A New Predator Arrives | Razer Insider
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Victory takes on a new form factor. Refined and reforged, a new predator arrives. 08.11.22 https://rzr.to/countdown-081122
OH noo, happy and disappointed T_T

I was thinking to get a new DA and saw this come up on my feed. i will wait till it releases :D

the only reason im disappointed coz i thought this year would be Viper Mini Ultimate 😣 guess what think we have to wait for another year 😃 just like TOASTER LoL
hype!! also, sidetrack: i need to update my Razer gear in my signature
Deathadder V3, what is the new stuff?
Will our wallets get eaten by this "Predator"?
Shut up and take my money RAZER!
Is that a new deathadder? time to upgrade my DE V2 Pro!
Is that a new deathadder? time to upgrade my DE V2 Pro!

Looks like it to me.
We're waiting for Viper Mini Ultimate!

But DeathAdder V3 is nice too 🙂
You got Iphone 10, we got V10
little upgrade, big noise...
Deathadder v3?
Only if it will be wireless. Otherwise no need o_O
show us show us 😃
Hello friends

Yeah new improvement arrives 08.11.22 ^^
Predators are useful in razer ....
A new Razer mouse most probably called V255 from what can be seen in the photo.
Excited for this release. V2 was very popular amongst fps gamers.