Drinking respawn right now!
The proper way to celebrate, also tastes better than Champagne
When I was about 12 I had a Gameboy Pocket, and had to hold a flashlight with my chin to see it in the dark. So there was lots of time in the car playing Zelda or Mario struggling to even see the screen....It's hard to imagine screens not being backlit now. The Gameboy Advance SP had a backlight and was a dream come true. Over the next few years I had the next Gameboys and N64/ GameCube. Now I'm PC only and really enjoy all the customization and options that it has, along with all the variety of game genres.
Don't know many other brands who can claim that!
Main competitors could be Logitech and Corsair. Can they do it?
Hey Insiders!
Razer Insider has celebrated years of great conversations. On top of that, we've seen Razer grow bigger and better and we have you, the fans to thank. In celebration of reaching over one million registered users on Insider, we want to show our appreciation for YOU, our fans, our very own Razer Insiders.
Gaming is an essential part of our lives. Whether we started with a controller in our hands, played command based games on two color screens or chased pixel blocks on our phones, there was a defining moment you realized, you were a gamer. A moment of epiphany that gaming wasn’t something that you did to pass the time. That gaming was the thing you thought of even when you weren’t gaming. That longing you felt because you were so connected to those unforgettable characters. The immersion of the world that sucked you in. Being unable to sleep at night because you were stuck in the game. Share that defining moment with us for a chance to get your hands on our Razer, Represent Prize Package which includes:
- Razer Rogue 15.6'' Backpack V2
- Razer Rising Snapback Cap
- Razer Elite Dark Side Tee
And for those who share really great stories, we'll drop you some Silver in appreciation for sharing your moment with us.
Entering is simple: registered Insider members must reply to this thread. A winner will be chosen at random and notified through Razer Insider via direct message.
Let us celebrate you. Tell us your story.
Thanks Razer for the amazing products
Share some more lovin insiders.
That moment you held a controller you knew you were destined?
That moment you were at a arcade?
That moment you were at a game store?
That moment you were inspired by whatever?
That moment you were at a grocery store?
Started with a Razer Tron mouse, which was mostly amusing for the novelty. But really grew to appreciate Razer when I got a Deathadder.
Haven't looked back since, only forward to a headset and keyboard!
I'm long time WoW player. Friend show me this game in 2004 when game launch ater two months start to play i get new friends and meet new people but my expiriance was not very good keybinds and not able to qick enable certein actions was nightmare i use then mouse from A4Tech ;/ But some time later i notice great MMO mouse it was Naga epic razer mmo mouse that give new life in this game and new fresh begining of my expiriance it was so easy to do everything i need in casual play or on raid when razer give addon and allow to to re-assaign keys to whatever you like it was a blessing for this game
I think it is time Min release that god d**n toaster. He has a million mouths to feed.
I always gamed on PCs in gaming cafes and even though I had a PC at home my realization only came when I first ordered a dedicated gaming peripheral. Used to use only standard peripherals but when I ordered my Deathadder from the Razerstore I realized I had stepped into a new era for me.
If Min doesn't release that toaster soon I am going to steal my moms, slap some razer stickers on it and put the HDK RGB strips from razer underneath it. It will be a masterpiece.
Just bought my 1st razer (Blade Stealth) last couple of weeks and few days after that, i bought my 2nd razer (Blade 15 Advanced).. Why? Simply because i love Razer and its satisfying to be part of the community..
Nun, bin schon seit vielen Jahren Razer Fan. Ich arbeite für eine grosse Elektronik Kette in Deutschland und hab sehr viel mit den Produkten zu tuen. Selbst Private nutze ich Razer Produkte wie das Stealth, Kraken Tournament und eine Deathadder. Daher würde ich mich auch zu den Hardcore Fans zählen. Und sicher bleibe ich den Produkten und der Community noch viele Jahre treu.
Well, I've been a Razer fan for many years. I work for a large electronics chain in Germany and have a lot to do with the products. Even privately I use Razer products like the Stealth, Kraken Tournament and a Deathadder. That's why I'd count myself among the hardcore fans. And I'm sure I'll stay true to the products and the community for many years to come.
Congrats on 1 mil
I know, many already said this, but my turn as well
Congrats on 1 million RAZER insiders!!!
Oh it feels good
Nun, bin schon seit vielen Jahren Razer Fan. Ich arbeite für eine grosse Elektronik Kette in Deutschland und hab sehr viel mit den Produkten zu tuen. Selbst Private nutze ich Razer Produkte wie das Stealth, Kraken Tournament und eine Deathadder. Daher würde ich mich auch zu den Hardcore Fans zählen. Und sicher bleibe ich den Produkten und der Community noch viele Jahre treu.
Well, I've been a Razer fan for many years. I work for a large electronics chain in Germany and have a lot to do with the products. Even privately I use Razer products like the Stealth, Kraken Tournament and a Deathadder. That's why I'd count myself among the hardcore fans. And I'm sure I'll stay true to the products and the community for many years to come.
Cool backstory, especially the fact that you're an OG fan!
Halb-deutscher Razer Fan approves!
When I was in high school I admire Razer products and of course due to I am still dependent to my parents I can't afford to buy one so it just add to my motivation to excel in school and in computer shops hahaha because it is more fun playing with friends that time because we only play lan games. Then a year later garena and RGC became a hit which means we can now play at our own houses with our own PC. So of course in order for us to have a fantastic gameplay and communication we need audio communication. Thats when I finally ask my parents to buy me razer Kraken on my birthday. I can still remember the feeling of it while unboxing my gift and pretending I didn't know its Razer Kraken Black hahaha. Gaming with friends satisfied. Then summer vacation I tried to become a food stall crew to buy my own Razer Keyboard hahahaha worked there for two months and guess what the store i bought it have a promo of free mouse and vwa-lah! instant keyboard and deathadder mouse hahahaha what a back to school promo!

and fast forward here I am with a stable job and finally bought my own peripherals for my gaming PC and I always play at for some silvers so that I can upgrade some of my current peripherals and redeeming discount voucher whenever I buy some new cool products of Razer. Long live team Razer! What a continous wonderful gaming experience you gave us! GGWP!
my original "razer" product was a microsoft habu. that thing lasted me 10+ years
when it finally died, I turned to a death adder. loved it even more than the habu. that led to a black widow ultimate, and then a kraken
Now, I my man cave consists of 4 razer systems (one case by antec, one case by nzxt, one razer blade stealth, and one case by lian li). its safe to say, I'm die hard / razer 4 lyfe
(wire management in progress)
Razer by Gamer, For Gamers!
my original "razer" product was a microsoft habu. that thing lasted me 10+ years
when it finally died, I turned to a death adder. loved it even more than the habu. that led to a black widow ultimate, and then a kraken
Now, I my man cave consists of 4 razer systems (one case by antec, one case by nzxt, one razer blade stealth, and one case by lian li). its safe to say, I'm die hard / razer 4 lyfe

(wire management in progress)
WOW man, you have an amazing collection. Cheers! Way to go!
i still remember when i got my nes for Christmas. My parents made us chase the console every where in the house. I dont even remember i ever ask for one but it was my first console and surely not the last
My defining moment would be, the moment I realized I don't want to play just for fun alone, that I want to compete in tournaments and prove my worth. The game that really pushed me was Dota.
Im just a simple dude that lives in a third world country XD, been playing games since i was around 5, playing mario double dragon etc. In todays age been using some
razer products for gamingand musicboy it was an awesome feeling.
Keep up the good work you guys have millions of fans supporting your product
My defining moment would be, the moment I realized I don't want to play just for fun alone, that I want to compete in tournaments and prove my worth. The game that really pushed me was Dota.
Back in the day of the NES and SNES my brother and I would take on summer jobs of detasseling corn and pulling weeds from bean fields. Fellow farmer kids may understand the amount of work that really is. It would take most of the summer for us to save up for just one game. One year we had moved to a new area and the school my brother went to allowed you to rent SNES games from the school library. He would rent Secret of Mana for the weekends and we would sneak our parents coffee pot into our room and make coffee all night to stay up and play. Since you could have 2 players at the same time we did not have to worry about splitting game time.
A lot of good memories of working hard for a reward and brothers bonding over a pretty darn good game. Looking back now, I probably would not be the gamer I am today if it were not for those weekends. To this day my brother and I still talk shop when it comes to video games and we will even swap Razer gear from time to time.
Hey Insiders!
Razer Insider has celebrated years of great conversations. On top of that, we've seen Razer grow bigger and better and we have you, the fans to thank. In celebration of reaching over one million registered users on Insider, we want to show our appreciation for YOU, our fans, our very own Razer Insiders.
Gaming is an essential part of our lives. Whether we started with a controller in our hands, played command based games on two color screens or chased pixel blocks on our phones, there was a defining moment you realized, you were a gamer. A moment of epiphany that gaming wasn’t something that you did to pass the time. That gaming was the thing you thought of even when you weren’t gaming. That longing you felt because you were so connected to those unforgettable characters. The immersion of the world that sucked you in. Being unable to sleep at night because you were stuck in the game. Share that defining moment with us for a chance to get your hands on our Razer, Represent Prize Package which includes:
- Razer Rogue 15.6'' Backpack V2
- Razer Rising Snapback Cap
- Razer Elite Dark Side Tee
And for those who share really great stories, we'll drop you some Silver in appreciation for sharing your moment with us.
Entering is simple: registered Insider members must reply to this thread. A winner will be chosen at random and notified through Razer Insider via direct message.
Let us celebrate you. Tell us your story.
There are so many moments that I can remember growing up that it's hard to choose a defining moment. From playing Adventure Island on the NES with my grandma, Donkey Kong Country with my mom, Tony Hawk with my neighbor...
I eventually got a laptop and played Diablo 2 for countless countless hours, and then my boyfriend got me into World of Warcraft. We were bad, but improved slowly and then joined a guild with one of his coworkers.
I think the final, truly defining moment, was when we did Ulduar 10 together, as a guild. We were terrible. But it was all so new and exciting. Ulduar was still fairly new, and we were scrubs that were still figuring things out. We managed to kill Kologarn and got it on video. I watch it on youtube now and then, reminiscing about it. We felt so good about ourselves. We weren't amazing, and that was fine, but we still had a great sense of accomplishment.
Hey Insiders!
Razer Insider has celebrated years of great conversations. On top of that, we've seen Razer grow bigger and better and we have you, the fans to thank. In celebration of reaching over one million registered users on Insider, we want to show our appreciation for YOU, our fans, our very own Razer Insiders.
Gaming is an essential part of our lives. Whether we started with a controller in our hands, played command based games on two color screens or chased pixel blocks on our phones, there was a defining moment you realized, you were a gamer. A moment of epiphany that gaming wasn’t something that you did to pass the time. That gaming was the thing you thought of even when you weren’t gaming. That longing you felt because you were so connected to those unforgettable characters. The immersion of the world that sucked you in. Being unable to sleep at night because you were stuck in the game. Share that defining moment with us for a chance to get your hands on our Razer, Represent Prize Package which includes:
- Razer Rogue 15.6'' Backpack V2
- Razer Rising Snapback Cap
- Razer Elite Dark Side Tee
And for those who share really great stories, we'll drop you some Silver in appreciation for sharing your moment with us.
Entering is simple: registered Insider members must reply to this thread. A winner will be chosen at random and notified through Razer Insider via direct message.
Let us celebrate you. Tell us your story.
I have always been a gamer at heart. I feel the community is so passionate about what we do. It has been growing and growing. My favorite moment happened very recently actually. Razer brought a store to my hometown! Las Vegas has been needing something lile this to bring the gaming community together. I made sure to wake up early for the opening. Myself and 4 other gamer friends met up for breakfast and went and waited in line. Talk about fun! Just being with other fellow gamer and razer fans was such a neat experience! Keep it up Razer!
My best gaming moment, hmmm....probably years back collecting all trophies on Super Smash Bros Melee.
Gaming to me has never been just a time killer, I've always admired the art and creativity behind the game. The many vast, gorgeous landscapes and beautiful stories they have all created have always astounded me. From the early days of Super Mario World to todays world of The Witcher and more, always excited to see what's next.