursor files directly, these are links to my Drive upload: light_bg_cursor and dark_bg_cursor. You're welcome!

my cursor files.
Eyyyyyy... OP came through!! That looks so much better than mine!! LOL I appreciate that, OP!!

This is chroma. The color change in real time! Thank you for using.
Hey, that's actually kind of neat. I like that one.
I would use that!