I had managed to run Synapse 3 ok, after swapping from the Orbweaver, so they all used the same software. While i realise Synapse 3 is considered "Beta" software, the simple lighting i used and basic profiles all worked fine. About a week ago now, don't remember when exactly, it all went to shit.
The software no longer swaps profiles automatically like it did and when i try to change them manually they do not register unless i first choose the profile and then close out of synapse and then start it again. If i should forget to swap to the required profile before closing/re launching Synapse i have to start again.
Needless to say this is time consuming and tbh, annoying. I have uninstalled and cleaned with Ccleaner severeal times and tried to re install an older version. Unfortunately most installers i found, even those that said they were older versions, were a launcher for the latest version and the problem remains.
Please tell me what to do to put this right?
I have not installed any new software or games and only have about 5 profiles made so far. I mainly swap between 2.
For premium priced peripherals, Synapse is rubbish and i would have thought a better software would be available to run them properly. This reminds me of the N52TE debacle, when Razer took over from Belkin with their early software, and destroyed the Nostromo, only to reinvent it themselves as the Tartarus.
Sorry if i sound bitter i just want things to work properly.