Razer Customs x Transformers | Razer Insider

Razer Customs x Transformers

Userlevel 7

Who do you side during the War for Cybertron? We've partnered up with Transformers to bring you exclusive Razer Customs gear. Demonstrate your loyalty with Autobots or Decepticons with our Razer Gigantus V2 and Razer Arctech Pro Transformers designs.

Learn More: https://www.razer.com/customs/

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33 Replies

Userlevel 7
Still, I prefer the RAZER design!! nothing looks luxury as that in gaming.

Me too. I'm sure some transformer fans appreciate it tho!
Looks great!
Userlevel 7
make some that be able to Transform too.
Userlevel 7
Still, I prefer the RAZER design!! nothing looks luxury as that in gaming.
Userlevel 7
Very few will appreciate this.

Userlevel 7
Really hitting that niche market ahah
Userlevel 6
looks fire!
Userlevel 7
NGL, these are sick designs tho
Looks cool
Userlevel 7
I would love these to have Chroma!
Userlevel 7
Maybe some stuff from the most popular games?
Userlevel 7
decepticons just looks cooler
Userlevel 7
Any customize face mask lol
Userlevel 7
Hello friends,

It's always a new custom for all tastes, I hope you like it a lot. ^_^
Userlevel 7
dank man, lite :smile_:
Userlevel 7
Cool, now get Activision to renew the games again!
Userlevel 7
hoping for a movie version design
Userlevel 7
Not a fan of Transformers, but happy to see new designs from Razer.
Userlevel 6
Who knew one day the best gaming company would team up with one of the best all time movie series
Userlevel 7
Damn! Looks good!
Userlevel 7
this makes me hopeful and look forward to more and more Customs!
Userlevel 7
Would it not be for Optimus prime, the autobots party lacks charism.
So I'd go for the Decepticons.
Userlevel 7
Amazing !
They look nice, though are there any plans for Apex Legends customs?
Userlevel 7
4th one is by far my favorite.
Autobots fan since day one of course.
Now some movie critics.
The first one is one of the best in the genre. Second one is just bad man...
Third has Leonard Nimoy in so I can't complain. It's good though.
The sequels are worthy of the gold Razzies they won