About the Paid to Play Suspension. | Razer Insider

About the Paid to Play Suspension.

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I'm sad to see this go... and hopeful for it's return.

Thank you, Razer, for this awesome program! Thanks to Paid To Play, I'm now a proud owner of a practically free
Razer ManO'War!

I might still be able to scrape enough zSilver even from the free sources to get something big before I run out of any - but if I won't, I'll use it to something smaller and still be happy with just that.

Thank you again.
Part of me is disappointed in this cause it gave me an incentive to play a game back when it was available, but part of me didn't like how restricted your options were to WHAT games you could get zSilver off of, a.k.a almost all being either FPS or MMOs, which honestly I'm not exactly interested in. So hopefully after this, they actually open things up more so earning the stuff is both enjoyable and rewarding, and does not become just another money-sponging scheme.

And maybe the zSilver rewards will be better too. Personally, I'm hoping for better discount codes. $20 off anything is barely even scratching the price at all on nearly anything these days.
The Paid to Play program has been suspended for about a month now.

You can still get zSilver from logging in daily in Razer Cortex.

40 a day is not gonna get me far, especially if the monthly cycling expires my zsilver more than I can produce. That's like saying go mine some bitcoin, even though your electricity bill consumes more money than you can make.
Userlevel 7
well just do a little research and you'll get your answer;

Negative reviews are truly an issue for a system that is based on a core gaming (grinding) concept but then these reviews would only be generated by people who are now addicted to the P2W system.
Well, it was a good 6 month grind for my 7.1 Kraken V2s. Gonna be arriving in 2 days time i can't wait!
plz bring back paid to play ploz........
@RazerGwynbleidd: With lowered reward prices and greater reward availability, zSilver could become and excellent loyalty program for zGold. As it sits, it seems like zGold isn't very appealing unless you buy from one or two stores (e.g. GG) or spend $2000+ annually (at the current rate of 1 zGold = 1 zSilver.)
Very sad was getting closer and closer to my first razer headphones. Usually only go for the mice but seeing as it was free wanted to try it out. Hopefully p2p comes back before all my silver expire 😞
If you guys plan to rethink and create a 2.0 version of this, would the community be involved in the creating process?
Why would someone give a negative feedback on this feature ? I don't understand...
If you guys plan to rethink and create a 2.0 version of this, would the community be involved in the creating process?

I agree, we really should
once again the self important trolls are allowed to louse everything up, instead of being dealt with by sysops... sad to see another great idea get trashed by the numpties... keep up the good work Razer, and here's hoping zSilver can be resurrected soon(another monthish and I would have had enough for my prize, the Blackwidow v2)
I know one thing, nothing is for free in earth planet.
Why would someone give a negative feedback on this feature ? I don't understand...

Well, actually there was a flaw in the P2P system (more in the whole razerstore tbh)
I'm not a 24/7 hardcore gamer but I quickly got the zsilver to redeem a simple cap until they stopped the system.
I wanted to check out the shipping fee before redeeming..

You get nothing for free/reasonable price from the razerstore.
You can pay a super high shipping fee from the razerstore (totally NOT worth) or get a discount (discount =/= free but it's still something).
Or you can buy something else to get to "orders over XX get free shipping" (But it's more money to buy a cap. If you only want a cap/t-shirt that's not cool) .
You can hope in some free-shipping days but you aren't sure that on these days the item will be in stock.
Still, I'd rather have a longer shipping for free/smaller price. A cap, a t-shirt... that's not something that requires such careful shipping unlike a keyboard.
Obviously if you get the 300k points to redeem the razer nommo that'd be worth, but idk how could you since the system stopped, there is a zsilver expiration date, achievements are a one-time thing and there isn't any option to get a good amount of zsilver yet.

Sorry dear razer but im not gonna spend almost 50€ shipping for a cap worth 25€.

Anyway you can redeem some cool stuff outside the razerstore, which is fine and you can avoid crazy shipping fee.
Maybe remove the expiration date until you find a way to bring p2p back?
have some thoughts/ideas

1) make sure those in this P2P has at least 1 razer product registered to cortex. i think is totally reasonable to have one razer product if you are gamer/razer hardcore fan.

2) Rewards those who love and buy your products.
those starting out still gets 500zsilver a day up to a limit of 900z a day. the more products you have the more you earn daily to 900z limit a day

3)make the super popular titles permanent. there's no point putting them in the voting list when they will just win every single time. titles like dota2, LOL, cs go, pubg are highly popular in twitch n other streaming sites. putting them permanent will please a large number of gamers(review them after 3-6mths and see what other title to add in or remove). and then give the lesser titles a chance and put them in the voting list and give them a higher number of zsilver earned a minute than the bigger titles so people will give it a try

4) remove the expiry date. alot of them are working adults who might not have 5hrs a day to reach the product they want. it's disheartening to see that you have almost reach the amount only for the points to expire when you are busy with some project or not in town to login

5) instant ban them from cortex forever if they post threats or abuse the system which leads me to the 1st point. these people will think twice when their product serial is tied to the cortex, this will leave them out of the goodies razer come out with in the future. valve recently came out with this 6mths ban for dota 2 if the player abuses too much. i think these trolls become much nicer now

6) not sure if this is workable but store pickups for the items u want redeem?

(Although with number 3, I did notice that a lot of the popular choice games were added to the list of games that allow you to earn 1zsilver per minute, but one of them not on that list was Smite, despite it having been one of the games in the original list before they added this voting option)
I suggest that you implement a game tracker to detect afk gamers and stop zSilver earning until the player has come back to the game. I myself like the system as it is, but can see why Razer would want to rework it. People have not been happy with it from the start.

I hope the team can rework it so players will still be able to earn around the same zSilver as they did before. One way they could do this is by introducing giveaway system where if you own a product of theirs, you can review it and maybe earn something from it. This could be in the form of a product or zSilver

Good luck guys.
I am new to the forums and am too late for this feature, however dose anyone know if they will be implementing a new way to earn silver by playing games?
oh... i didn't notice that they repriced items... i was wondering if i remembered wrongly.

I DID NOT LIKE THIS ZSILVER and I will say why, being 5h playing a game that I do not like to win 900zSilver a day comes an hour that gets extremely annoying, I leave the screen minimized and I stay in the browser that is much more interesting than those boring games that you put to win 3zSilvers per minute, put at least the games I like and remove this limit of 900 for something unlimited, so I can leave the PC on while I go to sleep, if you want can take the items of the razer, since most want to sell let alone the games, without counting that any hacker can mine these Zsilvers and buy many products in the store for free, I do not doubt that this already exists.
MY SUGGESTION is to take the limit of 900 per day and remove the razer products since they may be giving you damages because of the hackers.
What's the point of dismissing free stuff?

I am new to the forums and am too late for this feature, however dose anyone know if they will be implementing a new way to earn silver by playing games?

It's possible, but probably not. Currently it's just from using Razer services and buying games through Razer.
So can i redeem after 1st march or no?

It has been a little over five months now since the Razer P2P has been suspended. Is there any new information that you can update us with, even if it is minor information? Such as,

1) We plan on bringing P2P back, but in an updated version.

2) There will be an announcement with the final decision at the six month mark (Sep. 1st).

3) P2P is coming back as an "Opt In" service, everyone is in an "Opt Out" state from the beginning of the new launch. Once they review the P2P guidelines and understand the updated format and conditions they can then "Opt In" and begin earning rewards like before. To those who do not like the new updated P2P system, it is simple, you don't have to do anything. Just continue on to game and/or interact with the community like you have been doing before. There are no penalties for not wanting to join the updated P2P system, via the new "Opt In" choice. All those who do not "Opt In" do not have to worry about the P2P service, policies, points system, rewards and engaging in P2P community growth forums, threads, and feed back. Simply put, "Opt In" if you want to be involved in Razers New P2P service, or do nothing and you will not be bothered by the new P2P service. Its that simple.

4) There is no new news, we have know idea if we will ever come to a conclusion this year, 2019 and 2020 is still far fetched of a time to reach a decision, its on our farthest back burner, let your souls rest and consider Razers P2P dead.

Even a little information can mean a lot.

Thanks and have a great day.
This question came from the FAQ of https://www.razerzone.com/paid-to-play

  • Will zSilver rewards be affected in terms of stock availability and value?
    zSilver rewards will continue to have adjustments in value, so that fluctuations in demand and supply can be alleviated appropriately. Prior notice will be updated on Razer zSilver catalog. Rewards stock availability will continue to be on a first-come, first-served, while stocks last basis. With over 50 rewards available on the Razer zSilver rewards catalog, you can earn more zSilver through our programs, to get closer to redeeming these rewards

So will there ever be chances/does this mean that some prices of the rewards will be lowered to some extent? "zSilver rewards will continue to have adjustments in value, so that fluctuations in demand and supply can be alleviated appropriately."
We need information about P2P. :wink_: