What would you like to see next from Razer? | Razer Insider

What would you like to see next from Razer?

Userlevel 7
As we're closing off the year and prepping for the new one, I'd love to hear from the community what new products you'd like to see in 2015. Let me know in the comments below!

5949 Replies

I was about to say expanding into speakers but then I noticed that within the store. Guess I have some research to do then.

I would still agree with several people in here. Getting into the gaming monitor realm might be a good fit.
I think razer should either:
-enter into the rid-able category with a device to ride to work or get transported (onewheel etc)
-They should work on more devices for the future of cars and being self driven
-I would also like to see an improved razer edge tablet, maybe even a cheaper version for basic consumers. Just a nice simple razer tablet would be nice
A wireless 7.1 headset.
A Razer Smartphone would be very nice!!!
Give every mouse you have a great sensor, not just the Deathadder.
Gaming chair would be great.
Gaming chair would be great.
I would like a Razer monitor to match my NZXT Razer PC case!
I would like to see a new tower case. I'm planning on building a new gaming PC sometime during the summer, and I would love a cool, new computer case from razer to show off to my friends!!

Razer already has a pc case and its awesome! I currently own it and love it. Here is the link for the NZXT Razer case http://www.nzxt.com/product/detail/149-h440-razer-edition-mid-tower.html
I would like a Razer monitor. And the H440 make it Chroma please? 😃
I would like a Razer monitor. And the H440 make it Chroma please? 😃
Gaming glasses, or Fan cooler for laptop ?
Gaming glasses, or Fan cooler for laptop ?
A monitor that glows green would be awesome!
a 5k display would be great :)

I think it would be cool if razer has a line of machines ranging from laptops, to desktops.. bring the project christine already
I'd like wireless version of the Hydra. I have two Hydras here. The new Sixense product is nice, but a little expensive. A Razer version of their product would be great.
Also an ergonomic keyboard. Maybe the market isn't there for Razer, but some cross between the Microsoft Natural keyboard and the Kinesis would be great.
Wireless (Bluetooth specifically) headset+mic would be epic - not seen a lot of these around for some reason but I'd personally love it. Seen a few but hardly any I like for gaming
I am looking for a wireless keyboard. I see that the Turret keyboard will soon be available, but I am hoping for a wider selection that can compete with your vast selection of wired keyboards.
I am looking for a wireless keyboard. I see that the Turret keyboard will soon be available, but I am hoping for a wider selection that can compete with your vast selection of wired keyboards.
I'd love to see some sort of optical display similar to a certain 'glass' from which I could view stats for games, or chat windows, etc.

The price of the current 'one' would deter me from buying it for that purpose, and I'm sure Razer could make one which looks a lot lot cooler 😃
Also, a Naga with a few buttons on the right-hand side wouldn't go amiss. Between my Orbweaver and Naga, I STILL need more keybinds 😃
Honestly you could have all my money if you guys rolled out more PC cases/components/parts. I'd very much enjoy a all Razer build
Razer should produce low-price mechanical keyboards for gamers on a budget!
I think that I am one of the few that are looking for a solid, gaming, trackball mouse. So far, nothing on the market today seems too promising compared to the excellent choices available for a standard mouse configuration.
