Razer Kraken Ultimate - THX Spatial audio no longer working | Razer Insider

Razer Kraken Ultimate - THX Spatial audio no longer working

Userlevel 3

Just yesterday, my headset was working fine including spatial audio. However for some reason today spatial audio isn't even being seen as an audio output option. In Synapse, I can toggle the spatial audio setting on and off, but it does not work. On top of this, the light indicator on my headset next to the button that toggles spatial audio no longer lights up. I cant find any reason why it would have stopped working so suddenly. There used to be an audio output option called “THX Spatial (Synapse)”.



119 Replies

Userlevel 2

another Synapse update, another UI rework, still no fix. After mutiple updates Kraken Ultimate still has 

  • No THX
  • No audio enhancements
  • No EQ
Userlevel 2

Quick Update: As expected the update did not make any difference. I guess the last thing remaining I have not tried yet - for obvious reasons - is to reinstall Windows… I may do that if I find the time...if this does not resolve it, I’ll move on. Would still have wished for a bit more support, acknowledgement, and interaction by Razer. 

Any luck 2 months later? I’m having the same problem, and I have for a while. I literally just clean installed windows, and it’s still an issue. Kraken Ultimates.

No Update….I still have an active and open ticket with support and provided them lots of information and logs. Just now I clean-installed Windows 11 23H2 myself but it is still broken:

  • No THX
  • No audio enhancements
  • No EQ 

Quick Update: As expected the update did not make any difference. I guess the last thing remaining I have not tried yet - for obvious reasons - is to reinstall Windows… I may do that if I find the time...if this does not resolve it, I’ll move on. Would still have wished for a bit more support, acknowledgement, and interaction by Razer. 

Any luck 2 months later? I’m having the same problem, and I have for a while. I literally just clean installed windows, and it’s still an issue. Kraken Ultimates.

This is the kind of thing that triggers CAL’s. The box clearly states my Kraken Ultimate comes with THX. Blatant false advertising.

Userlevel 2

Quick Update: As expected the update did not make any difference. I guess the last thing remaining I have not tried yet - for obvious reasons - is to reinstall Windows… I may do that if I find the time...if this does not resolve it, I’ll move on. Would still have wished for a bit more support, acknowledgement, and interaction by Razer. 

Userlevel 2

Just got the notification for another update dated January 11 2024. I’m installing it right now but am not expecting this to make any difference...I’ll post here what the result for me is



Userlevel 2

no. It seems like we have been abandoned...their update broke what was working fine before...and now they will just move on…

As I had said before, I’ve been using Razer products for a decade, but now I will have to consider moving on as well. Really unfortunate and sad.

I switched to the steelseries gg sonar application a long time ago! All problems are gone and the spatial sounds sound better! pubg is insane! The best thing is that my razer microphone sounds much better using sonar!

I feel scammed

Userlevel 3

So ?.

Razer are you listening ?. 

Userlevel 2

Yes, my device is listed and supposedly “fixed”. And yes since the “fix” Windows aduio changed the tag to THX, Synapse is detecting the headset as Kraken Ultimate and presenting the “THX/Stereo” switch.

However, EQ is not working,THX is not working, bass/mic settings are not working. None of the changes in the app are applied to the audio signal that is output to the headset. 


Installed the most recent update...no change



Userlevel 4

20231207 update does not work too. All the same. Drivers seems generic driver. Sound and microphone is garbage.

In my case the update gave me back thx 7.1 I have it through the Razer 7.1 Surround Sound app but when I put this at the output I do not have access to the equalizer since now the sypnase app forces me to output "game" if I do this I have stereo headphones with thx... unfortunate about the razer support

Userlevel 3

20231207 update does not work too. All the same. Drivers seems generic driver. Sound and microphone is garbage.

Userlevel 4

There are some obvious and persisting issues with the recent major changes to the drivers and Synapse. I can understand that errors and bugs can happen but I want them addressed correctly and fixed soonest. 


I am using Razer equipment for years by now and several headsets for the past 10 years. I’m not going to get a new headset that was working great just until this update and had “built-in” THX support what was the selling point back then.


I hope they get this fixed soon or revert to the state before...and next time check compatibility more thoroughly before making such a major change. If this is not resolved I dont see how I could trust Razer going forward so will look into a competitor instead. I’m not going to pay for THX app if I am already eligeble to use it on my Kraken Ultimate.

I don't think they are going to fix anything else, there is a list, as I already said, with the headphones that have sypnase 3 support. I don't know if yours are on that list or not... I contacted support and they only gave me instructions to follow. How to configure, I'm still the same as before... in game I only get stereo sound so I keep using the free 7.1 Surround Sound app but the thx doesn't work well... once when this started failing on reddit a person said that I had read on a page that they were stopping supporting older headphones so that people would buy the new models; I didn't believe it at the time but now I have my doubts... the update was a month ago and nothing has been fixed but in all the threads I've read of people complaining about sound problems, none of them mention a new device. .. I also wanted to continue using Razer, in fact I was very content with my Kraken Tournament but I see a dirty move on Razer's part to do this and also say that there is no need for that paid app when they continue to offer it on their page and they have also uploaded it the price... it doesn't make sense... Right now I'm between some Logitech and Corsair models... it bothers me because my Kraken Tournament worked well but to use them like this it's better not to use them

Userlevel 2

There are some obvious and persisting issues with the recent major changes to the drivers and Synapse. I can understand that errors and bugs can happen but I want them addressed correctly and fixed soonest. 


I am using Razer equipment for years by now and several headsets for the past 10 years. I’m not going to get a new headset that was working great just until this update and had “built-in” THX support what was the selling point back then.


I hope they get this fixed soon or revert to the state before...and next time check compatibility more thoroughly before making such a major change. If this is not resolved I dont see how I could trust Razer going forward so will look into a competitor instead. I’m not going to pay for THX app if I am already eligeble to use it on my Kraken Ultimate.

Userlevel 4

Could we ask for some Razer Support member addressing this in any way?

I have asked them about my Kraken Tournaments since in their updated list that I attached in the previous message where they say "systems with support for Razer Sypnase without the need to go to a paid app" my Kraken Tournaments no longer appear, only the new models appear... .and that the configuration that they offered for my device only received stereo audio... they have not answered me directly, I sent the message 3 days ago and they normally answer me from one day to the next, here they have not answered me so I don't know what do

Userlevel 2

Could we ask for some Razer Support member addressing this in any way?

Userlevel 4

It's incredible, before they DID come with THX sound and now they don't, you have to buy the application. As they were saying, it's a Razer strategy to make us pay more.

You are wrong, I am not going to buy the separate application, I am not going to pay anything from Razer again.

Not only does the sound have worse quality, I also have sound shocks that leave me deaf. All this didn't happen before. They leave us with sound quality identical to €10 headphones so that now we pay more.

I was clear that my next helmets were going to be Razer. but seeing all this, I don't want to know anything about Razer.


There are sites where they sell these headphones advertising THX and 7.1, should they be reported for false advertising? Should we report Razer for deceiving us?

I think the only way you can know if the additional payment program fixes the problems is by downloading it and trying it since the app has a 15-day trial... in my case I fixed 7.1 since taking the game option like them They rule in my kraken tournament I only had stereo sound... the thx according to the sypnase app "works" but then the sound is really quite bad that's why I think they have already done something with old devices... The only way I managed It will work 100% with the paid app since at the time I installed it during that trial period and it worked perfectly for both 7.1 and thx, as the thx spatial audio output option that was there before appeared again. .. but as you say, I am not in the business of paying for a service that in my case I have been using for free for 2 years.... I also do not understand what if this were not the case because my headphone model, yours and other people's It is not on this list... not even because since the update that changed the interface they still "haven't fixed it" I have to look at some reviews on YouTube about newer models to see if those who analyze the product mention anything about this problem

Userlevel 2

It's incredible, before they DID come with THX sound and now they don't, you have to buy the application. As they were saying, it's a Razer strategy to make us pay more.

You are wrong, I am not going to buy the separate application, I am not going to pay anything from Razer again.

Not only does the sound have worse quality, I also have sound shocks that leave me deaf. All this didn't happen before. They leave us with sound quality identical to €10 headphones so that now we pay more.

I was clear that my next helmets were going to be Razer. but seeing all this, I don't want to know anything about Razer.


There are sites where they sell these headphones advertising THX and 7.1, should they be reported for false advertising? Should we report Razer for deceiving us?

Userlevel 4

I have the Razer Kraken Ultimate headphones and up until just a few weeks ago, it was working fine.  Now all at once I have no audio at all.  My computer indicates that there is no audio device installed.  I reinstalled a clean copy of Razer Synapse, and it doesn’t even acknowledge that I have the Razer Kraken Ultimate headphones.  What in the world is going on?  The headphones are just a little over a year old, and they weren’t cheap.  I have run through as many of the troubleshooting links as I can find, and nothing seems to be helping.  I need some help with this.

Browsing the Razer website I have found an updated list with the headphones that are used with the Razer Sypnase without using an additional purchase and in my case Kraken Tournament no longer appears on that list just as their Kraken Ultimate headphones do not appear either... The list It is official because the date is updated as you can see above but I have contacted Razer support to find out more about this since until the updates in which the system began to fail I had the same availability as many other people of thx in your headphones... I have managed to get 7.1 to work since by setting the "game" option as they recommend I only choose stereo sound... But given this list I think that in cases like ours we only have to go to the game option pay $10 or buy another more modern model or go to another brand

the list: https://mysupport.razer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/13808

Userlevel 4

I have the Razer Kraken Ultimate headphones and up until just a few weeks ago, it was working fine.  Now all at once I have no audio at all.  My computer indicates that there is no audio device installed.  I reinstalled a clean copy of Razer Synapse, and it doesn’t even acknowledge that I have the Razer Kraken Ultimate headphones.  What in the world is going on?  The headphones are just a little over a year old, and they weren’t cheap.  I have run through as many of the troubleshooting links as I can find, and nothing seems to be helping.  I need some help with this.

Not even in Windows sounds do you see any output from your headphones? I mean by right clicking / sounds / playback?

I have the Razer Kraken Ultimate headphones and up until just a few weeks ago, it was working fine.  Now all at once I have no audio at all.  My computer indicates that there is no audio device installed.  I reinstalled a clean copy of Razer Synapse, and it doesn’t even acknowledge that I have the Razer Kraken Ultimate headphones.  What in the world is going on?  The headphones are just a little over a year old, and they weren’t cheap.  I have run through as many of the troubleshooting links as I can find, and nothing seems to be helping.  I need some help with this.

Userlevel 2

They say that under "applications" you can now see that THX is installed. This could already be seen before all these problems, it is nothing new.

Before the sound was clearer, it had better quality and when I switched to THX you could hear it differently, much better. Now having THX or not, it makes no difference, it doesn't work.

I don't care that it's "more modern and works better" now, I don't want what's there now, I want the sound as it was before, I want real quality sound. I want to see THX APO, not Generic USB and notice that sound improvement again.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, I'm getting rid of Razer.

Userlevel 4

After yesterday's update I had to reinstall everything again... it already worked well because it had 7.1, especially since before putting on sounds, Game, as they ask, had stereo audio... after yesterday's update where they said that the thx option would appear again as before, apart from not appearing, the 7.1 audio or anything in my headphones did not work, after reinstalling it and downloading the 7.1 again it worked as it had before... but the best way it worked for me is with the thx spatial paid application that is paid... definitely as soon as I can I will change my headphones I am very tired of sypnase and its updates

Userlevel 2

After the latest driver release I went ahead und clean uninstalled Razer Synapse, THX, deleted Razer folders under User Appdata, System Programdata and System Program Files, cleaned registry, restarted and followed Installer and Support instructions at 

 step by step...THX still not working on my Kraken Ultimate and Synapse Audio Enhancement and EQ settings show no effect.

Im on Windows 11 Pro Build 22631
