Synapse 3 for Mac | Razer Insider
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Hi all.

This post is to bring the attention of Razer's dev team and Razer's business strategic team to the need to update synapse at Version 3. I'm trying the new Mamba Elite and it's... absolute fantastic, better my old Mamba. I've tried it on my PC and on my Mac and Synapse 3 is necessary on both.

So, please, don't forget Mac community and make an update for Synapse: it's OK also a "light" version of drivers, without Chroma Lab, only for edit bottons on mouse and keyboard, macro and Chroma effects.


This will be nice to have a good present for xmas 🙂
I just ordered a Logitec G600, to give it a try. I have 2 Razer Chromas, and 1 Razer Trinity, on my 3 Macs. I am sick and tired of Razer's total lack of regard for Mac products. When I complained about Synapse 3 not being available for Mac (Synapse 2 sucks), I was told flat out that they have no plans to make it for Mac.
Guys, I went through a number of posts here and on reddit and it is clear that Razer ignore MacOS users. There is no feedback from them regarding whether they are working on full product support in MacOS. More than half a year past since people started to ask them for support.
I have just purchased a Razer Deathadder Essential and am very disappointed to find out that neither Synapse 2 or Synapse 3 can be used with this product on a mac computer. I understand that being in Beta there can be issues while the software is being improved, but not having any apple software at all for this product without any warning when purchasing seems rather unprofessional and very inconvenient for me the buyer. I hope a beta version of synapse 3 for mac is available soon so I don't have to return this product as I am usually a big fan of Razer products.
I just bought a huntsman and I'm extremely disappointed that Synapse 3 Beta is not available for mac. I have been a loyal razer customer for years. This is really sad. I own 2 orbweavers (chroma, original), Orochi, 2 nagas, and 2 black widow chromas. I really love the feel of the new purple switches and would love to switch to a huntsman but this is not going to work for me until I can fully edit the colors and profiles.
请支持mac os

please support mac os
Nearly mid-2019 now... Anybody got any news for an upcoming Synapse 3 for mac?
It’s like they don’t watch any posts that have the word Mac in it.
It’s like they don’t watch any posts that have the word Mac in it.

They're definitely watched. 🙂
I bought the Razer huntsman elite and it really is a fantastic keyboard but I am not sure that I am going to keep it as I use both a mac and a windows computer. Currently, my setup caters more toward me using my mac and for me to lose so much functionality in the form of not being able to use the main software required for this hardware to be worth the value. As synapse 2 is available for Mac I don't see why support has not been given to the newest edition of this software. This wouldn't even be AS annoying if there was a way to use the profile information that is saved to the keyboard when it is connected to my Mac but that is also not the case. Not only does this not work with the custom chroma settings but it also is the basic light settings. As far as I know, I can't even cycle through any of these presets without this software. Is there seriously NO way to make a version of synapse for mac that even has limited functionality? Just something to make this keyboard feel like it was worth the $200 price tag instead of a $40 Amazon board which allows you to cycle through the light presets just because it's plugged in. Come on Razer... Great hardware but just confusing implementation.
They're definitely watched. :)

Watched, and no official responses with any reasonable information. All we're looking for is if we should keep hope alive, or if we should return the keyboards since all of the functionality that we want resides on synapse 3.
PLEASE support macOS even it only has fundamental features, like control light and custom the buttons on mouse.
Please support Mac OS; some of us bought your products because Razer advertised them as being Mac compatible.
My Mamba + Firefly + Deathstalker 'work' but every so often the mouse freezes and requires me to pick it up and blow on it set it down and move it across the pad furiously to restore function. Its REALLY annoying. The opposite of the investments purpose. Disappointed. 😢

I am glad to know that it was them not me. :frown_:

Selling all Razer gear and moving on... Seriously - I have this overpriced crap that freezes - stops and starts and all because 64BIT is hard for Razer? - its always been overpriced glitz with crap function and so all going out the door.

Amazon sells keyboards, mice and pads with perty lights for 25% the cost of a razer that work in OSX HS / Mojave.

In addition, the site performance here in the forums is awful. I searched for something and then started typing this response. It just kicked back a search error 6 minutes later.

I was going to post more here but whats the point really - Macs are not typically gaming machines and Razer cant see the end of their noses over their glasses. Thats their choice.

Au revoir...

REALLY poor show, Razer. Synapse 2 for the Mac is horrible, especially after the move to Mojave. Gawd forbid I log out or worse, reboot the Mac. I have to manually kill Razer processes, Synapse, etc. and spend half an hour or more to get it working again.

Where the hell is Synapse 3 for the Mac? Or ANY reasonably working drivers?

Almost certain that what I currently own will be the last Razer hardware I ever buy.
yea its a drag - but like I said above - Macs are not Gaming focused and so Razer is not giving them many resources. They will get to it when they get to it - but I have reached out to Apple for comment since these products have the Mac Moniker on them, indicating that they support Mac OS.

Every one of my boxes has the moniker on it. Mouse Keyboard Matte/Pad. They charge a premium for these devices and claim on the box that they support Mac OSX.
Then they shouldn't sell products and claim they're Mac compatible! Synapse 2 is a joke and 3 is MIA.
Agreed. It looks like they are having enough trouble with the PC version of Synapse 3 actually - Personally I never liked the overlay - Its always been sort of poorly written and I would imagine trying to get their utilities authorized by Apple is a little more tedious than MS Windows.

But I do think the MACOS Moniker should be removed from the box and the existing products should have a HUGE ' DOES NOT WORK WITH OSX 64 BIT ' sticker slapped on them.
Yeah, 3's been in beta for AGES at this point. They obviously can't get their )#(%$ together on any platform.

...and they want to sell me a laptop? LOL. Fat chance. As it is, I needed new speakers a while back and briefly considered their new Chroma-enabled setup - before I came to my senses and bought elsewhere.
I would not consider Razer system. Period. They always look really cool, but given the support they display for their existing customers with 69$ mice, and 100$ keyboards, I would not want the aggravation of owning a 2700$ paper weight because they refused to update a driver at some point. I mean - screw me once on 250$ worth of Periph's and then expect me to make a major investment with you in hardware? Yea, No.
I'm also waiting for and EXPECTING Synapse 3 for Mac. Been doing so for quite a while now. Synapse 2 is mess, it's full of bugs and crashes from time to time. It crashes several times per week. And like someone else wrote, it is a hassle to get it started and working somewhat correctly again.

Please Razer, fix Synapse 3 for Mac ASAP!
I am frustrated hourly with this solution but have been too busy to replace them until now. Constantly picking up my mouse and blowing into the bottom and then running over the Razer pad furiously until the cursor reappears is just not something I can continue to deal with hourly.

I bought a 25$ HCMAN lighted keyboard and whiles its not near as in depth and (that I know of yet) has no Utility that runs in memory for fancy controls - its has basic light functions, works PERFECTLY with my mac - I tested EVERYTHING - Recovery combos, the works and all for 25$ price recently went up on Amazon to $32 US but Its packaging is top notch, very premium feel. Its loud click action may not be everyone.
They should either fix Synapse 2 (which is completely broken on Mojave, starts up properly about 1/3 of the times) or release a new Synapse 3.

This is really unprofessional.
Throwing in my vote here, too. It's time for Mac users to get software that unlocks all the hardware's promises.
Coming here to say I'm also frustrated with this. I have $500 of Razer peripherals. Looks like I can't buy many of the new ones because they are no longer compatible with Mac, and what I currently have is frustrating because synapse 2 crashes once any hour.

On Mojave it is now even worse and is routinely the cause of preventing my computer from waking from sleep or shutting down/restarting properly. I'm sick of waiting. Dealing with my computer freezing and having synapse 2 crash all the time is so frustrating that I'm going to spend another $500 somewhere else to replace all my Razer gear with Steelseries, Logitech or one of the many other companies that have actual Mac support.
Incredibly frustrated. Come on Razer. I know it's still in beta, but put some effort into Mac support, or I'll have to take my business elsewhere..