[Introductions] Introduce Yourselves to Insider! | Razer Insider

[Introductions] Introduce Yourselves to Insider!

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Hello! I'm eternal, also known as Emma, and I've loved Razer for a long time and can finally buy the products! I love them so much and love to rep the kitty headset especially. I'm a university student studying Zoology, work as a Retail Supervisor then record music, game & stream on the side. Currently I'm WAY too addicted to Apex Legends!
Sup' everyone,
My name's Mateusz (Matthew), I'm a student of technical school and i usually play fps games along with racing ones.
Hello everyone, I'm Bruno, I live in Portugal, and I've been a PC gamer for a great part of my life, AKA BlueOmni since the late 90's.

I'm mostly into strategy and role playing games, but I also like to play the ocasional FPS.

Since life is not only about playing games, I also work at an IT company developing products for the mobility automotive sector.
My hobbies are practicing Karate and turning my daughter into a PC gamer.

All the best for everyone!
Hey guys I'm Tom only just joined the Razer collection last year and haven't regretted it!
Just a university student who loves to game and addicted to hardware & tech and currently within this loophole of Razer stuff currently own the Razer Phone 2, Blackwidow Elite(Yellow Switches), Razer Mamba Wireless, Razer Goliathus Chroma, Razer Kiyo
Hopefully I get my hands onto a Seiren Mini!
Member of the RazerStreamer Program so got that to look out for 😉
I am Svjatoslav, or short name Slavik (in internet mostly Svetlik007). I am from Latvia, at the moment I have been living in the UK for 8 years. I am new fan of RAZER, my first devices are Basilisk V2 and Tartarus V2, and I'm happy with them. I am not professional gamer, but some times i like to play good games. More i like RPG shooters, strategy shooters, or cover system shooters. Also, i like to playing some surviving games, RTS, RPG. Actually i like good AAA projects. Favourite developers - Ubisoft and GOG.
I am happy to join your big RAZER family.
Yo guys any idea how to post
I honestly don't know what to say, I just like playing games and I want Razer Silver to get more gear for my set. But I would like to join the community.

P.S. I love space and art.
Hello all. My name is Todd and I run RAIDR eSports, a veteran and military focused community working towards becoming a non-profit. RAIDR's mission is to unite and organize active duty, reserve, and veteran personnel to provide them with a sense of purpose within a community of gamers, a passive approach to PTSD treatment through video games, job opportunities, a dynamic approach to entering in tournaments on esports teams, teaching and enabling on how to become a content creators, and help funding other non-profit's missions to aid veterans in the video game industry.

While it is very early in the creation of RAIDR, we're happy to be a part of the #razerstreamer program.
hey I just got my new razer viper mini
Hello everyone! I'm happy to be a #RazerStreamer now and be part of this community!
Hello, all my name is jack, I go by Lego head on social media and in game names. I am also from the UK,
I have had Razer gear for 10+ years now. The main games that I play are the call of duty franchise, some Rainbow Six Siege & GTA, and Fortnite.
i Am currently streaming on twitch Twitch.tv/islegohead
Hola razers!!! mi nombre es Hector, en twitch conocido como h3lor. llevo jugando en ordenador desde 1990 y mi primer prefico razer ha sido un mouse Razer Mamba Elite y estoy enamorado de el, sus acabados son impresionantes y su rendimiento expectacular!
espero conoceros a todos! asi que cuando querais hablamos!
Hi! I'm Alex! You will find me more commonly on Razer Insider as FutureGaming1! I live in London and have been a massive fan of Razer since 2021. I want to have a full Razer Setup one day, and work for Razer. I love to make friends, so if you want to know a little (or a lot) more about me, do comment down below! I started Razer with a Kraken X USB! I currently am thinking of a job and I have just finished secondary school and am about to start university with hopes to become a Lego Designer or a Razer Employee!

C ya along the Razer Road!

Yo, I'm Arya 29yo atm, Iranian, gaming since i was a teenager and never left playing. games FTW.
I'm gonna buy Razer Products for the first time, cause I'm goin to start steaming.
c ya laterz
l got the razer Nari
Hi, My name is Francheska. Im 22, and i have a Youtube channel called "Lightning's Games" that nobody watches XD. I like the razer's products even tho the prices are expensive. Nice to meet you all!
Awe ma'se kinners!! Wilbur, like Smith here. Or Wilbeer or Wilburforce, which is now my current addy. Wilbur4ce, but changed this year to Wilbur4Oce - because I'm almost a "kak" old ballie that web develop since HTML3 en die begin van CSS. Self-taught during my graphic design and photography (film still) studies. Am now a Creative Logician, dirty nine still, turning uber naughty 4Ocety this year XD

EDIT: Recently shaved my very hairy beard, because well I'm not a "oupa" yet 🙂
Hello Insiders!

If you are reading this, you have likely just joined the community here on Razer Insider, so welcome! We are glad you decided to join us. Please make sure to read the Insider House Rules and Posting Guidelines before you go ahead and start posting 😉.

Whether you are a newer or older user, feel free to introduce yourself in this thread, and get comfortable.

I am Brandon (aka @Jenjar) and I come from Canada. I have been a fan of Razer, and have been involved here on Razer Insider for almost 5 years now, all starting with a Razer Deathstalker and Deathadder 2013. Since those basic green backlit products, I have fallen under the Chroma spell, and eat, sleep and breathe Chroma. Earlier this year I was chosen to become a Razer Vanguard, and so far it has been a great experience contributing to this great community!

Outside of Razer, I also have interests in computers as a whole, exploring the great outdoors and of course, playing video games. Currently, my favorite games are CS:GO, GTA V and Battlefield V.

That is all for me, but now I want to hear from you! Feel free to talk about where you are from, your interests, and anything else you want to mention (as long as it is not too personal).

I hope you enjoy your time on Razer Insider!.

Hi. I am Maheshwari. I come from Malaysia. I'm new to Razer. I'm here thanks to a close friend who is a Razer user for a long time. He uses Razer products that I find very impressive. I hope to redeem my own Razer Silver points to purchase an item from Razer soon.

Lots of love,
I am S4ge_Rites and i use a Blackwidow V3, Deathadder v2 mini and basilisk ultimate and other things
Hello madams and mosieurs ! im sipe the avenger, from finland 😉 just really really bad avenger, nothing more 😛 And lol, ill feel like im in a enemy camp, i dont have any razer stuff 😃 just steelseries :=) 😮 but i gonna have new mouse soon.. and headphones.. so i think im gonna buy some razer.. 🙂 i like playing "hot"stuff like RPGs, Diablo serie is my favourite.. Now im playing some divine divinity, waiting to see a beatifull morning, when baldurs gate 3 have landed.. and that is how my life fullfills 🙂



My name is Vítor, I'm from Brazil and born 1998.
I'm a student in Neuroscience and Biotech, and I'm currently researching fear memory, PTSD and stress in rats in the lab I'm part of.
I play mainly strategy and puzzle games and as of 2021 I'm addicted to "Baba is You" - it's so cute and the music is such a jam and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

anyway, being honest, i'm here to earn some silver
but why not learn and make some friends along the way?
Hello guys, I am Olppu from Finland. I'm new here. I play mostly with my laptop games called Fortnite, Among Us, Batlefront 2 and Henry stickmin collekction. And... Yes. Have a nice day.
Hi everyone, my name is Edrik.
I'm from Malaysia and I have got my first Razer gear in 2020, (Pretty late, I know)
Anyways, I play most of Valorant, GTA V online and still exploring what else there is to play for me.
Feels great to be part of the community. Hope to be able to learn more from y'all.
Hello my name is Selvaggia and i from Italy 🙂
Hello I am LemmingAward new to Razer Insider community but have used Razer products for quite awhile. I stream occasionally on Twitch(same name). Anyways have some good games!
