Basilisk V3 Non-Functioning & Blackwidow V3 (Halo Infinite Edition) Not Properly Lighting? | Razer Insider
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I want to update this forum by stating that on 7/26/2023 at aproximately 11:00 a.m., I turned my computer on for the first time of the day (I usually restart/shutdown about 5-8 times per day, I’d know because I grew up on Windows 95). I noticed that my mouse was non-responsive. It did not light up, nor register a cursor icon when fully booted into the Windows 11 Pro UI desktop environment. I seemed as though it wasn’t even receiving power via the USB 2.0 port (the I/O of a ASUS ROG Strix B660-A Gaming WiFi D4 motherboard)...And, Yes, my USB ports are all doing just dandy. Though I do ponder now, if Razer devices & software can damage your USB ports?

So I restarted the computer via using the keyboard navigation/shortcuts. Once the computer restarted, the mouse lights were on, but the mouse did not function and there was still no cursor to be visible on-screen.

I shutdown the computer. I unplugged the mouse. Turned the computer back on. Waited until Windows 11 Pro had fully booted into the Desktop GUI. Then I plugged in the Basilisk V3. The mouse was instantly recognized and began functionally normally again. If this occurs again, I’ll swap the ports on both devices for USB 3. If I recall correctly, the keyboard & mouse are designed for USB 2 specifications. Nowhere on the packaging nor documentation does it suggest to use USB 3 ports for either device. I do know that the Blackwidow V4, that I briefly had, used USB-C cables.

I’m still puzzled as to what type of issue this is: Software, Firmware, Hardware, or a combination of either or?

A similar issue can also be found in this thread (should anyone wish to view it): Basilisk v3 Stopped Working Completely

NOTE #1: The mouse I received from GameStop (on 7-17-2023) had an older firmware version (yet, I didn’t experience any issues before updating to the newest firmware). I updated the firmware to the latest version about 2-3 days after receiving the mouse. Regardless of if that’s the culprit or not, I began having issues with all Razer Products within a week or two of using them. They were all brand new in box, and purchased via name brand retailers (not third party resellers). For what it’s worth, I’m experiencing the least amount of issues with the Blackwidow V3 Halo Edition wired keyboard. I’ve only experienced a couple of times where the lighting defaulted back to the infamous “cyan / initializing-phase color”. Usually restarting the PC or “re-initializing” the profile within the Synapse 3 program temporary fixed this quirk, for the meantime…


NOTE #2: I’m testing on a fresh clean installation of Windows 11 Pro (No Insider Beta Editions… the nVidia drivers are/were unstable with W11 Canary Channel) Everything is fully updated post installation drivers/apps/programs/etc. Everything is freshly installed and updated without any prior debris.


NOTE #3: This is how I test all of my hardware components & software conflicts: Similar to gradually adding in each fresh ingredient as I were hand-making pizza dough. You test each ingredient, in order of importance first, individually at a time, and measure your results accordingly. When something crashes, then take note of the last ingredient you added. Was anything installed prior/post the last state of system stability? Rinse & Repeat. Endure. Measure your results. Then test your findings. Old school OCD tedious troubleshooting methods.


RESULTS: The mouse & keyboard functioned as a basic primitive mouse & keyboard should operate with the Windows 11 drivers. After installing Synapse 3, the mouse & keyboard functioned normally with or without third party bloatware programs/apps. It should be noted that during the time of this occurrence, there weren’t any third party bloatware programs running in the background (such as Asus Armoury Crate, nor something like EVGA Precision X1). So I can rule out any third party software conflicts occurring with my particular situation.

There does seem to be conflict with the Synapse 3 program and the Razer devices. However, I cannot say this for all of the devices, just the ones in question.

As of July 30, 2023, I haven’t experienced any other issues. I’m still monitoring the keyboard & mouse for any other occurences. 

I’ll post a revised & updated version of my mouse/keyboard guide below. I had to perform these steps on 7/26/2023, when I first noticed that I started having issues with my Basilisk V3 (wired) & Blackwidow V3 (Halo Infinite Edition). The following did resolve the problem(s) that I was experiencing. Nevertheless, this is still just a temporary fix. 


Step 1. Reset your devices from within the Synapse program. Optional Next Step: You might also need to delete your profiles (I’ve noticed that as soon as you login to your Razer account, via Synapse 3, that’s usually when I notice the anomalies/disconnecting/RGB lighting issues occurring. 

Step 2. Uninstall the Synapse program and anything else associated with it. Run some kind of file/registry cleaner to remove debris.

Step 3. Remove your keyboard and/or mouse drivers from the Windows Device Manager. Once the keyboard/mouse has now been removed from the Device Manager, you’ll have to manually press the power button on your computer to physically shut it down.

Step 4. Disconnect the mouse/keyboard cables from your PC’s USB ports.

Step 5. Power your PC back on. Let it fully boot up into the Windows desktop environment (GUI), and make sure that all of your essential background startup programs have also loaded up.

Step 6. Now plug your mouse/keyboard back into your USB port(s).

Step 7. When the Synapse install prompt pops up, Cancel Out of it! Do not let it install… JUST YET!

Step 8. Test your keyboard/mouse out with the initial/basic drivers first, just to rule out any physical connection issues or unforeseen consequences (in other words, get out your crystal ball).

Step 9. If you so dare, then install Synapse, but do not login to your account/profile(s) just yet. Test your devices first and monitor their behavior.

Step 10. Login to your account/profiles via the Synapse software, and take note if these issues occur. 

Step 11. Rinse & Repeat (every time this happens… *Sighs*)


^ The above steps seemed to have returned the keyboard & mouse back to their default parameters (or within reason, based upon the current conditions), so I could get the features functioning again. This has occurred twice. The first instance was with a Blackwidow V4 keyboard, and the second instance was/is with my current Blackwidow V3 Halo Edition keyboard. The Naga Pro wireless was incurable (it had to be returned), however this did remedy my current Basilisk V3 (wired) mouse. 


NOTE: You could also try running a USB Live Linux OS (Such as Mint, Manjaro, Ubuntu, or any variant that you prefer), to test if the keyboard & mouse can still function as basic peripherals. This may narrow down the culprit as being either a Windows vs Synapse issue. 

UPDATE: Today (7/31/2023) I turned my computer on for the FIRST time of the day. My keyboard reverted back to its default phase (slow color rotating lighting scheme, or whatever it does). The mouse was not lit at all, but it did function as a mouse. The keyboard also functioned as a basic keyboard. So I restarted my PC, however this time, the mouse lit up to its initial lighting phase as well. 

I powered down my PC (actual shutdown). Waited for about 3 minutes and then powered it back on. Once everything had fully booted & loaded up, then my keyboard and mouse were back to their profile specific settings.

NOTE: The pattern I’ve significantly noticed is that usually on the FIRST power on (of the day), these issues tend to occur. However, I don’t experience them throughout the day even in between frequent restarts of my PC. So I’m now wondering if there is a flaw in the devices’ power delivery?? If this isn’t the case, then I suspect a software conflict within the Synapse 3 program and the login profile(s). 

NOTE #2: I’m going to leave the Razer Synapse 3 software installed, but logout of my account/profiles. If these issues stop occurring, then I may have narrowed down the suspect. 

UPDATE: Today (on 8/1/2023) I turned my PC on for the first time. The keyboard had reverted back to its basic default / initial lighting cycle, but the mouse wasn’t properly lighting in the same manner as the keyboard (it’s difficult to explain).


As stated previously, I’m logged out of my Razer account, I use the Synapse 3 program, as is, for troubleshooting purposes. Once everything had booted up, I checked the devices’ settings in Synapse 3. For some strange reason, the program had generated duplicate profiles of each device (I’ll include a screenshot):



I deleted the duplicate profiles from each device, and then shutdown my PC. I powered it back on, and now the lighting is functioning according to the settings I have chosen for each one.


Why is the Synapse 3 program generating duplicate profiles?! this currently seems to be the culprit (regarding my particular situation).


NOTE: I’ve also noticed that if you have a keyboard & mouse (for example, in my case: Basilisk V3 & Blackwidow V3 Halo Edition), and change the lighting on one device, then the other device will also be affected and turn off its lighting, then visually reset, and then revert back to its assigned lighting.

WHY? This should not happened whatsoever. It’s almost as though the Razer Synapse 3 software cannot handle nor manage each separate device independently without affecting the other. PLEASE FIX THIS. It’s not a feature, it’s a bug.


On 8/2/2023 at approximately 12:30a.m., I noticed a Synapse update notification. So I allowed it to update. After the Synapse program had finished updating, I decided to restart my computer (I usually do after any type of update). Now my keyboard & mouse have completely disappeared… here are some screenshots:



If I try going to the Chroma Studio, then it says:



NOTE: I’m still using Synapse 3 without signing in to my account (I’m still testing the profile conflicts). Now, however, that everything is properly fuq’d up, regardless if I’m signed in to my account or not, I’m not sure if it even matters whether you login to your account or not. These issues are widespread with the Synapse software… Nevertheless the mouse & keyboard still function as basic peripherals with Windows 11, and the RGB has reverted back to default color cycle on each device. 

Hi @BuckAhRue,


Thanks for raising your concern through the support board and sharing its progress with screenshots. Can you PM me the serial numbers of your Razer devices so I can verify their models, and share the Synapse logs from your PC so I can forward them to the software team by starting a support ticket? I'm looking forward to hearing back from you soon. 

UPDATE: Last night before I went to bed, I logged into my Razer account via Synapse 3. I thought that maybe it would somehow re-detect my devices. Nothing happened, so I powered down my PC for the night. 

I turned my PC on for the first time at 12:00 p.m. (after being powered off over the past 12.5 hours). My devices were detected within Synapse. Here’s a pic:



I checked my profiles, and duplicates were created again. Also, there were profiles that I deleted from my devices last week, that magically reappeared. 


NOTE: The functionality and lighting of both peripherals are back to “normal” for the time being. 


NOTE #2: I am also going to send @Razer.Zionzedd my devices’ information and open a ticket. 

Hi @BuckAhRue,


Thanks for raising your concern through the support board and sharing its progress with screenshots. Can you PM me the serial numbers of your Razer devices so I can verify their models, and share the Synapse logs from your PC so I can forward them to the software team by starting a support ticket? I'm looking forward to hearing back from you soon. 


Hi @Razer.Zionzedd  and thank you for reaching out. I recently PM’d you the information of my devices. Is there a way that I can send photos of them? Sometimes it’s difficult for me to read the serial numbers, and I could have accidentally typed them out incorrectly. I did not noticed an attachment feature in the PM box. This would be a handy feature to add, for those of us who are disabled and/or have issues properly seeing the S/N characters and typing for longs periods of time. I have issues with my hands and fingers, they do not always cooperate. So I switch to voice to text, whenever I’m able to.   

MAJOR UPDATE: My Basilisk V3 just took a big crap on me. The time was 12:23 p.m. on 8/04/2023. I turned my computer on for the third time today from a cold shutdown. The keyboard powered on and the appropriate RGB lighting also properly functioned, however my mouse was dead.



Luckily, I was able to quickly get it functioning again.


1. I shutdown my computer.

2. I unplugged the Basilisk V3 from the USB 2.0 port.

2. Turned my PSU switch OFF (in the back, next to the power cable).

3. Then I turned on the computer case’s power switch to discharge it.

4. Turn on the PSU power switch back ON.

5. Now turn on the PC via the case’s switch.

6. Wait for Windows 11 Pro to fully boot up.

7. Plug the mouse back into the same USB port.

8. The Basilisk V3 is now “properly” functioning again.



NOTE (for whatever it’s worth): I do not have any of the S states activated in my BIOS. When I shutdown my PC, there is nothing still being powered, such as USB devices/lighting, etc.


UPDATE: Over the past 48 hours, I haven’t noticed any issues...yet. I am still going to request an RMA for the Basilisk V3, because I suspect it is a faulty/defective unit. 


NOTE: Something users should try out (to narrow down the culprit). When you install Synapse 3, don’t install all of the modules. Just select the bare minimum (for example I don’t have Chroma Studio installed, nor the others). I did choose to install the Macro module (because I have yet to try this feature out, and I’m already scared of it). Here’s a couple of screenshots of my dashboard:




^ With this current situation, I haven’t experienced any issues yet. 

For The Record: 

Since day 1 of using the Basilisk V3, I’ve always heard an audible clicking noise originating from it upon powering on my PC. I just assumed that this was an initializing/startup audible “feature” of this particular unit. Now I’m having second thoughts. The clicking sound is similar to pressing the free-scroll wheel button. It makes this sound twice when I power on my computer. 

I’ve attached a video demonstrating this, and I highly recommend wearing headphones. Here’s the link to my Google Drive: 


Basilisk V3 Power On Clicking Sound


^ So is that considered “normal / standard” operation of the Basilisk V3. Though I’d imagine that it would increase wear & tear on the device over time. 

Update August 18, 2023: I powered on my PC around 9:30 p.m. (U.S. EST). I noticed my specific profile lighting wasn’t functioning on the mouse nor the keyboard. So I opened the Synapse 3 program to look at the Dashboard. As I suspected, those peripherals were not being detected by the software.

I restarted my PC, and the mouse & keyboard were detected again.

NOTE: I do have the CHROMA Modules installed, however I haven’t had an issue with my devices not being detected in a couple of days… This is so bizarre…

UPDATE September 26th, 2023: I am currently waiting for the RMA replacement unit. I want to caution everyone with a major HEADS UP,  you also have to hold tech support’s hand during the entire RMA process! You can give them your correct address & information all day long, however it’s all for naught when they can’t even successfully apply it to the package! 

I received a call earlier today from Fed-Ex. They stated that there wasn’t a street address nor apartment number on the package… they only had the city & state information… So I graciously gave them the exact same information as I had already given Razer! “You can lead a horse to water...”

Why? How? Where? When? Did things become so egregious with Razer’s Tech Support?!

Critical Update & Resolution (October 3, 2023):


I finally received the replacement unit. I had some issues with the initial installation and setup with the replacement Basilisk V3. 

When the mouse was first plugged into the USB port, it caused the Blackwidow V3 keyboard to disappear from the Synapse 3 program, and there were no detectable devices to view (this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed). I had to uninstall and then reinstall Synapse 3, for both the keyboard & mouse to be detected.   

Then I updated the Basilisk V3’s firmware. Once the update was completed, I restarted my PC. After I rebooted my PC, I opened the Synapse 3 program and it prompted for a software update. Once that was completed, I restarted my computer again. 

I haven't had any issues since then.


Razer needs to take note of these cases seriously, and improve customer services & relations. 

Critical Update & Resolution (October 3, 2023):


...I haven't had any issues since then...


^ I need to retract that statement. I am having issues with this new Basilisk V3 replacement unit. Sometimes when I turn on my PC, the mouse does not power on. I have been able to “fix” this issue by simply unplugging the mouse and them plugging it back into the same USB port. It behaves as though it isn’t receiving adequate power upon bootup. 


Side Note/Possible Workaround: If you all are still having this particular issue, then try adjusting the ErP Mode (ErP Ready) setting in your motherboard’s BIOS. 

UPDATE (October 27, 2023): I turned on my PC (from a cold boot), and the Blackwidow V3 was not detected within Synapse 3. The mouse was detected within Synapse 3, but the keyboard was not (however it was “on” and lit up in the basic initialization color scheme). So I restarted my computer, and then it was detected once again within the Synapse 3 program.


Side Note: Yesterday, I received an update notification prompt. So I allowed Synapse 3 to update. This is the FIRST TIME, in a couple of months, that the keyboard hasn’t been detected… which leads me to suspect that these peripherals are constructed with faulty hardware components which aren’t able to be properly powered by the USB ports upon powering up… OR the developers of Synapse 3 have no clue what they’re doing… OR BOTH!


Imagine, if you will, an automobile manufacturing company that only has two teams. The first team builds the drivetrain. The second team constructs the chassis & body… Yet neither team is capable of successfully powering on the vehicle nor driving it.


So both teams are blaming us drivers for not being able to utilize their failed vehicles… Yeah, I’m looking at you, Razer tech support… which I’m convinced is nothing more than an over-glorified low grade AI chat bot! I’ve had to constantly explain over and over the issues, to about 6 personal, and each one would regurgitate back out the same bogus tech troubleshooting guide to no avail! I finally had to demand an RMA for the faulty Basilisk V3, because the AI wasn’t intelligent enough to understand that you cannot troubleshoot a faulty product… As if the option to replace the peripheral just does not compute!

I just powered on my PC from a cold boot (October 28, 2023 @ 5:57pm), and the mouse did not power on. I restarted my computer, and the mouse was still in the same state. So I unplugged it and then plugged it back in, it powered on and was detected.

This is so ridiculously, I mean seriously! Are all of the Basilisks V3s units defective?!


Meanwhile, in other good news: My SteelSeries Arctis Nova 7P headset & its corresponding GG software works wonderfully! 

Hey Razer, take a note from SteelSeries! They actually function properly!

I have the same problem with the Basilisk v3 mouse. Occasionally, after starting the computer, the LED lighting works but the mouse does not, and there is also an error about an unrecognized USB device. Other times the mouse doesn't work at all. In both cases, the problem can be solved by disconnecting and reconnecting the mouse.

The problem started occurring after updating the firmware.

I can turn the computer on and off 15 times in a row and everything works fine, and suddenly after 2 days when I turn on the PC the problem returns.

If I RMA this mouse it will just work and pass all the tests. No one is going to test it like this for a few days.

If I RMA this mouse it will just work and pass all the tests. No one is going to test it like this for a few days.

^ Yes, this exactly. Thank you for posting.


I’m still experiencing the same issues with the RMA replacement unit. 

When tech support contacts you, via email, you only have a 24 hour time period to report your findings, then they close your case number! They do not understand that this issue(s) can reoccur within a 72 hour period or longer. My recent case was closed because I didn’t report back before that 24 hour mark… The mouse had a non-responsive episode 48 hours later… So this is a no-win scenario.   

At this point, we end-users are each other’s tech support. I’ve learned more by reading various posts on the forum. However if the product is faulty/defective, then there’s nothing we can do to help each other. We can relay our findings by posting them, and warning fellow users not to purchase Razer products. 

I’ve never had this much trouble from any other product & company.

If I RMA this mouse it will just work and pass all the tests. No one is going to test it like this for a few days.

^ Yes, this exactly. Thank you for posting.


I’m still experiencing the same issues with the RMA replacement unit. 

When tech support contacts you, via email, you only have a 24 hour time period to report your findings, then they close your case number! They do not understand that this issue(s) can reoccur within a 72 hour period or longer. My recent case was closed because I didn’t report back before that 24 hour mark… The mouse had a non-responsive episode 48 hours later… So this is a no-win scenario.   

At this point, we end-users are each other’s tech support. I’ve learned more by reading various posts on the forum. However if the product is faulty/defective, then there’s nothing we can do to help each other. We can relay our findings by posting them, and warning fellow users not to purchase Razer products. 

I’ve never had this much trouble from any other product & company.

Today all these issues you’ve been having also happened to me. Basilisk V3 cabled, not powering on on startup, disconnecting and reconnecting, making the clicking noise, red blinking lights. Tested on two different computers, same results. Ended up uninstalling all razer software and drivers, and replugging in the device and installing drivers. Only now the device is usable sometimes, when it doesnt disconnect itself and need to be plugged in again. It is apparent that since a lot of users are having these same issues, it is software/firmware related and razer NEEDS to fix this.

I can 100% confirm that this issue is particularly a power delivery problem! Most likely the culprit is a faulty component, or just a down-right defective product from the get-go.


Today, on December 4, 2023 at 1:20pm est., I woke up my PC from the “balanced” Windows 11 power mode (set via Control Panel). The mouse was non-functional & the keyboard had somehow entered into the “initializing color scheme setting”. I was able to use the keys to restart the computer. As my PC was in the process of restarting, the halt-on-boot warning popped up to notify me that I did not have a keyboard connected. The mouse was also fully non-functional (no lights, nothing). So I shutdown my PC & I turned off the PSU power switch. Powered on the computer, and let it cycle on-off according to its default operating mode. Then I switched the PSU switch back on, and physically turned on my PC via the case’s power switch. Finally, my PC booted normally and the keyboard & mouse are both functioning normally.


I doubt a BIOS update is going to remedy this, unless there firmware implemented within the internal components that require updating algorithms for the power/USB interface.

I doubt a BIOS update is going to remedy this, unless there firmware implemented within the internal components that require updating algorithms for the power/USB interface.


EDIT/Left out: “...unless there is firmware...” 

I can 100% confirm that this issue is particularly a power delivery problem...


EDIT #2: OR it could be a serious issue with the USB interface overall, and/or both… who knows anything at this point?

UPDATE (December 15, 2023)

I haven’t experienced any issues lately with my Basilisk V3 (nor the Blackwidow V3). I don’t know whether this matters or not, but it is worth mentioning: I have my BIOS Fast Boot setting disabled. Some motherboards have this setting on/off based on the manufacturer’s default preference. 


I set mine to normally go through the POST boot up procedure. The mouse powers on, and it’s also being detected once Windows 11 boots.  


I’ll continue to monitor this and report back if any other issues occur.


Good luck to everyone! Nothing is for sure…


May I please ask for a Moderator to mark this post as the current best updated “answer” ? It’s the only one that is actually currently working at this point (for me, at least). 

UPDATE (December 15, 2023)

I haven’t experienced any issues lately with my Basilisk V3 (nor the Blackwidow V3). I don’t know whether this matters or not, but it is worth mentioning: I have my BIOS Fast Boot setting disabled. Some motherboards have this setting on/off based on the manufacturer’s default preference. 


I set mine to normally go through the POST boot up procedure. The mouse powers on, and it’s also being detected once Windows 11 boots.  


I’ll continue to monitor this and report back if any other issues occur.


Good luck to everyone! Nothing is for sure…


May I please ask for a Moderator to mark this post as the current best updated “answer” ? It’s the only one that is actually currently working at this point (for me, at least). 


^ NEVERMIND! That was not the solution at all! This is ridiculous! Just when you think you’ve finally found a fix or a potential work-a-round… 

The Basilisk V3 has that annoying irritating behavior of spitting right in your face! Razer should have named this particular defective unit: The Spitting Cobra


I turned on my PC for the first time today (December 16, 2023 @12:17pm) and the Basilisk V3 was completely nonfunctional! So I simply unplugged it and then plugged it back in. The mouse came back to life and began functioning again. 

I’m about 90% sure I’ve discovered the culprit regarding this entire fiasco with Razer devices (certain ones) not being detected, reverting to a zombie state, and / or even completely going dead altogether. Mind you, this only applies to my particular situation / PC setup and I’d imagine that others may have similar setups as well.

I have also discovered a work-around. To some, it may be an irrational or an inconvenient work around (and you’d be correct)… nevertheless it is “working” … for those of you who still want to give it a try:

I have decided to go back to using Windows 10 Pro, because it is much easier to dual boot with certain distros of Linux. I also wanted to test some other programs & devices out while using Windows 10. So I’m not dealing with the cumbersome UEFI Secure Boot / TPM requirements that Windows 11 demands.

My wired Basilisk V3 mouse and Blackwidow V3 (Halo Edition) keyboard are no longer giving me the previous issues as before. However, my Logitech peripherals NEVER gave me these issues while abiding by the Windows 11 Secure TPM UEFI settings… So go figure.

There is something amiss with the USB connection / communication of certain Razer peripherals occurring DURING THE UEFI SECURE BOOT process! I’ve always had issues with Razer’s Naga Pro, Blackwidow V4 (yellow switches), Basilisk V3, and the Blackwidow V3 (Halo Edition) devices during P.O.S.T. as my PC boots up. Then once Windows 11 Pro fully boots into the desktop environment, those peripherals never properly worked. They were either nonfunctional (dead / zombie state) during the initial PC bootup process or they powered up as usual but weren’t detected by the Synapse 3 software program. Most of us have experienced these exact frustrating problems to no avail.

NOTE: This isn’t an issue regarding the “Enable Fast Boot” nor is it a problem with the USB Legacy settings in BIOS either! They have nothing to do with my particular situation. Rather, this actually behaves more so in relation to an authentication check / polling problem on boot-up. Hence the interference / intervention with TPM code requirements, somewhat akin to a home security service calling the police on a deliver driver for suspicion of breaking into Windows 11… That actually might be half true.

^ This insight might allow other users to discover their own unique workaround, and apply it as necessary.

Regardless of this entire ridiculous contest of forcing us users to waste our valuable time & energy by troubleshooting Razer’s inept devices for them (and without getting paid)… Razer should advertise / market these particular devices as NOT BEING COMPATIBLE WITH UEFI SECURE BOOT / TPM COMPLIANT. THUS, NOT FULLY WINDOWS 11 READY / COMPATIBLE.

I am currently running Windows 10 Pro, Razer’s New Synapse Beta program, as well as other various third party apps (including Steel Series GG), and I have not experienced any of the issues as I’ve had while using Windows 11 along with its mandatory UEFI secure boot TPM settings.

I hope this information finds you all well!


Best of Luck,

