Accessing chroma broadcast | Razer Insider

Accessing chroma broadcast

  • 15 January 2019
  • 3 replies

I'm going to try to make this as descriptive as possible to avoid any confusion, but does synapse have any sort of way to be tapped into and reacted upon. I saw the post related to third party integrations being a potential in the future and I am aware of the page where you can submit requests to get products sort of brought into this sphere of things that can work in a reactive way, but I don't think that is what I'm supposed to look into to get this information as that seems to be for more established developers rather then a random guy looking into stuff of this nature. I am also aware of the SDK, but it is not related to this current topic as that is an external program reaching into synapse and "pulling the strings." I'm simply curious of two things...

1.Is there some sort of broadcast of effects from synapse in current versions?


2.Can this broadcast (if it exists) be readily received by third party software?

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3 Replies

Userlevel 6
1. Yes. That's what the new "Chroma Connect" module brings.

2. Yes, but only by pre-approved software.
1. Yes. That's what the new "Chroma Connect" module brings.

2. Yes, but only by pre-approved software.

I assume that is through the page I saw when looking into this initially...
Why not make it available for us developers that would like to use it and build our own chroma-enabled devices?