Hah, when i was a kid my father would turn off my internet during the nights so that i won't play anymore and sleep to be awake in time for school. This until i figured out i can download movies and games that does not require internet, more like campaigns and single player games. But even if it hurts when you think of it, i don't know what else i could do inside if i won't have internet anymore. Would be like a real prison for me.
Normally I would go shopping around or go spend time with friends, however since that is not possible during those times, I would spend as much time as possible outside, along with possibly getting a bit of extra sleep in as well.
Losing the internet is not the end of everything, maybe for us older generations, but for the younger ones, /gg.
Usually, exercise and yoga would do, but that can only go so far...
That will be horrible for every gamer0.0
Playing games without interacting with other players is super bored!
Thanks for every Razer's staff who still work in their position!!
Offline games' time to shine. I have a lot of them on standby.
Much as I hate to admit it, myself and the vast majority of people who can access this site rely on, and quite likely feel entitled to, consistent internet service.
There would surely be riots! Surprised there hasn't been already, with all the cabin fever.
How would companies work without internet?
i already cant play my favorite (atm) game at peak times, coz of server issues.
will be offline games, but where to download them?!
If I had a ration data, I will play Pokemon in Nintendo platform during the lockdown period and no data days. I remember when I was a kid, data and internet still doesn't exist, I used to play Pokemon on Gameboy and I am happy playing with it.
Im still fun of the offline games and campaigns.I do too come from an era where SNES/NES sony ericsson,nokia 3210 were the most advanced technology.Likely ive saved a lot of offline games on an HDD for some days without internet.I had a few of those days when i was moving from town to town.
What would I do without data? Hmmm...
Let me think. Since I'm a boomer in my early 30s I'd say go out all day, go to the gym, meet friends, go play football (Soccer for you Americans) and just do fun stuff outside. Man! Kids these days don't know how to be kids. Seeing them in their parents' phones all the time makes me feel sorry for them because they don't have what my generation did.
And if I had to stay home in a situation like this then I have my 3DS and some good old nostalgia Pokemon games like Red, Gold, and Silver to play. Also a library full of books that I almost never open.
Although it's hard to imagine a world where we'd have to ration data. It seems dystopic but we are pretty close to it.
Prayers that all this passes soon and we are all back to normal.
Stay strong!
I have nephews who game and use google hang outs to video chat each other. If I had my own kids that game as they do, I'd teach them to ration data by using a good old fashioned phone .... no video need, just human voices
I'd also limit their gaming time, but I'd trick them into spending certain hours going outside for a walk, or doing 1 household chore. I wouldnt sell it as "I AM LIMITING YOUR GAMING", but rather, "okay kids, its been 2 hours of gaming, now you gotta spend 2 hours outdoors.... then rotate back to 2 more hours of gaming.
For offline fun, when I was on a plane to Tokyo (15+ hour flight) I killed time by playing games like WC3 Frozen Throne, no need for a connection!
Ach das ist einfach erklärt. Wir hier in Deutschland haben eine Regierung, die meint, "Internet ist Neuland". Sicher könnte ihr euch vorstellen, das daher hier die Netzte nicht so gut ausgebaut sind, die Schulen den Status von 1972 haben und sonst auch unsere Verbindungen bei gewissen Menge (DSL Anschluss) gedrosselt werden. Daher fällt das hier gar nicht so auf. In vielen Regionen ist das Internet noch nicht mal verbreitet. Dazu kommt, das die Leitungen alter Kupferleitungen sind, daher bricht hier eh öfters für 1-2 Tage das Internet ein. Ihr seht, bei uns bleibt alles beim alten.
Tja, was man macht man dann? Das übliche, Zeit mit der Familie verbringen, arbeiten und Sport. Ändert sich hier bei uns nicht viel.
Oh, that's easy to explain. We here in Germany have a government that thinks "Internet is new territory". Surely you can imagine that the networks here are not so well developed, the schools have the status of 1972 and otherwise our connections are also throttled at certain amounts (DSL connection). Therefore it is not so noticeable here. In many regions the Internet is not even widespread. In addition, the lines are old copper lines, so the Internet breaks in here anyway often for 1-2 days. You see, with us everything stays the same.
Well, what do you do? The usual, spend time with the family, work and sports. Doesn't change much around here.
What would I do on a non-data day, probably I will be bored in the first 1-2 hours and I will make floating plan.
1) I'll start with downloading my favorite movies on my 10TB external drive, so I will be able to watch them on a non-data days.

2) More hikes in the nature. (if it's possible)

3) Studying/reading new information for my profession to improve my self, because we never graduate.

4) WorkOutTraningAtHomeForHealthyBody

5) Trying to learn new recipes for cooking with the food I have.


6) I'll call my friends from the neighborhood and we will bring back the old network we had created years ago for us to play games without the internet (because back then the internet was slow - 50kb/s but we had a 4-10mb/s connection to each other with our network that we build) we share information from our computers - movies, games, music, etc. and the most important thing was that we play every game that we want without any lag/delay. We was more then 20 people so we was able to play every game "Offline" but mostly CS, Half-Life, Warcraft, Starcraft, Heroes, Quake, Fifa and etc... and we will be ready for fun moments again insider_emoji_125
Where're plenty of things to do w/o internet.. Go out to real world with friends/family, do some chores @home, work.. ffs play offline games if necessary
Time to complete all the success missing for the offline parts of the games
Without the internet during the week I'd' probably be wood turning / woodworking, wrenching on and riding my motorcycle. Playing games offline of course as well! I think I would see myself enjoying books and doing more photography like I used to, skateboarding. Tending to the garden. I already do a lot of that but sometimes I procrastinate because I get busy online haha! So it could actually be a good thing. It could bring balance to our lives!
@dodo_0 that last part about the old network is awesome!
Hello friends,
I have the solution to free up the bandwidth, everyone must stop working on the internet and rather play solo games. lol
For example, The Witcher 3, Resident Evil Remaster, Final Fantasy ...
(I'm making a joke about stopping work on the internet, well done to keep you motivated and productive at home, there is so much temptation to have fun, it doesn't have to be easy.)
i think i will learn new skill to flex on my friends after this quarantine. lol!!
Without internet half the world would be out of jobs anyway.
Definitly in for some LAN-Gaming with friends. Also it is nice thinking about ravens delivering our messages. Who even needs internet, LUL?
Everyone commenting on what they would do, y'all will be dead in 1 week after the internet goes down.