[CORTEX PC] Squad Rewards Season 6 | Razer Insider

[CORTEX PC] Squad Rewards Season 6

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103 Replies

i only joined once coz i hv no friends
Good luck everyone!
Join only if u can make 4h per day
Lucky chanchs
https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/19/9624a73d2ed1 I play for more than 4 hours a day and I'm looking for a team.
To clarify on redemption- if there are only so many prizes 'left' does that mean:

That all eligible rewards are limited (and you receive no rewards even if you have the requisite gameplay) or:

Is there a pool of limited prizes that are first-come first-serve in addition to prizes that can be attained through gameplay, regardless of how quickly you claim them?

Hey there!

Thank you very much for taking your time out of your day to share your concern with us here. I'm Michelle from the Razer Cortex Technical Support Team. I am happy to assist you with your concern.

Each prize in Squad Rewards requires a certain amount of gameplay time to redeem and only comes at a limited quantity, first-come-first-serve basis. So, when a squad reaches that gameplay time of redeeming a prize, the squad leader needs to redeem it very quickly by exchanging the required amount of gameplay time for that prize. Please feel free to check more details on our FAQ page.

Razer Cortex Squad Rewards Campain also operated the POST SEASON SOLO PRIZES for users who have leftover gameplay hours during the competition. If you screw down the campaign page, you can view it below the LEADERBOARD ranking.

Hope my response is the answer to your question.

Please feel free to let us know if you have any suggestions, comments, or any bugs you encounter. We'd especially love to hear from you.

Best regards,
Michelle Chang
Razer Cortex Team
Userlevel 7
i have not friends to make a squad.
Looking for 1 last dedicated player to join our squad and who is already running for and hour. Let me know for invitation. We are going hot. 4h 10m already. We need one guy to hit the first places.
Just need 1 more member who can do 4 hours per day 🙂
This is my squad for who have full hours: https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/19/566ea3b385ed
This is my server of discord to talk: https://discord.gg/aPUweKeW7S
Hey there!

Thank you very much for taking your time out of your day to share your concern with us here. I'm Michelle from the Razer Cortex Technical Support Team. I am happy to assist you with your concern.

Each prize in Squad Rewards requires a certain amount of gameplay time to redeem and only comes at a limited quantity, first-come-first-serve basis. So, when a squad reaches that gameplay time of redeeming a prize, the squad leader needs to redeem it very quickly by exchanging the required amount of gameplay time for that prize. Please feel free to check more details on our FAQ page.

Razer Cortex Squad Rewards Campain also operated the POST SEASON SOLO PRIZES for users who have leftover gameplay hours during the competition. If you screw down the campaign page, you can view it below the LEADERBOARD ranking.

Hope my response is the answer to your question.

Please feel free to let us know if you have any suggestions, comments, or any bugs you encounter. We'd especially love to hear from you.

Best regards,
Michelle Chang
Razer Cortex Team

I have been playing for a few hours now and the squad rewards has not been counting the hours. I have checked that the game is on the list and it is however there has been no increase in playtime
I have been playing for a few hours now and the squad rewards has not been counting the hours. I have checked that the game is on the list and it is however there has been no increase in playtime

Hey there!

Thank you very much for sharing your gameplay time issue here. I'm Michelle and I'm happy to assist you with your issue.

Before we start, could you please provide us with your Cortex logs for us to isolate the concern? I will PM you a simple guide on how to collect and upload your Cortex logs. Please ignore it if you do not need it.

By the way, if you want to quickly check this issue on your site, please check our gameplay time troubleshooting on our Squad Rewards FAQ page.

Thank you for your patience. We'll be looking forward to your reply soon.

Best regards,
Michelle Chang
Razer Cortex Team
LETS GOOOO!! Squad rewards return!

I saw something on the rankings and i want to ask how is this possible. The #1 team on the event. one of their players refreshes in every minute. How is that happening?
Userlevel 7
2 afk kicked, Discord Server Included.


Discord Server Included. AFK and Those who didn't join Discord would be kicked.
I'm really frustrated by this event. I hate multiplayer because there's always 1 person not carrying their weight. Now with the 4 player squad system, someone has stopped contributing to the daily hours and only the "leader" (literally the person I coincidentally joined and they dont give a 😉 can kick them. How stupid that people have to use a 3rd party to communicate - there should be direct messaging available. There should definitely be a vote kick option which passes with at least 2 FOR votes. This stupid event wasn't thought out properly.
Userlevel 5
2 afk kicked, Discord Server Included.

Doreivis, krakenmaster. Please, join discord. Link in Cortex app

Hey Insiders!

Squad Rewards are back! Season 6 has begun! Check out the new features and improvements.

Formulate strategies and get into the new season by adding a Discord server for your squad on Cortex PC.

Spread the word! We will increase the maximum pool prize to 5 million Razer Silver if we hit 100,000 players. If you've got your eyes set on the grand prize we've got some good news! This time around there will be three sets of grand prizes up for grabs!

You know the drill:

  • Gather up to 3 friends.
  • Download Cortex: PC, sign-in with your Razer ID's and set up your squad.

Join now: rzr.to/SRS6IP

Redeem rewards with Razer Silver
Kicked out an afk, does anyone with max hours wanna join?
I play for more than 4 hours a day and I'm looking for a team.:wink_::wink_::wink_:

Me my brother and this random all have Max hours except one member we could kick if you wanna join
How's everyone's Squad Rewards going? Who's chasing that Golden Goose?
Hi Guys looking for a team to redeem 80 hour full our till now, il be available to join a squad in 2 hours
Looking for a guy to redeem 80h coins

share your group link to join sir