If a picture says a thousand words. H3 couch play...
The earliest I've remembered that made me a gamer is when I was a kid, my dad taught me about 2 games we had in our desktop computer. It was 2 of Microsoft's games. One of them was a motocross game (it had stunts in it and 2 maps in the demo version, though labeled as trial), the other one had monster trucks in it. I had a really good time experimenting on those games a few years after I was introduced to those. Early on, though, I was raging because I didn't know how to win as easily in the motocross game. As for the monster truck game, I was fine with it because it had difficulty settings.
y Insiders!
Razer Insider has celebrated years of great conversations. On top of that, we've seen Razer grow bigger and better and we have you, the fans to thank. In celebration of reaching over one million registered users on Insider, we want to show our appreciation for YOU, our fans, our very own Razer Insiders.
Gaming is an essential part of our lives. Whether we started with a controller in our hands, played command based games on two color screens or chased pixel blocks on our phones, there was a defining moment you realized, you were a gamer. A moment of epiphany that gaming wasn’t something that you did to pass the time. That gaming was the thing you thought of even when you weren’t gaming. That longing you felt because you were so connected to those unforgettable characters. The immersion of the world that sucked you in. Being unable to sleep at night because you were stuck in the game. Share that defining moment with us for a chance to get your hands on our Razer, Represent Prize Package which includes:
- Razer Rogue 15.6'' Backpack V2
- Razer Rising Snapback Cap
- Razer Elite Dark Side Tee
And for those who share really great stories, we'll drop you some Silver in appreciation for sharing your moment with us.
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I started with Minecraft after seeing the brother of a friend playing it.
I invested much time in minecraft and got to know more and more games.
Terraria was the 1st game i bought on steam and much more were following.
The time i spend in front of my PC or Console for videogames are Countless and as long as i am able to do so i wont stop.
I'd say when I was 1 and playing The Legend of Zelda on the NES and Centipede on the Atari. I have loved to play games ever since I got my chance at those and especially after I beat The Legend of Zelda for the first time. It's stuck with me all the way up to today playing games like Destiny 2, Bioshock, Soul Calibur, etc.
The day I became a gamer, was when we got our first family PC in 2001, I was only 5-6 years old at the time. When I found out there was games pre-installed, that's where I got my enjoyment. The PC we got was a Windows 2000 version I believe, where Pre-Installed games were a thing, games installed was from the company Wildtangent, back when their older games were actually very good and fun to play. Even if some were just repeating 3 levels but with harder difficulty.
I can still remember, playing Black Hawk Striker 1 in that time, making a goal to kill every enemy in the Demo Level and I managed to succeed it before the Demo would end. That's where I saw myself as a gamer, anytime there's a game to play, hook me up. So far, I think games really have changed my life for entertainment. I've played so many games I can't remember them all, Flash Games, console games and PC games. Even those that got me so hooked I didn't want to stop. Despite it really distracting me, it made me develop my own character for myself, acting out in what characters do in the game and imagining huge scenarios that don't even happen.
Its an escape from reality that's why I love it so much. Anyone can say games are a waste of time, but really are just an art to watch and enjoy. Like a movie, a book, anything that someone enjoys.
Back on the original xbox, while playing halo 2, my friends and I would make icons that looked like ninja turtle faces and wearclan tag tmnt. The game chart allowed you to hear opponents that were nearby. We would hide around the map, playing the ninja turtle theme song (sometimes ninja rap/ vanilla ice).
One game, one of my teammates took the opponents flag, while I was in a warthog driving to the middle of the map. He hit the launch pad, and in mid air was sniped. The flag landed next to the warthog. I got out to pick it up when out of nowhere I was assassinated. It was the same guy who sniped my teammate. Looking at his gamertag, we noticed he had am icon that resembled shredder.
Hey Insiders!
Razer Insider has celebrated years of great conversations. On top of that, we've seen Razer grow bigger and better and we have you, the fans to thank. In celebration of reaching over one million registered users on Insider, we want to show our appreciation for YOU, our fans, our very own Razer Insiders.
Gaming is an essential part of our lives. Whether we started with a controller in our hands, played command based games on two color screens or chased pixel blocks on our phones, there was a defining moment you realized, you were a gamer. A moment of epiphany that gaming wasn’t something that you did to pass the time. That gaming was the thing you thought of even when you weren’t gaming. That longing you felt because you were so connected to those unforgettable characters. The immersion of the world that sucked you in. Being unable to sleep at night because you were stuck in the game. Share that defining moment with us for a chance to get your hands on our Razer, Represent Prize Package which includes:
- Razer Rogue 15.6'' Backpack V2
- Razer Rising Snapback Cap
- Razer Elite Dark Side Tee
And for those who share really great stories, we'll drop you some Silver in appreciation for sharing your moment with us.
Entering is simple: registered Insider members must reply to this thread. A winner will be chosen at random and notified through Razer Insider via direct message.
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Defining moment when i realized i was a gamer?
Definitely when i was studying and had school the next day at 7am. I was still playing MUD in the wee hours until my parents woke up and threatened me to switch off my pc.
The best part? I went to "sleep" and got up half an hour later to continue my game hehe.
for me, it starts off with me playing fake Minecraft and Roblox to changing games to rainbow six siege. I was 14 that year when I don't know what to do, just trolling around in Roblox to make my life more entertaining other than school. until that December, I met this bunch of great friend who introduces me to many many things, including how they bought razer to show off or because it is better, and it was also than that I know about rainbow six siege. at first, I thought this game is impossible, but as soon as I start to think about grinding the game for better skill, I never thought I would get this far to the point im that good in the game. all I could say is that I'm glad I know these bunch of guys and yep, from the day I started playing the game, I knew I have become a gamer.
the best gaming moment in my life is when i started spending $$$ just to be the best :))))
For me it started when i was about 4, my grandparents got a wii and the only game they had was wii sports. so, every time we went there we played wii sports resort, but i remember the first time i played it was on baseball, and i had no idea what to do. anyways we had that for about a year until we finally got one, so we played that every night. when my mom had gotten a new phone, i asked my mom if i could get minecraft, so i played that for SO long.
When my birthday came about 5 years ago, i begged my parents for a computer for so long. They finally gave in. So, i was surprised with a starter computer with a Geforce GTX 1050 ti. in my opinion, that was the best day of my life, and the only game on there was Star Wars Battlefront. i played that game for EVER. i couldn't stop thinking about each characters abilities and weapons. i had known i had liked games for a while, but this made me hooked. so i saved up money to buy different credits and passes, and by then i had roblox and minecraft (both games i had played nonstop). anyway up until about a 2 to 3 years ago, i got a mousepad, a razer mousepad. this was so exciting to me because this was the first gaming accessories i had ever gotten. when i went home and tried it out, i felt so much better at every game. a bit of time had passed and now it was christmas of 2 years ago. best week of my life. i got two razer products, a steel series product, and a logitech mouse. I know had the coolest setup ever with a razer blackwidow chroma v2 and kraken 7.1, a steelseries extra large mousepad, and a logitech g502 proteus spectrum. all of these i still use today, and will be used until they are literally destroyed.
Congratulations on the 1 million fans! Proud to be part of it
That defining moment for me was 2005, I was only 4 years old and my uncle gave me his Gameboy Advanced Special Edition. The games he left me with were Mario Kart Circuit, Guilty Gear X, and Megaman Zero 1 and 3. I was hooked on all three. I ended up completing all the courses in Mario Kart by the end of the year. It took me a good year to complete Megaman Zero, but I would play from the morning to night trying to complete it. When I needed a break I would play the survival mode of Guilty Gear X for hours. Then later that year around Christmas time my cousin gifted me Pokémon Fire Red Edition and Fire Emblem the Sacred Stones. Pokémon easily became one of my all time favorite games and made me fall in love with the Nintendo franchise over time, I would play it nonstop and I would train my team to max level and eventually restart again. Fire Emblem also became a personal favorite that I played through multiple times over. My uncle was the one who lead me down the path of a gamer, and now I play games such as League of Legends and all those steam games. I am currently working toward building my own gaming pc.
Back when I sold my xbox 360 to build a gaming pc I was unsure if I would like it. The better graphics and framerate seduced me but I had a hell of a hard time adjusting to the buttons on the keyboard. Some friends of mine were huge pc gamers and I envied their amazing setups. So when I built mine I looked around and went full razer for everything. 6 years down the road I don't regret it one bit. I still have the original keyboard and its brough me tons of memorable moments in gaming

2 years ago I started to stream and recommend razer for anyone asking about what mouse/keyboard to get. The best moments I've had were when I was streaming horror games alone in my pitch dark room with nothing but the glow of the screen and keyboard on a breezy summer night.
Many memories and friends were made over the years from teamspeak to discord xD so thanks razer for being awesome.
here's a clip from last year where I'm getting scared out of my whits XD :
Hey Insiders!
Razer Insider has celebrated years of great conversations. On top of that, we've seen Razer grow bigger and better and we have you, the fans to thank. In celebration of reaching over one million registered users on Insider, we want to show our appreciation for YOU, our fans, our very own Razer Insiders.
Gaming is an essential part of our lives. Whether we started with a controller in our hands, played command based games on two color screens or chased pixel blocks on our phones, there was a defining moment you realized, you were a gamer. A moment of epiphany that gaming wasn’t something that you did to pass the time. That gaming was the thing you thought of even when you weren’t gaming. That longing you felt because you were so connected to those unforgettable characters. The immersion of the world that sucked you in. Being unable to sleep at night because you were stuck in the game. Share that defining moment with us for a chance to get your hands on our Razer, Represent Prize Package which includes:
- Razer Rogue 15.6'' Backpack V2
- Razer Rising Snapback Cap
- Razer Elite Dark Side Tee
And for those who share really great stories, we'll drop you some Silver in appreciation for sharing your moment with us.
Entering is simple: registered Insider members must reply to this thread. A winner will be chosen at random and notified through Razer Insider via direct message.
Let us celebrate you. Tell us your story.
I cannot recall a time where I didn't play videogames, the earliest memories I have is playing Gta San andreas with my father, this one time he went to get the door and caught me with a weapon killing everybody in sight. We would play for hours using cheat codes to get the jetpack and the super jump and we had an amazing time. But things between my parents didnt exactly turn well, my father left home and I got a Psp. I would spend hours playing alone Invizimals, Ben 10 and Burnout, it was my shelter from everything around me, my parents tried getting me into playing sports but the spark was never there and from that point on I could say that gaming was truly my passion, I felt like every second I wasnt playing games I was wasting time, I would do sports so that i could make my parents proud or happy that I was doing sports but I felt like I was only happy with that tiny psp screen in front of me.
Hey Insiders!
Razer Insider has celebrated years of great conversations. On top of that, we've seen Razer grow bigger and better and we have you, the fans to thank. In celebration of reaching over one million registered users on Insider, we want to show our appreciation for YOU, our fans, our very own Razer Insiders.
Gaming is an essential part of our lives. Whether we started with a controller in our hands, played command based games on two color screens or chased pixel blocks on our phones, there was a defining moment you realized, you were a gamer. A moment of epiphany that gaming wasn’t something that you did to pass the time. That gaming was the thing you thought of even when you weren’t gaming. That longing you felt because you were so connected to those unforgettable characters. The immersion of the world that sucked you in. Being unable to sleep at night because you were stuck in the game. Share that defining moment with us for a chance to get your hands on our Razer, Represent Prize Package which includes:
- Razer Rogue 15.6'' Backpack V2
- Razer Rising Snapback Cap
- Razer Elite Dark Side Tee
And for those who share really great stories, we'll drop you some Silver in appreciation for sharing your moment with us.
Entering is simple: registered Insider members must reply to this thread. A winner will be chosen at random and notified through Razer Insider via direct message.
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I have loved my razer mouse and mouse mat for years. Thank you.
Well, it's about to come full circle for me since the remake is coming out next March. The moment I realized that gaming was simply more than just bashing on a controller was when I first played FFVII. The part when Aerith was killed by jenova posing as sephiroth. I was like 'OMG!!! WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG!!???!!!' Back than, the secondary school kid that was me did not understand the meaning of scripted events, and whatever I did would simply lead to Aerith dying... I trained till I was way over leveled for the area, tried using 3rd party softwares, I tried everything. It wasn't enough. Aerith still died. I was really heart broken. I worked up the courage to see her die, and pressed on and beat the game and all it's extra crazily stupid hard side bosses. I never felt such full-fillment in my life before. And I crave that feeling ever since... Not looking at you dark souls...
Hey Insiders!
Razer Insider has celebrated years of great conversations. On top of that, we've seen Razer grow bigger and better and we have you, the fans to thank. In celebration of reaching over one million registered users on Insider, we want to show our appreciation for YOU, our fans, our very own Razer Insiders.
Gaming is an essential part of our lives. Whether we started with a controller in our hands, played command based games on two color screens or chased pixel blocks on our phones, there was a defining moment you realized, you were a gamer. A moment of epiphany that gaming wasn’t something that you did to pass the time. That gaming was the thing you thought of even when you weren’t gaming. That longing you felt because you were so connected to those unforgettable characters. The immersion of the world that sucked you in. Being unable to sleep at night because you were stuck in the game. Share that defining moment with us for a chance to get your hands on our Razer, Represent Prize Package which includes:
- Razer Rogue 15.6'' Backpack V2
- Razer Rising Snapback Cap
- Razer Elite Dark Side Tee
And for those who share really great stories, we'll drop you some Silver in appreciation for sharing your moment with us.
Entering is simple: registered Insider members must reply to this thread. A winner will be chosen at random and notified through Razer Insider via direct message.
Let us celebrate you. Tell us your story.
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Why tell you when I can just show you?
I have too many to choose from, but this one is just glorious.
I think for me the moment I realised I was a gamer was when I was around 10 years old. My dad was playing some Heroes Might and Magic. I was in love with that game. He was showing me tactics to play better. He knew so much about the game, so indept he was talking about the story. I saw the passion in his eyes. That passion was transfered to me. I started playing some strategy games (the first game i finished to 100% was Age of Mithology). Then I found the action/adventure games. That was the turning point for me. Everyday I woke up thinking how I want to finish school and homework for the day to start playing video games. To this day I still play everyday. I even started working in a video game shop, so I can transfer my passion to others. There I met so much new people. Btw we had a razer competiotion for the most sales. We are the smalles shop from this company and we landed the first place with 4 000 euro in sales, on Razer. So, yes. I'm a Gamer and I this will remain that way to the end of my life. I hope my future kids will play some quality games and cheer this new form of art.
Long Live Gaming !
Hmm i started off playing the mario bros on the Nintendo Famicom consoles when i was a kid with my brother and cousins. I still remember going to our cousin's house(with the Nintendo as his father was working abroad and was the only one knew who owned it

)sitting glued to the chairs and sometimes even standing in turns to play and get the highest scores/levels till our parent came running with sticks :D
Then there was a big year gap in playing video games as we were onto playing cricket,hideNseek, policeNrobber sort of outdoor games, and then one day we saw the NFS games! Especially the Hot pursuit and Underground, Woah it was a craze for me and brother. We used to go to these local gaming cafes where we used to pay hourly charges, sit and play for hours till our Dad got us a computer (IBM ones

, old legends).
Then college time came, CS-Go LAN parties happened, with teaming up of friends and foes. Ha it was all fun times. And of course, the mobile gaming scene :D
Then the Job role in life came, a big pause to gaming. And then the entire computer gaming scene changed with big brands and games/graphics/music. Until last year i got myself a gaming laptop from Asus ROG, which was crazy big deal for me. I've heard about Razer Peripherals and laptop when i checked for the best gaming laptops, but never could own it as we have very limited options in India to get on, and the only option to make someone from outside India bring it when they fly down here which might have customs and all those hassles(though its reduced a lot nowadays).
The first Razer which i got is the Razer Cynosa set which includes the keyboard and the mouse, LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT (till then i thought Alienware was the best). I found the Razer keyboard/mouse while checking in Amazon for Alienware or ROG. There started me creating my Razer collection/setup, no whatever i check related to computers i only want Razer and nothing else. You can see that i updated my razer collection as i am proud to show that i own all those.
I know the laptop is still in my wishlist and i am gathering up the money for the Ultimate Razer laptop in collection which will be one of my best collection item, phewww!
There goes my simple story so far, thank and cheers guys
I think it is time Min release that god d**n toaster. He has a million mouths to feed.
I always gamed on PCs in gaming cafes and even though I had a PC at home my realization only came when I first ordered a dedicated gaming peripheral. Used to use only standard peripherals but when I ordered my Deathadder from the Razerstore I realized I had stepped into a new era for me.
If Min doesn't release that toaster soon I am going to steal my moms, slap some razer stickers on it and put the HDK RGB strips from razer underneath it. It will be a masterpiece.
my original "razer" product was a microsoft habu. that thing lasted me 10+ years
when it finally died, I turned to a death adder. loved it even more than the habu. that led to a black widow ultimate, and then a kraken
Now, I my man cave consists of 4 razer systems (one case by antec, one case by nzxt, one razer blade stealth, and one case by lian li). its safe to say, I'm die hard / razer 4 lyfe

(wire management in progress)
WOW man, you have an amazing collection. Cheers! Way to go!
i still remember when i got my nes for Christmas. My parents made us chase the console every where in the house. I dont even remember i ever ask for one but it was my first console and surely not the last
My defining moment would be, the moment I realized I don't want to play just for fun alone, that I want to compete in tournaments and prove my worth. The game that really pushed me was Dota.
Im just a simple dude that lives in a third world country XD, been playing games since i was around 5, playing mario double dragon etc. In todays age been using some
razer products for gamingand musicboy it was an awesome feeling.
Keep up the good work you guys have millions of fans supporting your product
My defining moment would be, the moment I realized I don't want to play just for fun alone, that I want to compete in tournaments and prove my worth. The game that really pushed me was Dota.
Back in the day of the NES and SNES my brother and I would take on summer jobs of detasseling corn and pulling weeds from bean fields. Fellow farmer kids may understand the amount of work that really is. It would take most of the summer for us to save up for just one game. One year we had moved to a new area and the school my brother went to allowed you to rent SNES games from the school library. He would rent Secret of Mana for the weekends and we would sneak our parents coffee pot into our room and make coffee all night to stay up and play. Since you could have 2 players at the same time we did not have to worry about splitting game time.
A lot of good memories of working hard for a reward and brothers bonding over a pretty darn good game. Looking back now, I probably would not be the gamer I am today if it were not for those weekends. To this day my brother and I still talk shop when it comes to video games and we will even swap Razer gear from time to time.