[PAID TO PLAY - MOBILE] Vote For Your Favorite Game in October | Razer Insider
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Hey Insiders,

Your favorite games can now be enjoyed on the go with Razer Cortex Mobile!

The votes for the next Paid-to-Play games are now open! Featuring awesome titles from indie to popular, from various publishers. Go ahead and pick your desired Game of The Month. The two game titles with the highest vote by end September will be featured in October!

If you don’t see your favorite games, leave their titles in the comments section and we’ll be sure to consider them for next month’s GOTM!

Your voice matters.
I'd like to see some classics like old nokia snake game or space invaders spinoff 😛
Monument Valley and AC IDentity
monument valley
Into the Dead 2 seems fun
Dose Into the Dead 2 free to download?
FIFA is on mobile?!
As long as it is free to download
into the dead 2 and sausage man
lets go monument valley 😃
whichever is free to play
Fifa is my choice~~~
monument valley is amazing
Hello friends,

Monument valley

Assassin's Creed Identity

Have fun

Fifa has a mobile game.

God I must be living under a rock
Host more 8x razer silver event, thank you razer!
Fifa soccer and Apple knight, because they seem to be free to play !
free to play game it is!
😕 nothing for me again
I've opted to go for the ones that are least well known and looks like small installations in the hope that unlike this week we don't have to buy them to earn Silver
Monument Valley is a great mobile game.
Don't forget to vote the free ones hehe.
Free to Play
AC for sure, and Monument Valley i guess.
Fifa Soccer
Monument Valley!