About the Paid to Play Suspension. | Razer Insider

About the Paid to Play Suspension.

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Greed is the enemy of paitence

Why would someone give a negative feedback on this feature ? I don't understand...

i guess people are more greedy on big things these days
Why would someone give a negative feedback on this feature ? I don't understand...

Jealous idiots aka internet trolls, plain and simple.
I just learned about this a while ago, wondering why I was not receiving zsilver for Hearthstone. Now I'm like, how do I get them gud stuff now.

same XD
U gotta chill out dude. I believe they might be looking at reworking the whole program. Might come back even better who knows? If u are not willing to wait you could join the raffle I think. Get a chance to score some sick loot. All the best bro

even if they are working on new solutions they should resign from '1 year expiration' because right now it does not make any sense
I DID NOT LIKE THIS ZSILVER and I will say why, being 5h playing a game that I do not like to win 900zSilver a day comes an hour that gets extremely annoying, I leave the screen minimized and I stay in the browser that is much more interesting than those boring games that you put to win 3zSilvers per minute, put at least the games I like and remove this limit of 900 for something unlimited, so I can leave the PC on while I go to sleep, if you want can take the items of the razer, since most want to sell let alone the games, without counting that any hacker can mine these Zsilvers and buy many products in the store for free, I do not doubt that this already exists.
MY SUGGESTION is to take the limit of 900 per day and remove the razer products since they may be giving you damages because of the hackers.

I think you are part of the reason why Razer is suspending the P2P program due to negative feedback...
Userlevel 7
It's extremely likely it'll never come back, too many people exploiting it and it'd be too difficult to try to stop. Saw this in the Mogul chat today and it sounds like people have multiple accounts there also, This is why we can't have nice things.:frown_: But oh well the zGold part of the program is great and the whole zVault as it is now is still sweet.

Userlevel 7
Makes me want to puke.
At that time i thought that you'd to own a razer stuff connected to cortex to gain silvers with P2P...
Do some of you know an hitman or two, so that i can send them to his house ?
The only negative feedback I'd ever have for it was never having enough silver 😛. That said, I eagerly await the return of this program or something similar in the future
Can we make a petition to show to Razer how unhappy we are for suspending the program? :frown_:

Well, here's hoping this is an early April Fool's joke. I'm seriously hoping this doesn't end up happening. Initially, the paid-to-play program was limited to what games were partnered with the program and ZSilver had no expiry date; then they made it more difficult to earn ZSilver via the paid-to-play program by limiting eligible games to five per month (though, it seems this recently changed by allowing ZSilver to be earned on all games, and those five games just give extra) and gave ZSilver an expiration date; now they increase the price of everything that could be redeemed with ZSilver and entirely remove the paid-to-play program "indefinitely" (possibly used this specific terminology purposefully so as to permanently remove it on the sly). I absolutely LOVE Razer, my awesome gear - aside from a few issues I'm encountering now that can possibly be attributed more-so to age - and the paid-to-play program (even after they limited earning to five eligible games every month), but this really is just leaving a bad feeling all the way around, in my opinion. Unfortunately, the price hike on top of this has made it more-or-less impossible for me to reach my goal. :(

Here's hoping something happens to revert this decision before it actually gets finalized and goes through March 1. I'll be completely honest and up front in saying I don't know what negative feedback there was - I admit, I'm not the most active here (mostly just scan through a few things), but drop by from time-to-time to comment on some stuff - but the only real two negatives I see with the program are: the shipping costs could be an issue for low-income individuals who really want to participate to get some Razer goodies, and the introduction of ZSilver having an expiration date made it difficult for those with little free time to save up towards a higher reward. Coupons that can be redeemed at local stores for the merchandise would be great for those unable to afford shipping, and removing the expiration date on ZSilver would allow people sufficient time to save up towards that one big reward they're working towards.


I really hope they bring back this program. I was great! 😞
• Using Razer zGold to pay for your gaming purchases
• Being an active contributor on Razer Insider
• Logging in daily on Razer Cortex
• Syncing your Steam account with Cortex: Deals
• Subscribing to Cortex: Deals newsletters and more to be introduced soon

i hope these are just temporary measures?

1) using real money for zGold. isnt P2P all about helping gamers to get the razer product they can't afford? now we have to fork out money.

2) active contributor as in posting regularly to get the zsilver? from what i understand, it's like 50zsilver or each time you hit a certain amount of post or likes. when you consider the items cost like 100k-200k it just looks depressing

3) login daily. this amounts to 40 a day. Again, the items are 100-200k range like the bw2. even the basics ones are like 30-50k. And worse still, if you happen to miss a day of not logging in, it becomes 10zsilver

4)Syncing to cortex - deals. isnt this a one time thing?

5) sub to cortex- another one time thingy?
Userlevel 6
Although I am very upset that it is going to be gone forever

As of right now it's only going to be suspended while they try to figure out a better system. Hopefully they'll be successful and a new form of P2P system will be created in it's place.

Btw, do we have to use up our ZSilver by 1st March or can we redeem even after the program has been suspended?

The only portion being suspended is the P2P - so you will still keep earning zSilver by earning trophies on Insider, buying/spending zGold and through other promotions offered by Razer. So you can choose when you want to redeem your points at any prior to their expiration date.

@Bitauren007 - As was mentioned they are planning on finding other ways to award Zsilver as well. Perhaps there will be promotions for it, as of right now there's no certainty as to what will be happening in that regard, other than we will still have other ways to earn zSilver.
so sad, I still didnt redeem my zsilver yet
Userlevel 7
I just wish they'd suspend the expiration period too... Especially now zSilver is essentially on hold indefinitely, our points are gonna start expiring in a few months at a rate a few hundred times faster than we could ever replace them without buying them through zGold.

Wouldn't that make zGold a definite replacement for zSilver if the P2P program is never brought back?
Wouldn't that make zGold a definite replacement for zSilver if the P2P program is never brought back?

I hope not, if they do millions of players will get angry 😞
I just have to download the Razer Cortex app and i saw that this program is suspended... 😕
I hope that is will return fast! 🙂
less than a month has passed yet it feels like an eternity.. :frown_:
I don't see how the negative reviews out-weighed the positive??? "Majority" of the community liked the P2P program so it really doesn't seem right that it is being stopped indefinitely... Seems to me like something else is of the cause?
This actually sucks. After telling my friends about this program, it is now being shut down...
have some thoughts/ideas

1) make sure those in this P2P has at least 1 razer product registered to cortex. i think is totally reasonable to have one razer product if you are gamer/razer hardcore fan.

2) Rewards those who love and buy your products.
those starting out still gets 500zsilver a day up to a limit of 900z a day. the more products you have the more you earn daily to 900z limit a day

3)make the super popular titles permanent. there's no point putting them in the voting list when they will just win every single time. titles like dota2, LOL, cs go, pubg are highly popular in twitch n other streaming sites. putting them permanent will please a large number of gamers(review them after 3-6mths and see what other title to add in or remove). and then give the lesser titles a chance and put them in the voting list and give them a higher number of zsilver earned a minute than the bigger titles so people will give it a try

4) remove the expiry date. alot of them are working adults who might not have 5hrs a day to reach the product they want. it's disheartening to see that you have almost reach the amount only for the points to expire when you are busy with some project or not in town to login

5) instant ban them from cortex forever if they post threats or abuse the system which leads me to the 1st point. these people will think twice when their product serial is tied to the cortex, this will leave them out of the goodies razer come out with in the future. valve recently came out with this 6mths ban for dota 2 if the player abuses too much. i think these trolls become much nicer now

6) not sure if this is workable but store pickups for the items u want redeem?
what's e use of logging daily for the 40 when there's yearly limit

and subscribe to newsletter and sync steam account is totally rubbish!
the newsletter and syncing is just a one time thing. 50points once and that's it!
i see this spammed to death by people and mods
you figured gamers have already done it from day one?!?!
Userlevel 7
Why would someone give a negative feedback on this feature ? I don't understand...

IKR? They get points to exchange with free stuff or discounts.
I feel that with this current system, zSilver earned should not expire. The zSilver gain just from daily logins is way too little.
RIP, P2P. I still miss you, baby. Call me sometime :wink_: