Peripherals (Mouse/Keyboard) disconnect many times | Razer Insider

Peripherals (Mouse/Keyboard) disconnect many times

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Razer Deathadder Elite and BlackWidow Elite here. First thing I have done was to disabled mouse lightning as I don't really need it. When I bought the mouse and installed Synapse 3 it was loosing mouse mat calibration multiple times per day. So I gave up with it. With Synapse 2 and no calibration it worked fine.
Later I bought the keyboard which is not supported by Synapse 2 unfortunately. With Synapse 3 I used only 10% brightness and static green lightning. The mouse was freezing again

Also sometimes I see the same letter typed multiple times like when I press and hold some key while keyboard keys are not stuck pushed down physically. It can also happen with control key - I have seen mouse zoom in and out when scrolling web pages. To fix this I just need to press the key which is affected by this software bug.

All right, I'll jump onboard the thread. As I start writing these words, I'm turning off Synapse too for it causes the disconnections.

I've had issues for so long I'm just shocked so many of you have come here to testify of that. I've tried a lot of basic things to try and figure out what was responsible - hardware or software. Turns out that's software.

My issues first started two years ago when I got the Chroma Headset stand. I noticed that it would go crazy at times, turning off and on for no reason every now and then - I went as far to ask what the hell was going on to Razer Support. Of course they offered to replace it. I didn't because the charges for sending it back were on me. Fast forward around January I'd say? I decide to plug it again for some reason, reminding myself what happened before. No issues. For some bizarre reason, the device was fine. Everything was smooth and working properly, I thought "yayn issue's fixed forever".

Turns out, no. I refreshed my Windows about a month ago (today as well a couple of times for something else, relating Philips' Hue app that doesn't work, same thing different to this Razer thing I swear). All my devices are plugged in, of course, and Synapse is automatically proposed to me. I say "Yes, I want my lighting and all that". Not even a minute with the freshly installed Synapse 3 that everything goes crazy again. I can't express how frustrating and painful it is to see this happen on ALL devices - Nari, Mamba, Hunstman, Firefly, and the freaking headset stand. Everything goes OFF every minute or so. I never use this as an argument but it's nervewracking to think that we pay from 80 to 150$ for each products and the software, that seems relatively basic (looking at you too, Hue Sync app), can't work properly and cause such problems! Anyways, I'm just tired of those small proprietary software that don't even do things properly.

When Synapse's removed, the stand does not even disconnect once. Nothing does, in fact.
Synapse 3 is killing our devices when it's supposed to unify them working better. Shame.
edit@: Mouse got disconnected again. I used 125 Hz pooling rate

Razer Deathadder Elite and BlackWidow Elite here. First thing I have done was to disable mouse lightning as I don't really need it. When I bought the mouse and installed Synapse 3 it was loosing mouse mat calibration multiple times per day. So I gave up with it. With Synapse 2 and no calibration it worked fine.

Later I bought the keyboard which is not supported by Synapse 2 unfortunately. With Synapse 3 I used only 10% brightness and static green lightning. The mouse was freezing again.


also anyone else get like random turbo mode on a single key when typing? like i'll be typing something and the next thing i know there is 25 of the last letter i typed.

Also sometimes I see the same letter typed multiple times like when I press and hold some key while keyboard keys are not stuck pushed down physically. It can also happen with control key - I have seen mouse zoom in and out when scrolling web pages. To fix this I just need to press the key which is affected by this software bug.

I use Dell Latitude E5450 (Nvidia 830M) with Dell USB 3.0 E-Port Plus Advanced Docking Station Replicator and 130W power supply. Both mouse and keyboard were plugged in to USB 2.0 ports on the left side of the docking station.

Since nothing worked, I decided to connect USB 3.0 docking station ports to Eizo Flexscan 2455 and 2450 and connect both mouse and keyboard to the 2450. USB 3.0 can deliver 900mA at 5V which is 4,5W instead of 500mA which is 2,5W for USB 2.0 I will let you know the result.
All right, I'll jump onboard the thread. As I start writing these words, I'm turning off Synapse too for it causes the disconnections.

I've had issues for so long I'm just shocked so many of you have come here to testify of that. I've tried a lot of basic things to try and figure out what was responsible - hardware or software. Turns out that's software.

My issues first started two years ago when I got the Chroma Headset stand. I noticed that it would go crazy at times, turning off and on for no reason every now and then - I went as far to ask what the hell was going on to Razer Support. Of course they offered to replace it. I didn't because the fees for sending it back were on me. Fast forward around January I'd say? I decide to plug it again for some reason, reminding myself what happened before. No issues. For some bizarre reason, the device was fine. Everything was smooth and working properly, I thought "yay issue's fixed".

Turns out, no. I refreshed my Windows in the beginning of september (today as well a couple of times for something else, relating Philips' Hue app that doesn't work, same thing different to this Razer thing I swear). All my devices are plugged in, of course, and Synapse is automatically proposed to me. I say "Yes, I want my lighting and all that". Not even a minute with the freshly installed Synapse 3 that everything goes crazy again. I can't express how frustrating and painful it is to see this happen on ALL devices - Nari, Mamba, Hunstman, Firefly, and the freaking headset stand. Everything goes OFF every minute or so. I never use this as an argument but it's nervewracking to think that we pay from 80 to 150$ for each products and the software, that seems relatively basic (looking at you too, Hue Sync app), can't work properly and cause such problems! Anyways, I'm just tired of those small proprietary software that don't even do things properly.

When Synapse is not present, the stand does not even disconnect once. Nothing does, in fact.
Synapse 3 is killing our devices when it's supposed to unify them working better. Shame.
Even when I deleted Synapse 3.0, the issue persisted, just not as often. Since I have moved both keyboard and mouse to direct PC connections, I haven't had a single drop out yet, even with Synapse 3.0 running.
i am have the same connecting and disconnecting issue. now i uninstall the Synapse 3.0, keyboard and mouse are working fine again now.
I'm really getting tired of this. Throughout the day both my Razer mouse and Razer keyboard disconnect and reconnect. I can be typing or hovering over something when it happens. I made sure that all USB power settings are set correctly. This doesn't happen if the Synapse software isn't installed. When using Synapse 3.0 it happens 3 times more than Synapse 2.0.

I have been suffering the same issue.
I have an Asus Tuf laptop with a Deathadder Elite and a Blackwidow Elite.
Keyboard and mouse disconnecting at random moments, multiple instances of a letter/number after the key has been released, as if a key has been held down.
Tried all the suggested solutions but none worked, altering settings in windows and removing software.
Due to the lack of USB ports on the laptop, I had been using a powered docking station.
Have tried three different ones/types, and powered USB 2 and USB 3 hubs, all with no success.
Finely, tried connecting mouse direct to laptop USB 2 port, and the keyboard to a direct USB 3 connection, using the spare USB 3 connection to connect my USB 3 hub and docking station.
Reinstalled Synapse 3 software and all is working correctly, at long last.
It would seem that Synapse 3 likes the hardware to be directly connected to the computer, no hubs or docking stations accepted.
I hope this holds out, and helps you.
I have heard this can be happening because of an issue with your bios
Just uninstall Synapse 3 is enough. Your peripheral will work but you won't be able to use any customisation.

please help me
its soooooooooooooooooooooo anoying
Just uninstall Synapse 3 is enough. Your peripheral will work but you won't be able to use any customisation.

He there is a problem it doesn’t work for me I don’t know how to uninstall can someone helm me?

I deleted it but it keeps doing it there have to be 1 file that I didn’t delete but were
Hé I just started my pc up.
And I have the same problem it’s going on and go off. I am so fucking scared that I can’t use my things anymore it was all my money. I tried to uninstall synapse but I can’t remove raser SDK.
Do I have to uninstall it? Or does it not matter at all. please help me out with this I am so sad right now.

If you have something to help me please mail me [email][/email]

sorry for my bad English I am from the Netherlands English is difficult .

Just uninstall Synapse 3 is enough. Your peripheral will work but you won't be able to use any customisation.
Hé I just started my pc up.
And I have the same problem it’s going on and go off. I am so fucking scared that I can’t use my things anymore it was all my money. I tried to uninstall synapse but I can’t remove raser SDK.
Do I have to uninstall it? Or does it not matter at all. please help me out with this I am so sad right now.

If you have something to help me please mail me [email][/email]

sorry for my bad English I am from the Netherlands English is difficult .

UPDATE: A week later, still not one disconnect/reconnect issue. I have not installed any of the Razer software still so my orbweaver is currently a paperweight.

Yes, thats it: no more Razer Software, no more problems. (But useless expensive devices).
Still a never ending story of an unable driver delvelopment team.
2 Years, for 2 Years I've been searching for an answer! THIS HAS SOLVED IT! Thank you, sir! Many Blessings Upon Thee, and good luck, Adventurer!

I did the same but no luck it didn't solve it at all...
Had same issue in windows 10, turns out in an update there is a USB power management called "USB Selective Suspend Setting" that was killing power briefly and causing constant disconnects my Razer gear.
Edit Power Plan > Change Advanced Power Settings > USB Settings > USB Selective Suspend Setting > Change to Disabled > Hit Apply and do a reboot
Have a good gaming session!

2 Years, for 2 Years I've been searching for an answer! THIS HAS SOLVED IT! Thank you, sir! Many Blessings Upon Thee, and good luck, Adventurer!
I've been fighting this issue for two years now when I built my last system and unfortunately bought my Keyboard/Mouse/BaseStation and headphones from Razer.

The only solution I've ever found was to uninstall Synapse 3 and just not use the RGB lights. What a waste of money.

Swapped USB Ports, purchased a new USB 3.0 powered hub, Reformatted,
Set all USB devices to never power down
Ok so thankfully i realized i'm not the only one with this weird/stupid/irritating issue! I have an orbweaver, the mouse mat, the mamba, and an ornata chroma keyboard. i have been searching, tweaking, rebooting, disabling and just wasting a crap load of time trying to figure out why windows keeps disconnecting and reconnecting my usb ports, even on a fresh install of windows and everything ... I have tweaked so many settings in windows now it crazy. I uninstalled razer's v3 software over an hour ago and haven't had any issues as of yet.

UPDATE, it took about an hour and the devices went through the disconnect/reconnect, then I unistalled the v2 software I needed for my orbweaver and it hasn't done it since. I'm installing windows again on a larger mechanical hdd, i have not installed any razer software and I have had one disconnect/reconnect at all...

UPDATE: A week later, still not one disconnect/reconnect issue. I have not installed any of the Razer software still so my orbweaver is currently a paperweight.
it is now 2020, and i am having the same issue on my HUNTSMAN TE.
any fix on this till now? or isit possible that its a faulty product?
I found a permanent "fix"!

So I'm new to Razer products and just purchased the Razer Basilisk Essential... only to have it stop working every few minutes until it reconnects again. Read through a bunch of forums and tried every power setting suggested with no luck. I agreed with some of the users on here who say it has to be a power draw or something... so, I simply tried turning my LED lights off through the Synapse software. Voilá! It's working fine now. LED's shouldn't draw that much power, but there must be a setting somewhere that Razer needs to fix with this. I tried turning the LED light back on to see if the issue came back and it did. I turned it back off again and so far, no problem. I don't really care about the LED lights, so this isn't a huge issue with me and I guess I'll keep the mouse as I like it otherwise.

I hope this helps some of you.
truly I think the only solution any of us are gonna get is to just simply wait for razer to fix this issue.

It's just sad because it seems to have even been going on years ago
truly I think the only solution any of us are gonna get is to just simply wait for razer to fix this issue.
I also found uninstalling Synapse 3 and opting for Synapse 2 to be the best possible solution. Unfortunate I can't use all my favorite customization features Synapse 3 has to offer, but I can't have my devices disconnecting every 15 seconds. I tried numerous other solution, spent hours trying to diagnose the issue and it almost certainly is an issue with Synapse 3. Very concern Razer is not acknowledging this issue nor have deployed a fix.

Yeah I guess I'll have to
Wanted to post an update of sorts here. Since my last post a few months ago, I have been solely using Synapse 2. Zero disconnects. This is clearly a Synapse 3.0 issue, so I would avoid using that for now. Only drawbacks are limited customization compared to 3.0, but hey, I’ll take working devices over that any day. I currently have my Ornata and Lancehead directly connected to my USB ports, with my Firefly connected to a USB hub. One Chroma device per port seems to work the best, and I have 4 other things connected to the hub with no issues (unless I try to use an external hard drive but that’s another story). The fix that works for me is Synapse 2. Not sure if it’s universal, but I thought I would share.

I also found uninstalling Synapse 3 and opting for Synapse 2 to be the best possible solution. Unfortunate I can't use all my favorite customization features Synapse 3 has to offer, but I can't have my devices disconnecting every 15 seconds. I tried numerous other solution, spent hours trying to diagnose the issue and it almost certainly is an issue with Synapse 3. Very concerning Razer is not acknowledging this issue nor have deployed a fix.

I will note: that my headset (but not my other peripherals) still disconnects now then, but much less frequently as it was before. The headset continues to make a "pop" sound, disconnect, then reconnect 3 seconds later.
hey yeh i have found the isssue restarted and can only fix by removing synapse must be an issue with the app which sucks because it worked awesome until the last update
