ich habe mir die erweiterte Version gekauft aber ich habe es gleich wieder zurückgegeben leider liegt das Mauspad nicht komplett am tisch auf sonder macht wellen und das ist echt nicht schön und ist unangenehm . leider Razer.
Yes you can see that also on moho1's photo - but maybe it will smooth out after a few days?
#Flashy #Excited
Cool, this answers my comment on the other hard mouse mat, where the lighting is entirely underneath and not much use. With the flexible led set up on the edge, you will get better lighting.
Have you looked at oled, where you could have a sensitive light surface over the top of the mat?
All we need now is a lamp fitting on the top of the headphone stand - a usb battery chareable LED reading lamp costs $10, so you could fit one in without too much hassle
Let there be (more) light: http://rzr.to/GolChroma
We run the extra mile just so we can deliver what no one has done before. Your gaming stage is now bigger with the Razer Goliathus Extended Chroma.
Lit. Lit-erally. 🔥🔥
Meet the brilliant Razer Goliathus Chroma soft gaming mat: http://rzr.to/golchroma
The classic gaming surface is everything you’ve loved and more; a micro-textured surface optimized for both speed and control playstyles, a comfortable cloth surface and a non-slip rubber base. We’ve pushed it one step further with Razer Chroma lighting technology that syncs up with the rest of your Razer hardware. Let there be light. Lots of it.
I just bought this,it's amazing! It has the coolest lighting effect and great texture,fantastic for a FPS gamer like me. It's much better than the Firefly,since it has the control of the original Razer Goliathus and the cool RGB light.
Will be buying one of these once they are released just need to find a place to get them from in the UK
Problem with Razer is their worldwide roll out, I move around and have to check my local country before I place an order or they cant' ship it
I have a firefly but the lighting is poor, I only use it for display, not when working, the Goliath is a great cloth mat that I use most of the time, love to trade them both in for a new one like this otherwise I'll stick to the cloth for now, just bought 2 new computers, so short of the gold n
I want this :3
Just incredible guys!
Oh my gosh, amazing! It surprises me how products like this can be produced so perfectly!
Let there be (more) light: http://rzr.to/GolChroma
We run the extra mile just so we can deliver what no one has done before. Your gaming stage is now bigger with the Razer Goliathus Extended Chroma.
Lit. Lit-erally. 🔥🔥
Meet the brilliant Razer Goliathus Chroma soft gaming mat: http://rzr.to/golchroma
The classic gaming surface is everything you’ve loved and more; a micro-textured surface optimized for both speed and control playstyles, a comfortable cloth surface and a non-slip rubber base. We’ve pushed it one step further with Razer Chroma lighting technology that syncs up with the rest of your Razer hardware. Let there be light. Lots of it.
omg i need this now!
Cool... but it's too big for my desk keyboard tray :frown_: 82 x 38 cm would be perfect.
I'm currently using a Redragon one (80 x 30 cm).
My coments are always too small
let me have this
What does brilliant mean?
Let there be (more) light: http://rzr.to/GolChroma
We run the extra mile just so we can deliver what no one has done before. Your gaming stage is now bigger with the Razer Goliathus Extended Chroma.
Lit. Lit-erally. 🔥🔥
Meet the brilliant Razer Goliathus Chroma soft gaming mat: http://rzr.to/golchroma
The classic gaming surface is everything you’ve loved and more; a micro-textured surface optimized for both speed and control playstyles, a comfortable cloth surface and a non-slip rubber base. We’ve pushed it one step further with Razer Chroma lighting technology that syncs up with the rest of your Razer hardware. Let there be light. Lots of it.
This is a thing of beauty
is the entire strip one color or is there a gradient?
is the entire strip one color or is there a gradient?
Just one color, I'm afraid.
Looked great the first day I had it; synapse auto updated and after a reboot the lights no longer work :slightly_sad:
EDIT: After a quick chat with support it magically started to work again!
For a moment I though extended one was released
The Firefly is awesome for my laptop since it's a solid surface for my mouse no matter where I am, but I may need to get this for my desktop
Lol that vid tho

this would go so well with my Razer v2 kb
so i have bought 2 of these as i have a very long desk and the setup looks nicer with the 2 mouse pads!! and here comes the problem... Synapse 3 only recognises one of the mousepads!! is anybody able to assist with this at all??
Cant wait to buy!!!
From Australia here, and the extended version is outta stock...anyone know how and where to get updated on the restock???