So long and thanks for all the fish | Razer Insider
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I've had many keyboards and mice from Razer but I really am now fed up, it is not your hardware, it is your software Razer Synapse.

Ever since version 3 came out I have had so many irritating issues that I just now decided to move on to another brand. As I see it, a driver for a keyboard/mouse should not be seen or heard but for some reason, your software constantly needs attention. I have had issues with Razer 2 and 3 installed in parallel, at some point receiving multiple updates of the driver like every day - where I every time need to enter the password, you cant remember it? macros that are not loading, keybaords not showing up in Razer central, sometimes mouse dpi button not working and so on. I also sometimes see the driver take 13% of CPU time while doing something. It is not only on one PC, I have had this issue on several PCs

Seriously life is just too short for this

So long.

PS. Sorry for the rant, but FFS get your act together.
@mltan and everyone at @Razer LISTEN and change something, fast ! You are loosing !
I've had many keyboards and mice from Razer but I really am now fed up, it is not your hardware, it is your software Razer Synapse.

Ever since version 3 came out I have had so many irritating issues that I just now decided to move on to another brand. As I see it, a driver for a keyboard/mouse should not be seen or heard but for some reason, your software constantly needs attention. I have had issues with Razer 2 and 3 installed in parallel, at some point receiving multiple updates of the driver like every day - where I every time need to enter the password, you cant remember it? macros that are not loading, keybaords not showing up in Razer central, sometimes mouse dpi button not working and so on. I also sometimes see the driver take 13% of CPU time while doing something. It is not only on one PC, I have had this issue on several PCs

Seriously life is just too short for this

So long.

PS. Sorry for the rant, but FFS get your act together.

YES ! But they don't listen, they are not competent. They don't have developers with competence. It's so sad, very good hardware designers, but a bunch of amateuer programmers. Best HW, worst SW.