Many Insiders spend lots of time getting that hard earned Razer Silver and for good reason, great loot! But for many of us, we simply don't have the stockpile of Silver that would net us a great piece of Razer hardware, but have managed to accumulate some over time and have nothing to spend it on - especially if you're constrained by the country you live in.
My question for many of you this week: if you had the opportunity to donate your Razer Silver to a good cause, would you do it? Are there any particular causes you're passionate about? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Like and comment for a chance at the weekly "Great" achievement, additionally, well thought out responses may get you some extra Silver.
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About Razer Silver:
Razer Silver is the only loyalty rewards credits backed by Razer. Earn Silver when you Pay with Razer or engage in software and services from Razer and our Partners. For more information on Razer Silver visit:
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