New Razer Blackwidow v4 typing repeating issue | Razer Insider
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New Razer Blackwidow v4 typing repeating issue

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  • October 30, 2024

I am also having this issue. Mostly when pressing the keys: e, i, s, and space. It’s really not helpful when trying to learn how to program. I have tried a new USB port, removed and cleaned those specific keys/switches (helped temporarily), and deleting and re-downloading synapse. Nothing has permanently fixed the problem. :( It makes me feel less crazy to see everyone else having the same repetitive keys. It takes twice as much time to type anything since I have to go back and correct frequently. Do not recommend.


Same issue. I am annoyed.

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  • November 5, 2024

I have the same problem 🙄 (BlackWidow V4 Pro)

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  • November 10, 2024

Adding to this. I have a Blackwidow v4 Pro and I have a few characters that repeat (a, t, d, s are ones i remember off the top of my head).  I have tried on new computers and with my Macbook Pro for work but still seeing the same issue hard wired or through a USB Hub.

Blackwidow v4 Pro user for almost 1 year

Double or even triple typing appeard after roughly 6 months, got worse and worse. (mostly a and w keys)

It’s pathetic and sad that users should rely on a freaking 3rd party software from softpedia. 0 communication, 0 official response or useful solutions. Oh wait, have you tried cleaning your keyboard? have you tried unplugging it??? Please try using our keyboard without using our OWN software/management solution - which might be the cause of the issue! (Jesus Christ...)


Please dont waste your money on this keyboard. For me it was also the last Razer product.


I now hate words with the letter “a” in them, thanks Raazer (i left thaat sentence uncorrected)

-200bucks, -1 customer, lesson leaarned :)

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  • December 4, 2024
McDhickens wrote:

 I posted in here a while ago, and I recently replaced the razer orange switches for halo trues. I’ve had no issues since and am able to use the keyboard. Its a shame that the switches are so faulty cause I really liked the feel. For anyone wondering the halo trues are noticeably heavier than the orange switches. Its heavier than I would like it to be but I'd take this over the double typing any day. Some people in this thread have said good things about the AKKO V3 cream blues so I might give those a try in the future. But it really is pathetic that it’s pretty much a necessity to buy a whole new set of switches to even be able to use the keyboard properly. And even more pathetic that Razer has shown absolutely 0 effort to resolve this issue.

its been about 5 months with a new set of non razer switches and i have had the occurrence of a few keys starting to double type again. I really thought the switches were the issue so now im really thrown for a loop as to what is actually causing these issues. they are only barely happening now but im sure it will only get worse over time. at this point it really is seeming like the only way to rid myself of this problem is to just buy a new keyboard that isnt a piece of junk

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  • December 5, 2024

It's very funny actually. Got a replacement keyboard. While mine, the ‘non-working’ one, is being delivered to Razer, the ‘new’ one has had this same problem with duplicate or missing keystrokes. And on other keys

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  • December 12, 2024

I’ve the same issue with R & K key and probed whole net and did every solutions but still have the problem. This was my first Razer product and maybe it’ll be the last one.

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  • January 2, 2025

(all duuplicate typos left intentionally)

Raazer BW V4 here, same issue - braand new keyboarad. Tried all the recommended fixes with no success. Seeing the same issues on Windows 11 aand Fedora with OpenRazer + PolyChromatic. Currently have polling set to 125Hz and still seeing the issue. I can confidently say thaata the issue has become progressively worse over time.

Massively disaaappointed given the how expensive this keyboard is. As for the people who aare replacing keys aand jumping through hoops - good for you, but iin reality that shouldn’t have to be a thing.

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  • January 14, 2025

Hi, ive got a BW V4 Pro aswell and i just finally figured out how to fix it, at least for mine.

Go into Syanapse and on the Keyboard tab, turn down your Polling Rate.

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  • January 23, 2025

I've got a BlackWidow V4 X that is often either not registering keys or pressing keys double.

To me this started happening after cleaning the keyboard for the first time.

Quite a hardware issue if you'd ask me. It shouldn't double press / ignore keys after a cleaning job.
Many other keyboards work fine but Razer's quality control is terrible. IMHO, they should use their own products during work for better quality control before releasing the actual product.

Peripherals should be able to survive 4 to 6 years. Not 1 to 2 years or in some cases several months. Terrible.

Other companies can make better quality products, so should Razer.

But as long as people keep buying the products, despite being faulty quickly. Nothing is going to change. This is peoples own doing.

If this continues, I'll just stop buying Razer products as a whole. I'm done spending hundreds of euro's every few years for new gear that should've lasted longer.

They just keep milking and milking because they can.

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  • January 29, 2025

Hi, ive got a BW V4 Pro aswell and i just finally figured out how to fix it, at least for mine.

Go into Syanapse and on the Keyboard tab, turn down your Polling Rate.

Edit: Polling Rate dindt help, tried putting electronic cleaner on all of the switches, so far everything fine.


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