In many Asia-Pacific regions, it'll be on Friday the 22nd of October @ 4 am.
Gotta pack some Red Bulls and a booster shot~~~
Apply a sick leave from work~~~
This will be an opportunity to win a big zSilver for some of you.
Get your camera ready and smile with

"three Razer Basilisk V3" well that was a hard read.
set your alarms up!
cant miss it
nice!!! Started the scene for today!!
Sorry guys but a week day at 3AM is a bit too much too ask for me.
Excited for this, but I am not sure the timezones will allow this for me 😳
In NZ time, It'll be at 4 am at NZST.
Gotta pack some Red Bulls and a booster shot~~~
Apply a sick leave from work~~~
This will be an opportunity to win a big zSilver for some of you.
Get your camera ready and smile with
How do you even prove it to get the award trophy
How do you even prove it to get the award trophy 😅
Post the photo on a thread and tag
@Dekades or one of the RAZER official members to validate
If you do not want to reveal your photo publicly, I think you can send a PM to Dekades to validate
Good luck everyone!
Hello friends
Thanks Razer, Min-Liang Tan, Dkd for this exclusive Razer Insider forum giveaway.
Good luck everyone and happy RazerCon 2021. ^ _ ^
Really ned some luck to win a prize!
Nice Nice!
Really? Just turn on the YouTube channel to achieve this ?
In my understanding you have to meet the person in real.
Like the following sample from
Which is why I stated "big zSilver for some of you". Those who are able to meet Min at the Event.
good luck to everyone participating
Big event comming.
When Viper Mini Ultimate... and toaster?!
Im in ! Good luck everyone !
Time zone differences

so no go for me
wow that's awesome!
Woo! cant wait
In NZ, it'll be on Friday the 22nd of October @ 4 am NZST.
Gotta pack some Red Bulls and a booster shot~~~
Apply a sick leave from work~~~
This will be an opportunity to win a big zSilver for some of you.
Get your camera ready and smile with
wow, meet mr tan
all the best!
set your alarms up!
Already up!
I am ready for the RazerCon 2021.