About the Paid to Play Suspension. | Razer Insider
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About the Paid to Play Suspension.

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428 Replies

  • Insider Mini
  • 26 replies
  • February 9, 2018
Yeah, sure I'll be happy if we will get new ways to earn zSilver maybe something like Arena, I'm good at playing csgo. But I'm very dissapinted at Min-Liang's response, he basically said you either like and praise the program (which most people did in that thread) or you fuck off and get nothing. I mean like are we supposed to be happy that he decided to suspend it despite most people posting outrageously positive comments?
most are positive comments in the main thread then there are those that created separate threads to complain about the price hike and shipping fees etc and there are the supposedly death threats to razer which i have not seen. probably got deleted

  • 6 replies
  • February 9, 2018
I really hope that they make another P2P program that can't be abused as easily. They could increase prices, decrease earning, etc. But this has its own issues, mainly causing fan uproar (which is allegedly the reason that P2P is being suspended in the first place). Perhaps they could give out zSilver for purchasing Razer products rather than just games. Unfortunately, I can't think of any way to monitor whether or not someone is actually playing that won't cause heaps of controversy due to privacy concerns, although I'm sure those clever minds at Razer can whip something up. Other than that, I'm not entirely sure what Razer might do.

  • 5 replies
  • February 9, 2018
I don't get the negative feedback with the P2P system of razer because of this program I was able to play and try alot of my games on my steam, bnet, origin and uplay library.

We created Paid to Play as an opportunity for gamers to get rewarded, just by gaming. Since the program’s launch, over 1B zSilver has been exchanged and over 35,000 rewards redeemed by our fans. We’re always listening to the community, and everyone’s feedback is important to us. With an increasing amount of negative feedback on the Paid to Play program, we’re going to be taking a hard look into the overall program and mechanics to do right for you and all the gamers who participated. While we take time to develop ways to make it rewarding and beneficial for all, we will suspend the Paid to Play program, effective March 1, 2018. In the event that we are unable to provide a satisfactory solution, the program will be suspended indefinitely. Making Razer zSilver the rewards credits for gamers has always been our goal, and we’re constantly working on ways to introduce more rewards to earn zSilver. With over 50 rewards on the Razer zSilver catalog, kindly note that rewards will always be on a first-come, first-served, while stocks last basis. If you’re a step away from redeeming your next Razer reward, here are other ways to earn zSilver: • Using Razer zGold to pay for your gaming purchases • Being an active contributor on Razer Insider • Logging in daily on Razer Cortex • Syncing your Steam account with Cortex: Deals • Subscribing to Cortex: Deals newsletters and more to be introduced soon We thank you for supporting Paid to Play, and welcome all feedback and suggestions on this thread. Should you have any other questions about Paid to Play, please write in to Razer Support or refer to our FAQs here.
too bad that program is suspended for lot's of idiots that are bad and scam... by the way, I hope you can find a nice solution for Us all!!

I think P2P is a great idea, but i can see why many people complain: cost. Unless you game for many hours a day, something not possible for all people, your zSilver expires before you can build up enough to spend it on something meaningful. If zSilver didn't expire, this wouldn't be a problem.

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
P2P system have give me so much of fun and hope, but now it take away. Sad ;( Hope Razer reconsider open it back soon.

  • 33 replies
  • February 9, 2018
i hope this is bad dream.

Btw, do we have to use up our ZSilver by 1st March or can we redeem even after the program has been suspended?
You do not have to use up your zSilver by March 1st, redemption of rewards will continue as normal. Keep a look out for new types of rewards and different ways to earn zSilver as we revise and rework the Paid to Play program. From the FAQ: There is no change to the way Razer zSilver can be redeemed for rewards. Freshly earned Razer zSilver will continue to be totalled at the end of each calendar month, and subjected to a 12-month expiration period. Whenever you redeem a reward, zSilver with the earliest expiration date will be deducted from your wallet first.
too bad that program is suspended for lot's of idiots that are bad and scam... by the way, I hope you can find a nice solution for Us all!!
That's the goal here! We're open to feedback on this so be sure to send it our way in this thread!

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
I'd like to know if they plan on extending the expiration date of our silver or removing it the expiration all together. I hope they come back with something soon. Thanks for the awesome program and i just hope that something comes in it's place because you've made so many gamers happy and would hate to see something ruined because of a few bad apples.

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
this is so sad, hoping it comes back soon. is it possible to remove or expend the zsilver expiration date during the P2P suspended date?

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
Maybe an odd suggestion but if they don't plan to bring it back or even something for those that are close but not quite there, what if you could turn your silver into a discount(Yes i know you can get 20% off) i mean like lets say you were to buy something that costs 100k silver and you have only 80k you could get an 80% discount plus shipping or something like that.

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
AT least double cap the last days Plssss

I talked about a lot of improvements that You (Razer) can do to improve the system but overall I have been ignored. I talked about that Razer should look into tracking users who have Synapse installed so they can put a lowered ZSilver cap for people who own certain Razer gear. I also talked about that Razer should expand on a single list of games instead of community driven results because usually PUBG is always on the list however alot of us probably play something different like Overwatch or League Of Legends. Going back to tracking users, Razer central application is the main application that interlinks with Razer Synapse 3.0 so why don't you release drivers for older devices (for Synapse 3.0 compat) then what you can do from there is that you can make people link their Razer peripherals and devices to their Razer ID. Then Razer can track how many Razer peripherals you have and what you have then possibly lower the ZSilver Cap depending on how many Razer devices you own. This could also be a good/bad way to brag on the forums on what you have because all the peripherals you use are linked to your Razer ID. I don't know, this is just my idea to make things better for people who do not own a collection of Razer peripherals like me and if this does go away for a long time then I hope people got what they wanted with the ZSilver redemption.

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
Why would they lower it for people that support Razer by buying their products? Shouldn't it be the other way around? People that own Razer gear should get a higher zsilver? Makes no sense to reward people for not owning their products instead of saying thank you for being part of the Razer family and here is an increased reward.

Why would it get so negative feedback ? One main reason I would see is ya only earn zsilver for a select amout of games when. Ya should earn it for any game ya play . The special events on the weekend for certain games to get 3 times silver ain't so bad. But the program doesn't support a wide enough range of games.

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
This is sad. Thank you, Razer for helping me get my Lancehead TE! ❤

Why would they lower it for people that support Razer by buying their products? Shouldn't it be the other way around? People that own Razer gear should get a higher zsilver? Makes no sense to reward people for not owning their products instead of saying thank you for being part of the Razer family and here is an increased reward.
Im just thinking because someone mentioned earlier in this thread that people are selling Razer gear from ZSilver redemption's. For example I own Razer, Headset, Mouse, Keyboard, Laptop. Which is a complete Suite of Razer peripherals. So to deter people like me from selling gear on eBay that they have received from ZSilver Redemption is to maybe lower the daily cap so it takes longer for them to grind the gear.

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
this is so sad, hoping it comes back soon. is it possible to remove or expend the zsilver expiration date during the P2P suspended date?
The zsilver expiration will proceed as normal even if the P2P is suspended. Here is the FAQ about it https://www.razerzone.com/paid-to-play#

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
Because of this, I am able to own Razer products. Thanks Razer for everything.

  • 10 replies
  • February 9, 2018
I miss just 2 months to get what I need and you are turning it down. That's sad :V

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
Why would it get so negative feedback ? One main reason I would see is ya only earn zsilver for a select amout of games when. Ya should earn it for any game ya play . The special events on the weekend for certain games to get 3 times silver ain't so bad. But the program doesn't support a wide enough range of games.
I think Razer is kind enough to provide this service for users to get to earn points to redeem Razer products for practically free. What more could you ask for?

I talked about a lot of improvements that You (Razer) can do to improve the system but overall I have been ignored.
Whoa there buddy, just because we don't respond doesn't mean we don't read your suggestions and take them into consideration. So here's my obligatory reply to say that... We're watching and we're listening.
But the program doesn't support a wide enough range of games.

  • 10 replies
  • February 9, 2018
Anyway thanks for the opportunity you gave us, I hope in a new and more payful program!

  • 0 replies
  • February 9, 2018
Whoa there buddy, just because we don't respond doesn't mean we don't read your suggestions and take them into consideration. So here's my obligatory reply to say that... We're watching and we're listening.
This reply is just great. Spiderman memes just never gets old.

  • Vanguard
  • 722 replies
  • February 9, 2018
The time with paid to play was amazing and very beneficial, i'll be missing it surely. But it has come up to a point that Razer should know there will always be negative feedback no matter what changes or improvements will be done. If you could find a way to take in consideration only the trustful and positive feedback with some slightly adjustments it will be perfect. I think there has to be a system which rewards people by their loyalty, somehow you'd have to keep an eye on every user and see his actions or by his Razer products or by his redeems, i don't know something like that. The more active you get the more you are rewarded so there wouldn't be so many complaints about rewarding players (just my idea). Anyway i hope you guys will seek out the best improvements for us and will return with better services to us. We impatiently await for your news and changes for the paid to play.

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