About the Paid to Play Suspension. | Razer Insider
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About the Paid to Play Suspension.

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428 Replies

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
will P2P come back on and if so when?

  • Insider Mini
  • 18 replies
  • February 9, 2018
so quick question, with this suspension, is the exp. date also got suspended????
Expiration will still remain. I believe Razer will give us a different way of earning zSilver after P2P suspension. More information here: Paid to Play https://www.razerzone.com/paid-to-play#faq

  • 2 replies
  • February 9, 2018
Why is this happening!! Bring it Back !! :(

  • Vanguard
  • 483 replies
  • February 9, 2018
Thanks a ton for the program! Can't wait to see what the future has for ZVault.
will P2P come back on and if so when?
Like said in the post, there is no date for it to come back, they are just going to be taking the time to review the program and see if they can make it better for people. If this is not possible to do, the program will not be coming back up.
Why is this happening!! Bring it Back !! :slightly_sad:
I think it was kind of a good thing. Prices were likely going to keep rising otherwise to meet the demand, and then people would be even more mad at them. Its better to stop the program before something like this would happen again.

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
I have an idea. How about you should give some kind of reward to everyone that participated in the paid to play program ( even if they did'd get anything with zSilver ) Although I am very upset that it is going to be gone forever

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
This was an incredibly cool program Razer made. Too bad it had to go! Btw, do we have to use up our ZSilver by 1st March or can we redeem even after the program has been suspended?

  • 1 reply
  • February 9, 2018
I was saving my zSilvers for the black widow chroma v2 but now it seems like my zSilvers will expire. If you guys wanted to suspend the program then why did u increase the redeeming price? The keyboard was 226000 and now it's 296000. Is this beneficial for us? If you really want to think about us please turn the prices back to what it was so that before you suspend it we can at least get what we want for which we have been saving our zSilver! Thanks!

  • Insider Mini
  • 26 replies
  • February 9, 2018
• Using Razer zGold to pay for your gaming purchases • Being an active contributor on Razer Insider • Logging in daily on Razer Cortex • Syncing your Steam account with Cortex: Deals • Subscribing to Cortex: Deals newsletters and more to be introduced soon i hope these are just temporary measures? 1) using real money for zGold. isnt P2P all about helping gamers to get the razer product they can't afford? now we have to fork out money. 2) active contributor as in posting regularly to get the zsilver? from what i understand, it's like 50zsilver or each time you hit a certain amount of post or likes. when you consider the items cost like 100k-200k it just looks depressing 3) login daily. this amounts to 40 a day. Again, the items are 100-200k range like the bw2. even the basics ones are like 30-50k. And worse still, if you happen to miss a day of not logging in, it becomes 10zsilver 4)Syncing to cortex - deals. isnt this a one time thing? 5) sub to cortex- another one time thingy?

  • Mother of Gaming
  • 124 replies
  • February 9, 2018
Although I am very upset that it is going to be gone forever
As of right now it's only going to be suspended while they try to figure out a better system. Hopefully they'll be successful and a new form of P2P system will be created in it's place.
Btw, do we have to use up our ZSilver by 1st March or can we redeem even after the program has been suspended?
The only portion being suspended is the P2P - so you will still keep earning zSilver by earning trophies on Insider, buying/spending zGold and through other promotions offered by Razer. So you can choose when you want to redeem your points at any prior to their expiration date. @Bitauren007 - As was mentioned they are planning on finding other ways to award Zsilver as well. Perhaps there will be promotions for it, as of right now there's no certainty as to what will be happening in that regard, other than we will still have other ways to earn zSilver.

Sad news. I just installed it and is really enjoying it. Not enough silver to claim. :(

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
So I will have to pay 300 dollars to get 30k for the Blackwidow (which costs under 200 by the way) ok

  • Vanguard
  • 483 replies
  • February 9, 2018
So I will have to pay 300 dollars to get 30k for the Blackwidow (which costs under 200 by the way) ok
No one is entitled to free razer products, it is just a thing they give us. They plan to add other ways to earn ZSilver in the future other then the current ones.

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
If the P2P's main objective is to reward players and help those that can't afford Razer gears, there are a few things they need to look at. First of all, if someone really can't afford your gear, do you want them to play games whole day to get your gear? Man, they might have financial difficulties, let them work. Don't give them a deadline to redeem your stuff, by October they might not even get anything due to your redemption price increase. Secondly, from a corporate point of view, what is the position of this feature? Is it a CSR program? Or is it a supporting feature that could leverage and help the company roll out better products in the future? If it is truly a CSR program, the limitations are too much. If it is a data collecting feature, it doesn't add too much value. Steam or other platforms already has most of the data they collect. Right now it seems lost, that is why they need to review it. Hope they come up with something better that truly creates a win-win situation for the gamers and Razer.

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
Yeah, sure I'll be happy if we will get new ways to earn zSilver maybe something like Arena, I'm good at playing csgo. But I'm very dissapinted at Min-Liang's response, he basically said you either like and praise the program (which most people did in that thread) or you fuck off and get nothing. I mean like are we supposed to be happy that he decided to suspend it despite most people posting outrageously positive comments?

NOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm currently at 219 796 z silver, I was very close when it was 220000 zSilver, now I need 70204 more to redeem the Razer Blackwidow Chroma V2, which will take 2-4 months depending on how much time I able to spend playing in front of the PC. I'm so close and my zSilver expires in October 2018, without the paid to play I don't think I can reach the needed amount in time. I'm a student and I really want to get the Blackwidow Chroma V2 for a long time now, since I can't afford with real cash but with zSilver I can. I spent my saved up allowance to get a Razer Deathadder Chroma, I really want a Blackwidow Chroma V2 to go with it . If you are reading this, Please don't abolish the Paid to Play.

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
Bad feedback???? I don't think so. I think that razer is just loosing 2 much money on this? What do you guys think, they shoudve just get prices on items bigger or reduce earning zsilver while playing games..... that's my opinion, if you got yours pls reply.

We created Paid to Play as an opportunity for gamers to get rewarded, just by gaming. Since the program’s launch, over 1B zSilver has been exchanged and over 35,000 rewards redeemed by our fans. We’re always listening to the community, and everyone’s feedback is important to us. With an increasing amount of negative feedback on the Paid to Play program, we’re going to be taking a hard look into the overall program and mechanics to do right for you and all the gamers who participated. While we take time to develop ways to make it rewarding and beneficial for all, we will suspend the Paid to Play program, effective March 1, 2018. In the event that we are unable to provide a satisfactory solution, the program will be suspended indefinitely. Making Razer zSilver the rewards credits for gamers has always been our goal, and we’re constantly working on ways to introduce more rewards to earn zSilver. With over 50 rewards on the Razer zSilver catalog, kindly note that rewards will always be on a first-come, first-served, while stocks last basis. If you’re a step away from redeeming your next Razer reward, here are other ways to earn zSilver: • Using Razer zGold to pay for your gaming purchases • Being an active contributor on Razer Insider • Logging in daily on Razer Cortex • Syncing your Steam account with Cortex: Deals • Subscribing to Cortex: Deals newsletters and more to be introduced soon We thank you for supporting Paid to Play, and welcome all feedback and suggestions on this thread. Should you have any other questions about Paid to Play, please write in to Razer Support or refer to our FAQs here.
I wish they kept it because after it suspends it will be much harder to get things for free I think they gave to much for free XD
Don't know why people would give negative feedback when they are receiving something for free(exclude shipping fee). Weird:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Because they are hypocrites and Pessimists XD
thanks very much!
Its small right so to get a orbweaver you need to do it millions of times

  • 2 replies
  • February 9, 2018
That's a shame: i just started using Razer Cortex and I was hoping for some juicy rewards :c

  • 1 reply
  • February 9, 2018
Noooooo. i really wanted this to keep going.It was really good for the gamers and a very good gesture from Razer.I really hope paid to play goes back up.

  • 2 replies
  • February 9, 2018
The amount of zSilver you have remains the same. You still have your 53K zSilver and you can continue to redeem it to score rewards :)
But aren't they reset every year?

without the P2P program players like us will take us many purchases and achievements to get what we need For ex: a blackwidow chroma with 235k points will be unachievable for mnay players and will take many zgold purchases to get it

  • 1 reply
  • February 9, 2018
So at the beginning, my zSilver will be expired in Dec 2018. What if this program not gonna re-open in November 2018, which is 8 months after the program closed and no zSilver earning. Will it +8 months for my zSilver expiration date? Or it still be expired in Dec 2018?

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
its been like 1 week i started getting zsilver and i was so hyped since i was colecting much more than i thought. now im so sad and i hope p2p returns asap :(

  • Insider
  • 72 replies
  • February 9, 2018
i think most of the complaints were about prices being raised without prior notice. they weren't "this program sucks you should shut it down". you guys are completely overreacting to a handful of anonymous online complaints are you guys still going to update the catalog? i've been collecting points since the beginning and i was hoping to buy some other razer gear (regular death stalker, regular black widow, etc)

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
Man I literally have the worst luck....first I missed the deathadder by like 1.8k points before the adjustments. And now I'll be short like 900 points before I can get the Basilisks. But well I hope they bring it back, have always wanted some Razer peripherals( a poor uni student here).

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