Razer Synapse - Silent Install | Razer Insider
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I'm trying to install Razer Synapse without the need to interact with the UI, many installers give the users the option to do so, that's called silent install, and users can use that simply by downloading the installer, typing the name of the file and adding arguments such as /S or /quiet, here's an example:

Installer.exe /S

I've tried many arguments with the Razer Synapse installer and none worked.  
I also tried that with the "The New Razer Synapse", none worked.

I've searched the entire internet to learn if it's possible with Razer Synapse and here is what I found:

5 years ago - https://insider.razer.com/razer-support-45/silent-install-2267

4 years ago - https://www.reddit.com/r/razer/comments/glx0af/razer\_synapse\_silent\_install\_switches/

1 month ago - https://insider.razer.com/razer-support-45/silent-installation-synapse-3-to-mitigate-security-vulnerability-60492

All of this and not a single answer.

Razer, please tell me - is it possible the silently install Razer Synapse?  
There's no way there's no silent install option, how else would you deploy this software to many computers? Would you actually manually install on each computer, manually clicking "Next", "Next", "Close", "Finish" on every single computer you want to install Razer Synapse? That's absurd, I can't imagine that.

If anyone has any information regarding silent install razer synapse, please let me know.

