:cool_: awesome giveaway, wow! ha honestly tho, i dont really jam any music while gaming. I tend to just immerse myself into the game. helps stay focused, I guess lol
I gifted my Electra v2 analog to my friend recently and he loves it. So much so that I want to find out what the hype is about. ;)
Music while gaming: Usually blues or something slow paced so I curb my inner toxicity
Used the Electra v1 for ages, even though it has shed most of its skin/ leather. Hope I get to replace it thanks to Surf.
I usually listen to EDM or rap like Vince Staples etc.

Wow, awesome! I've never had a headset...
Hmm... I just listen to international/pop top charts while playing... Not exactly the best fit with the games, but decent music none-the-less. I guess "
Thank you, next" or
"Sorry, not sorry" might work eh? Heh...
Mostly I listen to tracks from Hans Zimmer or some "light" metal/hard rock music if not listening to the game. Thanks for the giveaway!!
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn OSTs
Matt Fax,
I can go on and on! I NEED TO WIN This ! Thanks for the opportunity!!!
Look Chroma Coster Lol
Well met fellow Insiders!
I am @.Surf. and I've been a member of this fantastic family for three and a half years. I've had many hobbies throughout my life and the one that I never got bored of was gaming. I started playing when I was a kid and with time I made the choice to embrace the coolest brand ever; Razer. And I decided to make my whole life Razer-like, from the gaming gear to the clothing style and so on, and now I have something for you.
The time has come for another giveaway, this time the Razer Electra V2 USb for one lucky Insider. Post your replies below with your favorite music you like to listen to while gaming and stand a chance to win.

A random winner will be picked after two weeks, so let the battle of comments begin and good luck to everyone!! I look forward to see your gamer answers.
- .Surf.
Well met fellow Insiders!
I am @.Surf. and I've been a member of this fantastic family for three and a half years. I've had many hobbies throughout my life and the one that I never got bored of was gaming. I started playing when I was a kid and with time I made the choice to embrace the coolest brand ever; Razer. And I decided to make my whole life Razer-like, from the gaming gear to the clothing style and so on, and now I have something for you.
The time has come for another giveaway, this time the Razer Electra V2 USb for one lucky Insider. Post your replies below with your favorite music you like to listen to while gaming and stand a chance to win.

A random winner will be picked after two weeks, so let the battle of comments begin and good luck to everyone!! I look forward to see your gamer answers.
- .Surf.
I guess it depends, if Im playing a FPS game I don't listen to any music. However if I'm playing a single player rpg game where I don't really have to pay attention to what's going on for long periods of time, I listen to all kinds of music.
Pop Rock or Acoustic music are what on my playlist everyday , Music is life !
even when you're playing games , Good Music will bring you the Mood .
but not when i'm playing CS:GO , i need to hear the Footsteps , and that's what Great Headphones are made for !
Good luck Everyone ! and Thanks for the Giveaway !
Music is "MY PARTNER IN CRIME" in every situation im always listen to it.
Music helps you to stay focused ! ( even when you on the toilet :big_grin_: )
Hope next i can enjoying my music with this cool stuff
Razer Electra V2 USb
Good Luck Everyone !
Gee! Surf, that's what i call Razer Spirit 💚 AWESOME!
P.S. Don't consider me as a participator, just wanted to write what's above.
My favorite Radio station while driving around in GTAV is Los Santos Rock Radio.
I know I can’t participate lol:smile_:
Kill this love- Blackpink
While I'm not competing, I may as well answer!
Truthfully, I rarely listen to music while gaming, though I used to do so every night while raiding in WoW. I was our guild leader and I needed something outside the game to keep me calm so I wouldn't be rude to guild members who were idiots during fights. I usually chose things that were upbeat and fun, things I could sing along with. That could be anything from old school rap (Beastie Boys) to hard rock or even some pop songs.
These days when I want music I mostly just turn on the Octane channel on my SiriusXM.
Anything that motivates my activities even when those are gaming/pvp,workout and even work is good for my ears,such as most of the kinds of trap and metal also the past few games that has been released lately have amazing soundtracks and themes.I own those with the jack version. New inside their box. I've just tested them once. Althought there are some cool features on Electra V2. Decent sound,fair quality,i still prefer my Gunmetal for now,until they die
everything that cheers up to stay focus :cool_::cool_::cool_:
I like to listen Death and Black metal. And some artists from other genres, like Rammstein.
I used to listen music (mostly hip hop/rap) when i was playing cod4 mp, and then i would change my nick to .mp3 😂😂😂 and also i don't have any razer product, so this actually is very interesting.
i mostly watch wrestling/MMA/Cnn on my second monitor when i play games
Gotta be Sea Shanty 2 remix for sure.
Well met fellow Insiders!
I am @.Surf. and I've been a member of this fantastic family for three and a half years. I've had many hobbies throughout my life and the one that I never got bored of was gaming. I started playing when I was a kid and with time I made the choice to embrace the coolest brand ever; Razer. And I decided to make my whole life Razer-like, from the gaming gear to the clothing style and so on, and now I have something for you.
The time has come for another giveaway, this time the Razer Electra V2 USb for one lucky Insider. Post your replies below with your favorite music you like to listen to while gaming and stand a chance to win.

A random winner will be picked after two weeks, so let the battle of comments begin and good luck to everyone!! I look forward to see your gamer answers.
- .Surf.
i like play hearing something like youngr or calvin Harris , something smooth and clean ^^
Hi there,
I listen to random GEMA-free chanels on youtube, so I can provide this also to my audience. Search for "beatlach" and "StuBeatZ" if you like...
While i'm playing i like to listen hevry rock

Static X or Limp Bizkit on heroes of the storm electronic music like tie Tiesto, Paul van Dyk this give great kick to play or match ^^
Well, i usually have friends in voice so i don't listen to music, but when i'm lonely Caravan palace and other electroswing groups are blasting through my headphones xD.
My favourite music to listen to while gaming is probaby rap or vaporwave, depends on the genre of game