Question about Razer BlackShark V2 soundcard | Razer Insider
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Question about Razer BlackShark V2 soundcard

  • May 18, 2022
  • 1 reply

I just bought a pair of Razer BlackShark v2 + USB soundcard and I realized that my laptop has only 2 USB ports (in one I have the mouse and in the other I have the keyboard)
My question is this: Can I use a USB c to USB adapter to plug in the USB Soundcard?

If the answer is yes, will it lose its accuracy?
Do you have any adapter recommendations or doesn't matter what kind is it.
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1 Reply

A bit late, but will share my experience using it nonetheless, in case it helps someone.

It's not a fancy audiophile-oriented external audio card but it doesn't need to be. It certainly sounds better than a regular integrated audio card, at the very least objectively there's no noise at the highest volume, being away from powerful electronic components -- it's quiet without the need of special shielding. The cool thing about it, is that it brings in the powerful EQ and THX spatial audio, even though it's all software, it's well-implemented software that works great. I always have the spatial sound on when watching movies and a lot of times when playing games. It can make a dramatic difference, without any exaggeration.

A bit of tweaking certainly helps to bring the best Blacksharks are capable of, but it will work with any headphones just fine.

I think the microphone EQ and associated settings for some would be the best part, for those who stream and talk using the PC quite a bit. It certainly makes the included microphone potentially sound much better than without.

I certainly think that paying few bucks more is worth it to get the USB audio card. It's a good product. I've had mine for a couple of years already and everything works fine. With the desktop I use a Topping NX4 headphone amp to compensate for extended cable, and while they work great together, as the amp can squeeze a tad more of usable bass out of compressed audio files, it's absolutely unnecessary and by itself the USB audio card provides plenty of volume/gain for the 32 ohms' headphones, and could probably drive anything up to 100 with ease. The included bass boost works quite well without messing too much with the rest of the soundscape. Though have to mention that Blacksharks are not bass-heavy, and past certain point the diaphragm starts to noticeably vibrate with unwanted noise. They can take a quite a bit still. Regardless, I will take a more natural sounding pair of cans vs. something that got a lot of bass but heavily scooped mids and highs.

We are talking about the audio card here but will mention that I am happy with the headphones, it's hard to go wrong for the price, imho. Music sounds good, playing games is very well above average, and to me they are ahead of Krakens and cheaper music-oriented cans out there for any purposes.

Last point I will mention -- it's handy to have a tiny audio card as a back-up in case any issues with the drivers or mobo components. I had some drivers' issues on my laptop and until I figured how to fix them, this audio card was truly helpful.

Would be glad to answer any questions if anyone got anything.

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