USB Problem Help | Razer Insider
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I have the problem that my usb devices log out of the game and log in again.

Speak mouse, keyboard, and headphones.

Everything is connected to a USB hub (several have already been tested)

does someone know why or what I can do?

oh yes the hub is seperately powered by a 5V power supply
Try updating your drivers and if it still isn't the drivers' problem, try reading this:
USB Hubs are weird sometimes (even with external power). Try connecting it directly not to usb hub.
Kepp in mind that active hub with own powerbrick still take power from your pc usb port the power supply only deliver power when pc can't give enogh power to devices that they can work. Also remember this you share bandwith from one port that is on your pc.

Try to connect one device and see what happend then next and share the info here,