[CORTEX] Happy Valentine’s Day! NEW in-app Avatar Frame now on Razer Cortex Games! | Razer Insider
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Happy Valentine's Day! Redeem your love induced avatar frame on Razer Cortex Games today - limited time only!

>> Take me to Razer Cortex Games! <<
Player 2 joined the game :D

Happy Valentine's 💘
I see Tinder is the next favorite app in Cortex Games. How am I supposed to explain this to my wife? :wink_:
Ah, not free :confused_:
Wish You Were Well
i have to explain Tinder in Cortex to my cat :wink_:
Hello Friends,

Thanks Razer.

Happy Valentine's Day. 💖💓💕
nah...i'm fine with forever alone
ok, thanks.
HVD... but no I don't want this
Bring back paid to play games! :frown_:
lonely dog
Nice Frame!!!
Happy valentine's day everyone!
Awesome frame, mates! Happy valentine's day!
Nice frame! Happy valentines day
