What would you like to see next from Razer? | Razer Insider

What would you like to see next from Razer?

Userlevel 7
As we're closing off the year and prepping for the new one, I'd love to hear from the community what new products you'd like to see in 2015. Let me know in the comments below!

5949 Replies

new rewards for sure
montiors! and the new blade to be released in Europe!
gift cards / visas
Monitor or some serious desktop sound system (i'm aware of Leviathan but i prefer something with 2 or 4 satellites).
Netflix on the Forge.
Where's the TOASTER?!
How about making a monitor of somekind or new headset more like the Man O War
Since this thread is still alive, I would also like to see a monitor, but i would want it to be something a bit more premium or different to the current offerings as I feel the current monitor market is a little to stagnant and there isnt a lot of difference.

First off, two different monitors, one aimed at e-sports or Lan going that is a dedicated 24-27" monitor with ~144hz or options for G/Free-sync and a high resolution, has inbuilt cable management not just for the monitor cables but for mouse/KB as well. It would also incorporate Chroma LED lighting into the back of the monitor, this would be awesome when seeing at tournaments as the chroma app would make the lights dancing as the players are in action. the kicker would be the intergration of gamecasting or camera comms. I wouldnt mind seeing some kind of physical storage either added in or the ability to connect wifi antenna's to the monitor(or intergrated) this would allow those using the monitor at lans to connect to wifi or to swap files from usb/pc easier.

The second monitor would be a 27-34 curved frameless beast, with the cable and chroma like the other monitor but to be mainly focused on long term gaming sessions and immersion. It would need a high 4k/8k resolution and G/Free-sync, it would have an inbuilt DAC for headphones or wireless/bluetooth comms for phones/comms on the go.

both monitors would be constructed of a similar or same type alu chassis or faux alu plastic like the Razer Blades.
I think we all agree that a Man O'War Wired version should also get a Chroma version.
I think it's more about when will that happen?
Razer H440 Chroma. Great for Marketing!!!
A joystick. Mine stands out like dogs balls being the only thing that's not a razer chroma product.
A Razer Blade/Blade Stealth release in Europe. You're literally making the Macbook equivalent for Windows users so you could be making a bomb in other parts of the world. I would certainly buy a Blade Stealth.
Userlevel 2
The ability to sync chroma effects on your mouse with one layer of a custom setup on the configurator, instead of just the standard effects.
Ie having the mouse on the same cycle of spectrum cycling while you have added reactive or other layers on your keyboard.
I would personally like to see monitors, a gaming chair, and I would love to see more giveaways! 😃
I would like a left handed Nostromo that works as a mouse.

For a long time I have been thinking about McGuivering a Nostromo that works as a mouse as well.

Few questions, Is there a left hand version? How hard would it be to disassemble a Taipan and rig it up?
Mac software that actually works
A laptop with a GTX 1080 and 32 gb ram. I know it's hard but I would definitely but that product.
We need Abyssus V3 with pixart 3360 sensor.
Abyssus V2's shape & weight is perfect, but the sensor is mediocre.
How about a Razer UMPC, along the lines of the Sony ux50 or Viao P. No a tablet with grips is not a UMPC. Maybe make the hardware kit to build it around one of the many single board computers. Or perhaps even better make a semi gaming single board computer.
i'd like to see the razer blade pro become the number one laptop in the world

How about a razer steam console like alienware did.

Skins and designs for the razer 7.1 chroma. Basically make it customizable art wise.

A razer chroma water resistant backpack

An all in one laptop carrying case with special holders for mice and controllers.
Well of course I would like to see the razer toaster but since you're probably not making that i'll say that I want a kind of duffelbag thingy.
Not sure if anyone has asked for this yet, but...

I would like an Orbweaver that does NOT have that directional pad for the thumb. Instead, I'd like just a button or two in place of the d-pad.
Userlevel 6
Not sure if anyone has asked for this yet, but...

I would like an Orbweaver that does NOT have that directional pad for the thumb. Instead, I'd like just a button or two in place of the d-pad.

I'd also be good with eliminating the d-pad. Just move the top thumb button down to where the d-pad is, and have the two buttons but no directional pad. I'd go for that.
(I had to actually mess with mine to see how I felt about it, but yeah, I like that idea. hehe)
Would love to see a razer toaster, think it would be a hot buy!
