It has come to our attention that there are people posing as fake Razer Support agents. Please do not engage with them and provide them with any information. We will be doing our best to route these users out. In the meantime, the best way to protect yourself is to check who you are engaging with.
All of our Support Agents will have a little gear icon next to their names in the forum conversations. They will also only ask you to email domains. So, if someone is asking you to email an outlook, gmail or any other email domain other than, please report them immediately.
If you don’t see an icon or are unsure, please reach out to myself or any of our Vanguards to confirm that who you are communicating with is our official support staff.
Thank you.
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I a message earlier from RazSpT1 saying he would help me with an issue I reported.
He told me to email <EMAIL_EDITED>
I didn’t respond to this message because I saw it was an outlook email. I don’t know how to report it so I’m responding to you here.
I a message earlier from RazSpT1 saying he would help me with an issue I reported.
He told me to email <EMAIL_EDITED>
I didn’t respond to this message because I saw it was an outlook email. I don’t know how to report it so I’m responding to you here.
There’s … (green 3 dot icon under each post on the right side - hover on it and there will be Report button).
And yes, you did the right thing. Official Razer staff never use any other domain address than, so if you see some / and so on - it’s a scam!
And every official Razer staff has an icon next to their nickname on Insider, just the same as @dekades mentioned in the main post.
Perdi meu telefone, não tenho número de autenticador ou códigos de backup, preciso de ajuda.
Which this is not real ?
RazSpT1 is not real. Look at 1st post theres no official support icon near the nickname.
Also mail is which everyone could create. Razer always replies from domain.
Thanks so much for your help
I haven’t gotten any reply from the verified team yet
Beware of fake Razer Support staff. Verify agents by checking for a gear icon next to their names and ensure they use only email addresses. Report any suspicious requests immediately.
Seeing this is very depressing. Hopefully this is fixed up and does not become a problem.
Nice to get help but hopefully this does not because a problem with people pretending to be support staff.
Wir sind darauf aufmerksam geworden, dass es Personen gibt, die sich als gefälschte Razer-Support-Agenten ausgeben. Bitte beschäftigen Sie sich nicht mit ihnen und geben Sie ihnen keine Informationen. Wir werden unser Bestes tun, um diese Benutzer zu vertreiben. In der Zwischenzeit können Sie sich am besten schützen, indem Sie überprüfen, mit wem Sie sich beschäftigen.
Alle unsere Support-Mitarbeiter haben in den Forengesprächen ein kleines Zahnradsymbol neben ihrem Namen. Sie werden auch nur aufgefordert, Domains eine E-Mail zu senden. Wenn Sie also jemand bittet, eine E-Mail an Outlook, Gmail oder eine andere E-Mail-Domain als zu senden, melden Sie ihn bitte sofort.
Wenn du kein Symbol siehst oder dir unsicher bist, wende dich bitte an mich oder einen unserer Vanguards, um zu bestätigen, dass es sich bei demjenigen, mit dem du kommunizierst, um unser offizielles Support-Team handelt.
Vielen Dank.
Post again about fake razer people again. Hmm
Estou com problemas na autenticação de dois fatores, estou tentando conectar de tds os jeitos e não estou conseguindo, nem meu número salvo tem aaaaaa
Not sure what language that is.
think one contacted me got my razer keyboard details to register it for me , as i was having trouble , havent heard from him since or my keyboard registration
Like they said the pay staff has a badge. I'm just owner I don't get a badge.
I'm not allowed to give official support just try to help always get support number that help you log into razer offiical support site.
think one contacted me got my razer keyboard details to register it for me , as i was having trouble , havent heard from him since or my keyboard registration
Do you have his nickname? Or whole conversation? Please DM me.
It's okay I tracked him down it was your new guy , trying to help , just hadn't got round to it yet ,that's all but woke me up to giving information out , thanks anyway .
it’s not enough that we to avoid FakeTaxi, now we need to avoid FakeStaff too?
Thanks for the heads-up! It’s really important to stay vigilant, especially when it comes to online support. Always double-check who you're communicating with and make sure they have the official gear icon. If something seems off, don’t hesitate to report it. Stay safe!
How do I actually talk to a human being on the razer site? I pay 3000 pound for a laptop, that the internal mic doesnt even sound normal.. is it broken? ffs Please someone help me with this as i’m going around in circles trying to get a response from “Razer”. Who do I speak to.. whats the number in the uk..? How do I get a simple answer to my question.. Come on Razer we need help with your shoddy overpriced products!
1st you need to go right place this is razer insider ,not sure they can help with that here , but who knows ,
Try looking fir the guys with razor badges and names and PM them for help , but I'm pretty sure you need head to the main website and support for there help.
Sorry if this info is not 100% I don't work here
No they have support staff helping on this website. But yes is great option or the razer portal website as well that records all the cases for customer support.
Okay only comes to me as a PM in email , so no idea if its seen also in public. , thanks for clarification..
And S is either a or a 5 help me here also someone else is trying without much success like myself...
Will I actually get support from the fake ones!? Because so far I have not had a SPECK of support from the real ones anyway!