Razer Nari Ultimate rapidly disconnecting | Razer Insider
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Having the same issue as many others here - Razer Nari Ultimate worked fine for a long time now all of a sudden is rapidly disconnecting/reconnecting on PC/PS5 - causing playback issues and of course forcing me to use 3.5mm jack - reached out on twitter troubleshooted everything from the recovery tool to having my case escalated to “advanced support” but its been 5 days without reply

USB ports work for anything else just the headset keeps cutting out and its infuriating - please assist as this is my third locale for support

Same problem and out of warranty !

I contact Razer directly who ask me  questions and many no correspond to the problem.. no sense !
Are they want my d** size too ?

They know the problem et don't want to do anything !

I regret to bought this headphone !

bye Razer

Hello Guys! I have Nari Ultimate two years ago, and i had the same problem. I was lucky, because my warranty was live, and now, Nari is in service. But, i found a solution on the Reddit.. It’s connecting with a SMD fuse on the dongle. Maybe, it could help. Don’t forget, BE CAREFUL! (if you try this)  Read with attention, and follow the steps exactly. 

The Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/razer/comments/12jwyqh/razer_nari_ultimate_dongle_connection_issue/

Hello Guys! I have Nari Ultimate two years ago, and i had the same problem. I was lucky, because my warranty was live, and now, Nari is in service. But, i found a solution on the Reddit.. It’s connecting with a SMD fuse on the dongle. Maybe, it could help. Don’t forget, BE CAREFUL! (if you try this)  Read with attention, and follow the steps exactly. 

The Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/razer/comments/12jwyqh/razer_nari_ultimate_dongle_connection_issue/

If you are running Windows 11 and have the latest january security update installed on your computer, it might be the problem, i found this article from Windows Latest's website, talking about audio issues after Win 11 january security update:  Windows 11 KB5034123 January 2024 update won't install, users flag installation issues (windowslatest.com) if u wanna try some workarround you can remove this supossilly problematic KB by following this tutorial: How to uninstall an update on Windows 11 - Pureinfotech you should look at: KB5034123 in the installed updates list.

So there’s 2 problems that seem to cause this;
one is the known, that usb dongle just isn’t pulling enough juice and that “fuse” isn’t a fuse at all, it’s a resistor and bridging it is increasing the power (not entirely recommended)
secondly is weirdly the in the right ear cup, the circuit that controls the master volume, specifically the potentiometer itself.

You can determine which one is a problem by fiddling with the volume wheel and if the disconnects either stop or discernably change in frequency, then it’s the potentiometer and it needs to be replaced. If twiddling the wheel does nothing then the dongle is bad. The protocols of the dongle could be cracked and replicated mostly easily and replacement dongles could be fabricated. Razer could also give us schematics to aid repair and software to pair some generic replacement 2.4ghz dongles too, but razer aren’t a fan of you repairing their products, they’d prefer if you just spend hundreds more on the next device that’s designed to break/fail in 15~ months. Razer being anti-repair S.O.Bs and I can’t wait til they have to change their tune when the lawman comes



If anyone is still having problems with the connection and disconnection. I plugged my usb dongle to a 3.0 port on the motherboard from the back, instead of the regular 2.4 and the problem vanished instantly. I thought maybe the dongle needs a 3.0 usb port for it to function more efficiently? Also the range has also increased and no problems persisted. 
Hope this helps💪🏽



If anyone is still having problems with the connection and disconnection. I plugged my usb dongle to a 3.0 port on the motherboard from the back, instead of the regular 2.4 and the problem vanished instantly. I thought maybe the dongle needs a 3.0 usb port for it to function more efficiently? Also the range has also increased and no problems persisted. 
Hope this helps💪🏽

nice to know you didn’t fix anything and you have AMD very helpful, thanks!

Hello Guys! I have Nari Ultimate two years ago, and i had the same problem. I was lucky, because my warranty was live, and now, Nari is in service. But, i found a solution on the Reddit.. It’s connecting with a SMD fuse on the dongle. Maybe, it could help. Don’t forget, BE CAREFUL! (if you try this)  Read with attention, and follow the steps exactly. 

The Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/razer/comments/12jwyqh/razer_nari_ultimate_dongle_connection_issue/

Dude… this post is amazing and worked for me! no joke it fixed my issue! basically i bought my headset back in 2020 and literally 3 days after my warranty ended i started having this weird connection issue where my headset would connect to the dongle but once i try to play ANY audio, the dongle would freakout and rapidly reconnect. after dealing with razer support, which was no help at all cause it was past warranty and since i bought it from bestbuy, they asked me to deal with them. i gave up hope and left the headset in the closet for 2 years. randomly found this post after 2 years my headset is alive again! this man needs all the praise in the world and razer really needs to get their shit together

Same problem just happened 2 days ago cant fix it.. mine it not even 2 years old still warranty claim being dismissed on the website what a shit show.. 

is a probem with riot vangaurd i assume all of you have it 

is a probem with riot vangaurd i assume all of you have it 

since the update it been causing and issue where the synapse wont see the headset and makes it disco all the time i cant figure out how to fix it. if i delete vangaurd mine works fine. 

Same problem here. I spent 3 hours with Razer Support and after going through the troubleshooting questions (twice) and creating an account, the support representative suddenly had a problem sending a form to my email address? The same email address that they sent a confirmation email to 15 minutes earlier. Nothing in my Razer account accept the transcript of the chat sessions and 2 case numbers. Why can’t they post the required form there? I call BS on their 2 year warranty. This headset is less than 5 months old. I bought this on Amazon, anybody know if they will help with a manufacturer that won’t honor their warranty? Worth a try. 

Anyone find a solution besides bridging the resistor?

Anyone found another USB dongle that works?

Having the same issue just started all it’s doing is rapidly connection and disconnecting from my pc Bluetooth audio if there is a fix pls dm me. I've already tried a clean install of synapse and all but problem still pe

It’s highly likely that the dongle is defective. Please PM me your case number so I can coordinate with the relevant team and check our options. Thank you!

Can I also have help with this?

Hi guys!


Feel free to PM me the serial number of your headset so I can validate its model and check our options. Thank you!

Is this still applicable? 

Same question: is Razer.Zionzedd or another rep available to assist with this issue?

Hey guys, I found a fix for me at least. Two of my audio drivers were out of date. I updated them and it hasn't disconnected since. Hope this helps someone, that beeping was drivong me insane.

I may be too late from all of these but I'm currently experiencing the same thing ever since I tried plugging it to my new PS5 Pro and the admin here haven't given me any response for 6 days already 😭

Hello Guys! I have Nari Ultimate two years ago, and i had the same problem. I was lucky, because my warranty was live, and now, Nari is in service. But, i found a solution on the Reddit.. It’s connecting with a SMD fuse on the dongle. Maybe, it could help. Don’t forget, BE CAREFUL! (if you try this)  Read with attention, and follow the steps exactly. 

The Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/razer/comments/12jwyqh/razer_nari_ultimate_dongle_connection_issue/

for all those who keep on having the issue, the reddit post fix my issue, i wasnt careful enough to open the usb dongle without damaging the black cover of the usb, but the solder was OK and the issue was fixed.
